笃学奖-Topic 4-A16241-甘比精读

Day 1


cardiac means relating to the heart.
the king was suffering from cardiac weakness.

  • cardiac arrest 心脏停博

  • cardiopulmonary

  • resuscitation

  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏

  • manifestation
    n. 表示,显示,示威
    The riots are a clear manifestation of the people's discontent.骚乱清楚地表明了人们的不满情绪。

  • implement

  1. verb. 履行;实施
    if you implement something such as a plan, you ensure that what has been planned is done.
    The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institution.
    2)n-count 工具,器具,用具
    an implement is a tool or other piece of equipment.
    ...knives and other useful implements
  • ambitious
    an ambitious idea or plan is on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully.
    The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.

  • equivalent

  1. n-sing 等同物,等值物,对应物
    if one amount or value is the equivalent of another,they are the same.
    The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。
    2)n-count 相等物,对应物,对应者
    the equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place,time or system.
    ...the civil administrator of the West Bank and his equivalent in Gaza约旦河西岸的民政官和加沙的同职官员。
    3)n-sing (强调效果的强烈或严重)相当于..的事情
    You can use equivalent to emphasize the severe effect of something.
    His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fetal heart attact. 他所在的政党刚刚经历老人一次类似心脏病突发般几近致命的打击。
  • fraction
    n-count 少量;小份;一点儿
    a fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportiong of it.
    She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.她在回答之前犹豫了一下。
    2)n-count 分数
    a fraction is a number that can be expressed as a proportion of two whole numbers, For example,1/2and 1/3are both fraction.
    The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们掌握了小数百分数和分数。

  • sift
    to put flour or some other fine substance through a sieve.
    Sift the flour into a bowl.
    to examine with very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find sth improtant.
    we will sift every scrap of evidence.
    3)v. sift sth out from sth 区分;挑选;精选
    to separate sth from a group of things.
    She looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting.

  • diagnose
    v.diagnose sb (as/with) sth 诊断(疾病),判断(问题的原因)
    to say ecactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is
    The test is used to diagnose a variaty of diaseases

  • comprise

  1. (also be comprised of ) to have sb/sth as parts or members 包括;包含;由..组成
    The collection comprises 327 paintings.
    2)to be the parts of members that form sth 是(某事物的)组成部分;组成;构成
    Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty.在那些生活贫困的人中,老年人占有很大的比例。
  • pharmaceutical
    connected with making and selling drugs and medicines
    pharmaceutical products

  • incumbent
    1)n-count 现任官员;在职官员
    the incumbent is someonw who holds an official post at a particular time.
    In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.
    if it is incumbent upon to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it.
    It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.

  • backdrop
    1)N-coount(挂在舞台后的)彩画幕布,背景幕布 (实物或景象)背景,衬托
    a backdrop is a largr piece of cloth, ofen with scenery painted on it ,that is hung at the back of stage while a play is being performed.
    》》Leeds castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next saturday.
    the backdrop on an event is the general situation in which it happens.
    》》The election will take placr against a backdrop of increasing instability./选举将在动荡不安的局势下进行。

  • hedge
    1)N-count 树篱
    a hedge is a row of busher or small trees,usually along the edge of a garden,field,or road.
    2)verb 防备,防范(尤指金钱损失)
    if you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money,you do something which will protect you from it.
    》》You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.
    3)N-count 防护物,防备手段,防范措施
    something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.
    》》Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation/

  • blockbuster
    A blockbuster is a film or book or person that is very popular and seccessful, usually because it is very exciting.

  • devise
    if you devise a plan,system ,or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.
    》》We devised a scheme to help him.

Day 2 Mindmap

笃学奖-Topic 4-A16241-甘比精读_第1张图片

笃学奖-Topic 4-A16241-甘比精读_第2张图片

Day 3 总结反思

首先依旧是对比自己和安妮的思维导图,在这篇文章拿到手说要做思维导图的时候基本上是无从下手的,第一天也没有很认真的看文章。今天将文章仔仔细细通读一遍之后,发现文章的脉络其实很清晰,文中直接指出“three groups are fighting a war”,有了三方固定不变的对象,紧接着全文针对着三方展开,分别说明了digital healthcare对其的影响。而与其关联最多的对象patient贼势贯穿全文,最后点出the biggest winner is patient. 读至此,导图的基本脉络已经出来,之后要做的就是忘树枝上面添加树叶。我的不足之处在于,没有照顾到细节,安妮在理patient的时候将其所获的利和相对应的tech 都一一连了起来,一目了然,而我基本是没有这么做的。还有就是每一个板块之间的联系我也没有理得很好 像big data,cost-saving等。还有就是一些点的总结我是完全做不出来的,例如automation but services less needed,need to develop patient-centre instead of sales-centre 这个方面以后我要加强训练。

This eassy is mainly talking about the influence of digital healthcare giving to the three groups and patients. I want to talk about the patient part. It's true that more and more people use their digital devices to exercise and monitor their health conditions. We do not to discuss that how long they can keep going. To begin a new kind of life is a very delighting thing. The technology does really change our life. In China, because of the large population, to see a doctor is a very difficult thing. With the showup of some apps and firms, it can solve this problem. So many people may get survived just because this technology. The core of technology is to make convenience for people rather than to occupy lands or markets. However , at the same time we enjoy the convenience, we should take care of our privacy.

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