import java.util.HashMap;
* Vertex Class
* A vertex in the graph.
* Stores the id of the vertex and the edges.
* Eg. if this is Vertex1 and it connects to Vertex2
* this.edges[2] == edge between V1 and V2.
* The vertex class holds the "id" of the vertex and the
* edges connected.
* To be inserted into the graph.
public class Vertex {
private int id;
private HashMap edges;
* Initialises the vertex and the empty set of edges.
* @param id: the vertex ID.
public Vertex(int id) {
this.id = id;
this.edges = new HashMap<>();
* Get the vertex ID.
* @return - The id of the vertex.
public int getId() {
return this.id;
* Return the edges for this node.
* @return: The map of edges for this node.
public HashMap getEdges() {
return this.edges;
* Return the edge from this vertex to the given
* vertex if exists.
* @param v (Vertex class) - The destination for the edge.
* @return: The edge to the vertex or null.
public Edge getEdgeTo(Vertex v) {
return this.edges.get(v.getId());
* Add the edge to the "Adjacency List"
* @param v: The vertex this edge is connected to.
* @param e: The edge between this vertex and the given vertex.
public void addEdge(Vertex v, Edge e) {
this.edges.put(v.getId(), e);
* Edge Class
* Provides the "lifetime" between two vertices
* that are in a graph.
* Edge class holds the lifetime between two vertices.
public class Edge {
private Vertex a;
private Vertex b;
private int lifetime;
* Initialises the edge with two vertices
* @param a - The vertex to connect the edge to.
* @param b - The vertex to connect the edge to.
* @param lifetime - The lifetime between two vertices
public Edge(Vertex a, Vertex b, int lifetime) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.lifetime = lifetime;
* ToString method, allows the edge to be printed in the results.
* @return String representation of the edge.
public String toString() {
return String.format("V%s-%d-V%s", this.a.getId(), this.lifetime, this.b.getId());
* Gets the lifetime of the edge.
* @return - The lifetime of the edge.
public int getLifetime() {
return lifetime;
* Return the vertex A of the edge.
* @return vertex A
public Vertex getA() {
return a;
* Return the vertex B of the edge.
* @return vertex B
public Vertex getB() {
return b;
import com.sun.deploy.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.omg.IOP.CodeSets;
import java.util.*;
* Lifetime Graph
* Holds a graph of vertices where the edges between vertices has a lifetime.
* The graph is implemented using an adjacency list.
* The lifetime graph to implement.
* Implement the methods for adding an edge, getting the edge set and
* finding the lifetime path.
public class LifetimeGraph implements GraphInterface {
private HashMap adjacencyList;
* Initialises the grpah with an empty adjacency list.
public LifetimeGraph() {
this.adjacencyList = new HashMap<>();
* Add an edge to the graph between the given vertices (a, b)
* If the vertex doesn't exist, then create the vertex and add it to
* the adjacency list.
* @param a: Vertex A ID
* @param b: Vertex B ID
* @param lifetime: Lifetime of the edge.
public void addEdge(int a, int b, int lifetime) {
Vertex vertex_a = adjacencyList.get(a);
Vertex vertex_b = adjacencyList.get(b);
if(vertex_a == null) {
vertex_a = new Vertex(a);
adjacencyList.put(a, vertex_a);
if(vertex_b == null) {
vertex_b = new Vertex(b);
adjacencyList.put(b, vertex_b);
Edge edgeTo = vertex_a.getEdgeTo(vertex_b);
if(edgeTo == null) {
vertex_a.addEdge(vertex_b, new Edge(vertex_a, vertex_b, lifetime));
vertex_b.addEdge(vertex_a, new Edge(vertex_b, vertex_a, lifetime));
} else {
private Integer[] setToArray(Set values) {
Iterator iterator1 = values.iterator();
Integer[] integers = new Integer[values.size()];
int i = 0;
while(iterator1.hasNext()) {
integers[i] = iterator1.next();
return integers;
* Return the set of edges in the graph
* The edges should be returned in order of vertices,
* e.g. loop through vertices from 0-N.
