
      UBL是RBL引导启动的一段小程序,主要负责初始化时钟,串口,NAND,DDR2等,然后把uboot, kernel, rootfs复制到DDR2上并引导uboot。为什么UBL跟串口启动一起讲,那是因为这两个关系很密切,很多代码是共用的,而且代码都放在同一个目录下,所以就合起来一起讲了。




1. 各个makefile的修改



2. /psp/flash-utils/DM36x/Common/src/devices.c

     这个文件很重要,里面包括了所有的CPU内部接口的初始化,包括时钟,DDR2,串口......。要是换了DDR2那就得在这修改DDR的配置。因为这个文件没有定义CPU的主频和DDR2频率的配置,使用了默认的//Arm 297 DDR 243 MHZ,所以我再这个文件的头部定义了一个宏

    #define ARM432_DDR340_OSC24     


3. /psp/flash-utils/DM36x/Common/src/devices.c











其中sfh,sft,是一对,sfh(Serial Flasher host)是PC端的下载工具,sft(Serial Flasher target)是运行在ARM上的程序。编译sfh需要sfl文件,从UART启动时,RBL先跟sfh通讯把sft下载到IRAM中运行,然后sft通过跟sfh通讯,在PC端用命令行的方式把要下载的代码烧写到NAND上去。下面是使用的介绍:

Serial Flasher Usage


More info can be found by running the utility with the '-h' option.

               sfh_DM36x.exe  -h


1) Erase the NAND flash

                sfh_DM36x.exe -nanderase


2) Flash the NAND with a UBL and u-boot image

               sfh_DM36x.exe -nandflash 


The entry point of the UBL is assumed to be 0x0100, but this can be changed by using the -UBLStartAddr option.  The entry point and load address of the application default to 0x81080000 (u-boot defaults).  To change these values, use the -APPStartAddr and  -APPLoadAddr option.


NOTE: Currently, YOU MUST USE THE UBL BINARY CREATED BY THE UBL PROJECT IN THIS PACKAGE.  If you use any other UBL binary, the boot procedure will most likely fail.





Serial Loader Usage


More info can be found by running the utility with the '-h' option.

          slh_DM36x.exe   -h


1) Load a UBL or small UBL-like application to the DM36x IRAM

           slh_DM36x.exe  -load2IRAM   


2) Load a larger image compiled to run at start of DDR space

           slh_DM36x.exe  -load2DDR 


For the load to IRAM option, the file size is limited to 14KB, and the application assumes an entry point address of 0x0100 (the smallest allowed).  The entry point address canbe modified by using the -startAddr command line option, with the address specified in hex.


For the load to DDR option, the file size is limited to 32MB, and the application assumes a load address and entry point address of 0x80000000.

The entry point address can be altered by using the -startAddr command line option, as with the -load2IRAM case.  The load address can be altered from the default by using the -loadAddr command line option




由于使用sfh_DM36x.exe需要安装.Net Framework 2.0或更高的版本,所以先安装.net固件。



        sfh_DM36x -nandflash ubl_DM36x_nand.bin u-boot.bin -p "COM1"

       如果需要指定UBOOT的装在地址或入口地址的话需要加上-APPStartAddr 和-APPLoadAddr 指定。


2.把板子设为串口启动,BTSET[2:0]=011. 接上串口0,然后上电,成功的话会出现如下图所示:

