Numeric lenth(2);
Numeric malen(12);
Numeric ratio2(4.25);
Numeric InitialStop(31); //初始止损(千分之N)
Numeric TrailingStop1(47); //追踪止损启动(千分之N)
Numeric TrailingStop2(15); //追踪止损回落(千分之N)
Numeric tradBegin(915); //开仓时间
Numeric tradEnd(1430); //开仓截止时间
NumericSeries ATRDD; //ATR吊灯止损
Numeric OffSet(0);
Numeric atr;
Numeric UpperBand;
Numeric lowerBand;
Numeric MinPoint;
NumericSeries HighestAfterEntry;
NumericSeries LowestAfterEntry;
Numeric StopLine;
Numeric MyPrice;
bool timeCondition;
Numeric tmp;
Numeric tmp2;
bool volCondition;
bool longCondition;
bool shortCondition;
timeCondition=Time>0.0001*tradBegin And Time //-------------------------------------------------------------- if (BarsSinceEntry == 1) { HighestAfterEntry = AvgEntryPrice; LowestAfterEntry = AvgEntryPrice; } Else If(BarsSinceEntry > 1) { HighestAfterEntry = Max(HighestAfterEntry[1],High[1]); LowestAfterEntry = Min(LowestAfterEntry[1],Low[1]); } Else { HighestAfterEntry = HighestAfterEntry[1]; LowestAfterEntry = LowestAfterEntry[1]; } // 通道 MinPoint = MinMove*PriceScale; atr=Average(high[1]-low[1],lenth); Upperband=Average(open,malen)+atr*ratio2; LowerBand=Average(open,malen)-atr*ratio2; //PlotNumeric(“ub”,upperband); //PlotNumeric(“lb”,lowerband); //-------------------------------------------------------------- shortCondition=timeCondition and MarketPosition<>-1 && Low<=LowerBand ; longCondition=timeCondition and MarketPosition<>1 && high>=UpperBand ; //-------------------------------------------------------------- If(shortCondition) { MyPrice = LowerBand-OffSet*MinPoint; If(Open < LowerBand) MyPrice = Open-OffSet*MinPoint; sellshort(0,MyPrice); Return; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- If(longCondition) { MyPrice = UpperBand+OffSet*MinPoint; If(Open > UpperBand) MyPrice = Open+OffSet*MinPoint; Buy(0,MyPrice); Return; } //------------------------止损模块-------------------------------------- //止损离场处理 If(MarketPosition==1 && BarsSinceEntry >0) { StopLine = EntryPrice * (1-InitialStop/1000); //固定止损 If (HighestAfterEntry >= EntryPrice * (1 + TrailingStop1/1000)) //跟踪止损 { StopLine = HighestAfterEntry*(1-TrailingStop2/1000); } } If(Low <= StopLine) { MyPrice = StopLine; If(Open < MyPrice) MyPrice = Open; Sell(0,MyPrice); } Else If(MarketPosition ==-1 && BarsSinceEntry >0) { StopLine = EntryPrice * (1+InitialStop/1000); //固定止损 If(LowestAfterEntry <= EntryPrice*(1-TrailingStop1/1000)) //跟踪止损 { StopLine = LowestAfterEntry * (1+TrailingStop2/1000); } } If(High >= StopLine) { MyPrice = StopLine; If(Open > MyPrice) MyPrice =Open; BuyToCover(0,MyPrice); } End Params Numeric K1(0.6); Numeric K2(0.4); Numeric Mday(5); Numeric TrailingStart(39); Numeric TrailingStop(6); Vars Numeric v_li1(1); Bool v_zo1; Bool v_zo2; Numeric v_li2; Numeric v_li4; Numeric v_li5; Numeric v_li6; Numeric v_li7; Numeric v_li8; Numeric v_li9; Numeric v_li10; Numeric stop; Numeric MyPrice; NumericSeries HighestAfterEntry; NumericSeries LowestAfterEntry; Numeric Stopline; BoolSeries bOut; Begin if(date>20180501)return; If(!CallAuctionFilter()) Return; v_li1=BarsSinceToday() ; v_li5=Highest(HighD(1),(270/BarInterval * Mday) + v_li1) ; v_li6=Highest(CloseD(1),(270/BarInterval * Mday) + v_li1) ; v_li7=Lowest (LowD(1),(270/BarInterval * Mday) + v_li1) ; v_li1=Lowest (CloseD(1),(270/BarInterval * Mday) + v_li1) ; v_li7=(v_li6 - v_li7) ; v_li5=(v_li5 - v_li1) ; if (v_li5 >= v_li7) { v_li10=v_li5; } else { v_li10=v_li7; } If(BarType == 1 And Time == 0.1445)bOut=False; If(BarType == 1 And Time == 0.1452)bOut=False; if(Date != Date[1])bOut=False; v_li5= v_li10 * K1 ; v_li7= v_li10 * K2 ; v_li1=OpenD(0) + v_li5 ; v_li8=OpenD(0) - v_li7 ; if ((CurrentBar > (270 / BarInterval * Mday)) and (Time > 0.0915)) { if ((MarketPosition == 0) And !bOut) { if ((Close[1] >= v_li1)) { Buy(0,Max(Open,v_li1) ); Return; } if ((Close[1] <= v_li8)) { SellShort(0,Min(Open,v_li8)); Return; } } } if ((MarketPosition == -1) and (Close[1] >= v_li1)) { Buy(0,Max(Open,v_li1)); Return; } if ((MarketPosition == 1) and (Close[1] <= v_li8)) { SellShort(0,Min(Open,v_li8)); Return; } if (BarsSinceEntry == 1) { HighestAfterEntry = AvgEntryPrice; LowestAfterEntry = AvgEntryPrice; } Else If(BarsSinceEntry > 1) { HighestAfterEntry = Max(HighestAfterEntry[1],High[1]); LowestAfterEntry = Min(LowestAfterEntry[1],Low[1]); } Else { HighestAfterEntry = HighestAfterEntry[1]; LowestAfterEntry = LowestAfterEntry[1]; } If( Marketposition == 1 And BarsSinceEntry>0) { if(Close[1] <= Entryprice - EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000) { Sell(0, Open); PlotString(“Mark”,“止损”,Low,White); } } If(Marketposition ==-1 And BarsSinceEntry>0 ) { if( Close[1] >= Entryprice + EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000) { BuyToCover(0,Open); PlotString(“Mark”,“止损”,Low,White); } } If(MarketPosition==1 And BarsSinceEntry>0 And HighestAfterEntry>=EntryPrice*(1+TrailingStart/1000)) { If(Low <= HighestAfterEntry[1]-EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000) { MyPrice = HighestAfterEntry[1]-EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000; If(Open < MyPrice) MyPrice = Open; Sell(0,myprice); bOut = True; } } If(MarketPosition==-1 And BarsSinceEntry>0 And LowestAfterEntry<=EntryPrice*(1-TrailingStart/1000)) { If(High >= LowestAfterEntry[1] + EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000) { MyPrice = LowestAfterEntry[1] + EntryPrice*TrailingStop/1000; If(Open > MyPrice) MyPrice = Open; BuyToCover(0,MyPrice); bOut = True; } } End 下载地址:https://www.vifaka.com/item/72c7a13a8eb480ef