

show databases; 


create database human_resources;


show database like 'h.*';


create database financials
location 'my/dir'


create database financials
comment 'Holds all financials tables';


describe database financials;


create database financials
with DBPROPERTIES ('creator' = 'Hxh', 'date' = '2010-10-10');


use financials;


set hive.cli.print.current.db=true;


drop database if exists financials;


drop database if exists financials CASCADE;


alter database financials set DBPROPERTIES('edited-by'='hugh')

–(/user/hive/warehouse/ 是默认的’数据仓库’路径地址)

create table if not exists mydb.employees(
	name		 string comment 'Employee name',
	salary		 float comment 'Employee salary',
	sybordinates Array comment 'Names of subordinates',
	deductions	 Map
				 comment 'Keys are deductions names,values are percentages',
	address		 struct
				 comment 'home address')
comment 'Description of the table'
tabproperties ('creator'='me','created_at'='2010-10-10')
location '/user/hive/warehouse/mydb.db/employees';


create table if not exists mydb.employees2
like mydb.employees;


use mydb;
show tables;
use employees;


describe extended mydb.employees;


describe mydb.employees.salary;


create external table if not exists stocks(
	exchange	string,
	symbol		string,
	ymd			string,
	price_open	float,
	price_high	float,
	price_low	float,
	price_close float,
	volume		int,
	price_adj_close float)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
location '/data/stocks'


create external table if not exists mydb.employees3
like mydb.employees
location '/path/to/data';


create table employees(
	name		 string comment 'Employee name',
	salary		 float comment 'Employee salary',
	sybordinates Array comment 'Names of subordinates',
	deductions	 Map
				 comment 'Keys are deductions names,values are percentages',
	address		 struct
partitioned by (country string, state string)




select * from employees
where country = 'US' and state = 'IL';


set hive.mapred.mode=strict;


set hive.mapred.mode=nostrict;


show partitions employees;


show partitions employees partition(country='US');


describe extended employees;

–partition 分区
–row format 行 格式
–delimited 划界,限制
–terminated 结束(分隔符)

create external table if not exists log_messages(
	hms			int,
	severity	string,
	server		string,
	process_id	int,
	message		string)
partitioned by (year int,month int,day int)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';


show partitions log_messages;


describe extended log_messages;


describe extended log_messages partition (year=2012, month=1, day=2);

–自定义表存储格式:stored as textfile(同时指定各种分隔符)

create table employees(
	name		 string,
	salary		 float,
	sybordinates Array,
	deductions	 Map,
	address		 struct
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\001'
collection items terminated by '\002'
map keys terminated by '\003'
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile;

–指定输入输出格式(stored as xxx)

create table kst
partitioned by (ds string)
row format serde 'com.linkedin.haivvreo.AvroSerDe'
with serdeproperties ('schema.url'='http://schema_provider/kst.avsc')
stored as 
inputformat 'com.linkedin.haivvreo.AvroContainerInputFormat'
outputformat 'com.linkedin.haivvreo.AvroContainerOutputFormat'


describe extended kst


drop table if exists employees;


alter table log_messages rename to logmsgs;


alter table log_messages add if not exists
partition (year = 2011, month = 1,day = 1) location 'logs/2011/01/01'
partition (year = 2011, month = 1,day = 2) location 'logs/2011/01/02'
partition (year = 2011, month = 1,day = 3) location 'logs/2011/01/03'


alter table log_messages partition(year=2011, month=12, day = 2)
set location 's3n://orbucket.logs/2011/01/02'


alter table log_messages drop id exists partition(year = 2011,mouth = 12,day = 2);


alter table log_messages
change column hms hours_minutes_seconds INT
comment 'the hours,minutes,and seconds part of the timestamp'
after serverity;


alter table log_messages add columns (
	app_name string comment 'Application name',
	session_id long comment 'the current session id');


alter table log_messages replace columns (
	hours_mins_secs int 


alter table log_messages set tabproperties (
	'notes' = 'The process id is no longer captured ; this column is always NULL'


alter table log_messages
partition(year = 2012, month = 1, day = 1)
set fileformat sequencefile;


alter table log_messages touch
partition(year = 2012, month = 1, day = 1)