* @return: List of edges in the graph.
public Edge[] edges() {
Set set = adjacencyList.keySet();
Integer[] integers = setToArray(set);
int i = 0;
LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList<>();
for(i = 0; i < integers.length; i++) {
int node = integers[i];
Vertex vertex = adjacencyList.get(node);
HashMap edges = vertex.getEdges();
Set integers1 = edges.keySet();
Integer[] integers2 = setToArray(integers1);
for(int j = 0; j < integers2.length; j++) {
if(integers2[j] > node) {
Edge[] edges1 = linkedList.toArray(new Edge[linkedList.size()]);
return edges1;
* Return a maximum lieftime path between two vertices.
* @param start: (int) The ID of vertex A to begin the path.
* @param end: (int) The ID of vertex B to end the path.
* @return: The list of edges that create the path.
public Edge[] lifetimePath(int start, int end) {
LinkedList> allPaths = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList list = new LinkedList<>();
addPath(allPaths, list, start, end);
return findMaxLifeTimePath(allPaths);
public void addPath(LinkedList> allPaths, LinkedList path, Integer node, Integer end) {
if(node == end) {//当遇到要达到的那个结点时,递归就结束了,只需要把路径加入到所有路径的list中
} else {
Vertex vertex = adjacencyList.get(node);
HashMap edges = vertex.getEdges();
Set integers = edges.keySet();
Iterator iterator = integers.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Integer next = iterator.next();
if(path.contains(next)) {
addPath(allPaths, new LinkedList<>(path), next, end);
private Edge[] findMaxLifeTimePath(LinkedList> allPaths) {
Iterator> iterator = allPaths.iterator();
LinkedList max = null;
int maxLifeTime = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
// int sum = -1 >>> 1;
int sum = 0;
LinkedList next = iterator.next();
LinkedList next2 = new LinkedList<>();
Integer pop = next.pop();
while(!next.isEmpty()) {
Integer pop1 = next.pop();
Vertex vertex = adjacencyList.get(pop);
Edge edgeTo = vertex.getEdgeTo(adjacencyList.get(pop1));
int lifetime = edgeTo.getLifetime();
sum += lifetime;
pop = pop1;
if(sum > maxLifeTime) {
// if(sum > maxLifeTime || max.size() > next2.size()) {
maxLifeTime = sum;
max = next2;
Edge[] edges = new Edge[max.size()-1];
int i = 0;
Integer pop = max.pop();
while(!max.isEmpty()) {
Integer pop1 = max.pop();
Vertex vertex = adjacencyList.get(pop);
Edge edgeTo = vertex.getEdgeTo(adjacencyList.get(pop1));
pop = pop1;
edges[i++] = edgeTo;
return edges;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LifetimeGraph lifetimeGraph = new LifetimeGraph();
* V0-1-V1 V0-2-V2 V0-6-V3 V0-1-V4 V0-1-V5
* V0-1-V6 V0-1-V7 V1-8-V2 V1-5-V7 V2-8-V3
* V3-8-V4 V4-8-V5 V5-8-V6 V6-8-V7
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 1, 1);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 2, 2);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 3, 6);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 4, 1);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 5, 1);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 6, 1);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(0, 7, 1);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(1, 2, 8);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(1, 7, 5);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(2, 3, 8);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(3, 4, 8);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(4, 5, 8);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(5, 6, 8);
lifetimeGraph.addEdge(6, 7, 8);
Edge[] edges = lifetimeGraph.lifetimePath(6, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
private Edge[] findMaxLifeTimePath(LinkedList> allPaths) {
Iterator> iterator = allPaths.iterator();
LinkedList max = null;
int maxLifeTime = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
int sum = -1 >>> 1;
// int sum = 0;
LinkedList next = iterator.next();
LinkedList next2 = new LinkedList<>();
Integer pop = next.pop();
while(!next.isEmpty()) {
Integer pop1 = next.pop();
Vertex vertex = adjacencyList.get(pop);
Edge edgeTo = vertex.getEdgeTo(adjacencyList.get(pop1));
int lifetime = edgeTo.getLifetime();
sum = sum > lifetime ? lifetime : sum;//一条路径的最大生存时间由该路径中lifetime最小的那条edge来决定
pop = pop1;
if(sum >= maxLifeTime) {
if (sum > maxLifeTime || max.size() > next2.size()) {
maxLifeTime = sum;
max = next2;