OpenCV 3 boxPoints()

OpenCV 3 boxPoints()

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1. 3.4 (3.4.x) -> Modules -> Image Processing -> Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors -> boxPoints()

1.1 Function Documentation - boxPoints()

void cv::boxPoints	(RotatedRect box,
OutputArray 	points 


points = cv.boxPoints(box[, points])

Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle.

The function finds the four vertices of a rotated rectangle. This function is useful to draw the rectangle. In C++, instead of using this function, you can directly use RotatedRect::points method. Please visit the tutorial on Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours for more information.
该函数查找旋转矩形的四个顶点。此功能对于绘制矩形很有用。在 C++ 中,可以直接使用 RotatedRect::points 方法来代替使用此函数。请访问有关为轮廓创建边界旋转框和椭圆的教程以获取更多信息。

vertice:n. 顶点
rectangular [rekˈtæŋɡjələ(r)],rect:adj. 矩形的,成直角的

box - The input rotated rectangle. It may be the output of
points - The output array of four vertices of rectangles. 矩形 4 个顶点组成的列表。

1.2 boxPoints(box[, points]) -> points

def boxPoints(box, points=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
    boxPoints(box[, points]) -> points
    .   @brief Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle.
    .   The function finds the four vertices of a rotated rectangle. This function is useful to draw the
    .   rectangle. In C++, instead of using this function, you can directly use RotatedRect::points method. Please
    .   visit the @ref tutorial_bounding_rotated_ellipses "tutorial on Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours" for more information.
    .   @param box The input rotated rectangle. It may be the output of
    .   @param points The output array of four vertices of rectangles.
