1.源文件(设计文件,design under test/DUT)
3.*.do文件 (用于执行仿真过程、指定生成报告的存放路径等)
1. dut.do文件:
do dut_tb_logic.tcl
vcover merge ../testbench/dut_ucdb dut_tb_ucdb
vcover report -output ../testbench/dut_report ../testbench/dut_ucdb
write transcript ../testbench/dut_transcript.txt
2. dut_tb.tcl文件举例:
# Modelsim-Tcl script to run the DUT
# Make work directory
if {[file exists work]} {
file delete -force work
vlib work
puts "Successfully Created work directory"
} else {
vlib work
puts "Successfully Created work directory"
# Local RTL files
vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut1.vhd -cover bcesxf
vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut2.vhd -cover bcesxf
vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut3.vhd -cover bcesxf
vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut4.vhd -cover bcesxf
vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut.vhd -cover bcesxf
# Local Testbench Components and stimuli
vcom -work work -93 ../testbench/dut_tb.vhd -cover bcesxf
# echo '*********** Set Test Case Parameters: *********************'
# echo '*********** $1
# echo '*********** $2 <$RANDOM> *************'
# Load and Simulate the testbench
# The following Libraries are precompiled libraries provided in
# Modelsim Xilinx Edition
vsim -t ps -coverage work.dut_tb
log -r /*
# Add Waves
add wave -r sim:/dut_tb/uut/*
add wave -r sim:/dut_tb/*
# Perform Simulation
run -all
coverage report -file ../testbench/dut_tb_report.txt
coverage save ../testbench/dut_tb_ucdb
1. 带#的行为注释行。
2. vcom -work work -93 ../RTL/dut1.vhd -cover bcesxf此行中的/RTL与do文件中的/testbench都处于同一目录下,其中/RTL用于存放源文件,文件夹的名字自定义即可。
-cover bcesxf字段表示覆盖率统计的几项指标,其具体解释如下
Each character in bcesxf identifies a type of coverage statistic: "b" indicates branch, "c" indicates condition, "e" indicates expression, "s" indicates statement, "t" indicates 2-transition toggle, "x" indicates extended 6-transition toggle coverage (t and x are mutually exclusive), and “f” indicates Finite State Machine coverage.
Because accelerated subprograms require attributes that are available only under the 1993 standard, many of the libraries are built using vcom with the -93 option.
3. vcom -work work -93 ../testbench/dut_tb.vhd -cover bcesxf 此行是对testbench进行覆盖率统计,统计指标为bcesxf
4. vsim -t ps -coverage work.dut_tb 此行是指定仿真精度,此处为ps级,也可以定义为100ps或者ns等,详细可以见modelsim中下拉菜单选择,其中default表示ns级精度。
5. add wave -r sim:/dut_tb/uut/*
add wave -r sim:/dut_tb/*
6. run -all 表示一直跑仿真,此处也可以指定自定义的仿真时间长度。
7. coverage report -file ../testbench/dut_tb_report.txt
coverage save ../testbench/dut_tb_ucdb
当设计好testbench并建好相应的do文件和Tcl文件之后,就可以在modelsim中跑仿真了。方法是打开modelsim-file-change directory,然后指定至存放do文件和Tcl文件的文件夹,即本例中的/testbench,然后在Transcript中键入 do dut.do即可自动执行仿真过程。