flume plugin






Installing third-party plugins

Flume has a fully plugin-based architecture. While Flume ships with many out-of-the-box sources, channels, sinks, serializers, and the like, many implementations exist which ship separately from Flume.

While it has always been possible to include custom Flume components by adding their jars to the FLUME_CLASSPATH variable in the flume-env.sh file, Flume now supports a special directory called plugins.d which automatically picks up plugins that are packaged in a specific format. This allows for easier management of plugin packaging issues as well as simpler debugging and troubleshooting of several classes of issues, especially library dependency conflicts.

The plugins.d directory

The plugins.d directory is located at $FLUME_HOME/plugins.d. At startup time, the flume-ng start script looks in the plugins.d directory for plugins that conform to the below format and includes them in proper paths when starting up java.

Directory layout for plugins

Each plugin (subdirectory) within plugins.d can have up to three sub-directories:

  1. lib - the plugin’s jar(s)
  2. libext - the plugin’s dependency jar(s)
  3. native - any required native libraries, such as .so files




