bom批量传入修改接口,单个RESTlet超脚本治理用量限制(5000),可以考虑在RESTlet中调用MapReduce脚本提交作业实例,新作业不受用量限制,可以自包容处理超用量问题(白皮书:如果map /reduce作业违反了NetSuite治理的某些方面,则map/reduce框架会自动生成作业并重新安排其工作以供日后使用,而不会中断脚本)。
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Restlet
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
* @NAmdConfig /SuiteScripts/intretech/config.json
* @author Zhu Yanlong
// PUT
define([ 'N/record', 'N/search', 'N/runtime', 'N/task', 'dao' ],
* @param {record} record
* @param {search} search
* @param {runtime} runtime
* @param {task} task
* @param {dao} dao
function(record, search, runtime, task, dao) {
* Function called upon sending a PUT request to the RESTlet.
* @param {string | Object} requestBody - The HTTP request body; request body will be passed into function as a string when request Content-Type is
* 'text/plain' or parsed into an Object when request Content-Type is 'application/json' (in which case the body must be a valid JSON)
* @returns {string | Object} HTTP response body; return string when request Content-Type is 'text/plain'; return Object when request Content-Type is
* 'application/json'
* @since 2015.2
function doPut(requestBody) {
log.audit("Remaining governance units start: " + runtime.getCurrentScript().getRemainingUsage());
var mapReduceScriptTask = task.create({
taskType : task.TaskType.MAP_REDUCE
mapReduceScriptTask.scriptId = 'customscript_if_bom_update_mapreduce';
mapReduceScriptTask.deploymentId = 'customdeploy_if_bom_update_mapreduce';
mapReduceScriptTask.params = {
"custscript_requestbody" : requestBody
var mapReduceScriptTaskId = mapReduceScriptTask.submit();
var taskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId : mapReduceScriptTaskId
log.debug("taskStatus: " + taskStatus.status);
while (taskStatus.status === 'PENDING' || taskStatus.status === 'PROCESSING') {
taskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId : mapReduceScriptTaskId
log.debug("taskStatus: " + taskStatus.status);
if (taskStatus.status == 'COMPLETE')
else if (taskStatus.status == 'FAILED')
log.audit("Remaining governance units end: " + runtime.getCurrentScript().getRemainingUsage());
return {
'MapReduceScriptTaskStatus' : taskStatus
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds) {
//======================辅助函数 end=======================//
return {
put : doPut
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType MapReduceScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
* @NAmdConfig /SuiteScripts/intretech/config.json
define([ 'N/runtime', 'N/record', 'N/error', 'N/email', 'N/log', 'utils', 'dao' ],
* @param {runtime} runtime
* @param {record} record
* @param {error} error
* @param {email} email
* @param {log} log
* @param {utils} utils
* @param {dao} dao
function(runtime, record, error, email, log, utils, dao) {
function handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, stage) {
log.error('Stage: ' + stage + ' failed', e);
var author = 27;
var recipients = '';
var subject = 'Map/Reduce script ' + runtime.getCurrentScript().id + ' failed for stage: ' + stage;
var body = 'An error occurred with the following information:\n' + 'Error code: ' + + '\n' + 'Error msg: ' + e.message;
author : author,
recipients : recipients,
subject : subject,
body : body
function handleErrorIfAny(summary) {
var inputSummary = summary.inputSummary;
var mapSummary = summary.mapSummary;
var reduceSummary = summary.reduceSummary;
if (inputSummary.error) {
var e = error.create({
message : inputSummary.error
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, 'getInputData');
handleErrorInStage('map', mapSummary);
handleErrorInStage('reduce', reduceSummary);
function handleErrorInStage(stage, summary) {
var errorMsg = [];
summary.errors.iterator().each(function(key, value) {
var msg = 'Failure update from BOM data: ' + key + '. Error was: ' + JSON.parse(value).message + '\n';
return true;
if (errorMsg.length > 0) {
var e = error.create({
message : JSON.stringify(errorMsg)
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, stage);
function createSummaryRecord(summary) {
try {
var seconds = summary.seconds;
var usage = summary.usage;
var yields = summary.yields;
var rec = record.create({
type : 'customrecord_summary',
fieldId : 'name',
value : 'Summary for M/R script: ' + runtime.getCurrentScript().id
fieldId : 'custrecord_time',
value : seconds
fieldId : 'custrecord_usage',
value : usage
fieldId : 'custrecord_yields',
value : yields
} catch (e) {
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, 'summarize');
* Marks the beginning of the Map/Reduce process and generates input data.
* @typedef {Object} ObjectRef
* @property {number} id - Internal ID of the record instance
* @property {string} type - Record type id
* @return {Array|Object|Search|RecordRef} inputSummary
* @since 2015.1
function getInputData(context) {
log.audit("Remaining governance units start: " + runtime.getCurrentScript().getRemainingUsage());
return utils.string2JSONObject(runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter('custscript_requestbody'));
* Executes when the map entry point is triggered and applies to each key/value pair.
* @param {MapSummary} context - Data collection containing the key/value pairs to process through the map stage
* @since 2015.1
function map(context) {
title : "mapContext 1",
details : context
var i = 0;
var bomList = JSON.parse(context.value);
bomList.forEach(function(b) {
key : i,
value : b
* Executes when the reduce entry point is triggered and applies to each group.
* @param {ReduceSummary} context - Data collection containing the groups to process through the reduce stage
* @since 2015.1
function reduce(context) {
title : "reduceContext context key",
details : context.key
title : "reduceContext context values[0] before JSON.parse",
details : context.values[0]
title : "reduceContext context values[0] after JSON.parse",
details : JSON.parse(context.values[0])
var result = dao.upsertBomAllRecord('PUT', JSON.parse(context.values[0]));
// end 更新BOM数据
key : context.key,
value : result
title : "reduceContext result",
details : context
title : "reduceContext context",
details : 'key: ' + context.key + ', value: ' + context.value
* Executes when the summarize entry point is triggered and applies to the result set.
* @param {Summary} summary - Holds statistics regarding the execution of a map/reduce script
* @since 2015.1
function summarize(summary) {
title : "summary",
details : summary
log.audit("Remaining governance units end: " + runtime.getCurrentScript().getRemainingUsage());
return {
getInputData : getInputData,
map : map,
reduce : reduce,
summarize : summarize
参考: Answer Id: 80924 - Map/Reduce Script called by RESTlet Fails
When calling a Map/Reduce Script from a RESTlet using task.create(), the Map/Reduce Script fails when using a non-admin role. To resolve this, the role used to execute the RESTlet should have the Documents and Files Permission. Here’s how to set that up:
解决:Navigate to (Administrator) Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > Edit the Role used to execute the RESTlet
Under the Permissions tab > Lists subtab > Add the Permission: Documents and Files and set the Level: Full
Click Save