
typeof关键字是C语言中的一个新扩展。只要可以接受typedef名称,Sun Studio C 编译器就可以接受带有typeof的结构,包括以下语法类别:

  • 声明
  • 函数声明符中的参数类型链表和返回类型
  • 类型定义
  • 类型操作符s
  • sizeof操作符
  • 复合文字
  • typeof实参

编译器接受带双下划线的关键字:__typeof__typeof__。本文中的例子并没有遵循使用双下划线的惯例。从语句构成上看,typeof关键字后带圆括号,其中包含类型或表达式的名称。这类似于sizeof关键字接受的操作数(与sizeof不同的是,位字段允许作为typeof实参,并被解释为相应的整数类型)。从语义上看,typeof 关键字将用做类型名(typedef名称)并指定类型。



typeof(int) a; /* Specifies variable a which is of the type int */ 
typeof('b') a; /* The same. typeof argument is an expression consisting of
character constant which has the type int */


typeof(int *) p1, p2; /* Declares two int pointers p1, p2 */
int *p1, *p2;

typeof(int) * p3, p4;/* Declares int pointer p3 and int p4 */
int * p3, p4;

typeof(int [10]) a1, a2;/* Declares two arrays of integers */

int a1[10], a2[10];


extern int foo();
typeof(foo()) var;



typeof(extern int) a;


extern typeof(int) b;
typeof(char * const) p = "a";






typeof (x[0](1))



typeof (int *)



如果你要把typeof写在头文件中,而且这些头文件是要用在ISO C程序中,那么应该写成__typeof__而不是typeof




#define max(a,b)


typeof (a) _a = (a);

typeof (b) _b = (b);

_a > _b ? _a : _b;






typeof (*x) y;

2、 y的类型是指向字符的指针数组

typeof ( typeof (char *) [4]) y;

       这与传统C的方法char *y[4];作用相同


#define pointer(T) typeof (T *)

#define array(T, N) typeof(T [N])


array (pointer (char), 4) y;


关于兼容性:在GCC 2中提供了一个更加局限的扩展,这个扩展允许用户使用typedef T = expr;以使T类型与expr类型相同。这个扩展在GCC3.0和3.2版本中会出现问题,在3.2.1及以后的版本中会报错。不过可以用下面的方法来重写:

typedef typeof(expr) T;


原文: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.3.3/gcc/Typeof.html#Typeof

5.6 Referring to a Type with typeof

Another way to refer to the type of an expression is with typeof. The syntax of using of this keyword looks like sizeof, but the construct acts semantically like a type name defined with typedef.

There are two ways of writing the argument to typeof: with an expression or with a type. Here is an example with an expression:

     typeof (x[0](1))

This assumes that x is an array of pointers to functions; the type described is that of the values of the functions.

Here is an example with a typename as the argument:

     typeof (int *)

Here the type described is that of pointers to int.

If you are writing a header file that must work when included in ISO C programs, write __typeof__ instead of typeof. See Alternate Keywords.

typeof-construct can be used anywhere a typedef name could be used. For example, you can use it in a declaration, in a cast, or inside of sizeof or typeof.

typeof is often useful in conjunction with the statements-within-expressions feature. Here is how the two together can be used to define a safe “maximum” macro that operates on any arithmetic type and evaluates each of its arguments exactly once:

     #define max(a,b) \
       ({ typeof (a) _a = (a); \
           typeof (b) _b = (b); \
         _a > _b ? _a : _b; })

The reason for using names that start with underscores for the local variables is to avoid conflicts with variable names that occur within the expressions that are substituted for a and b. Eventually we hope to design a new form of declaration syntax that allows you to declare variables whose scopes start only after their initializers; this will be a more reliable way to prevent such conflicts.

Some more examples of the use of typeof:

  • This declares y with the type of what x points to.
              typeof (*x) y;
  • This declares y as an array of such values.
              typeof (*x) y[4];
  • This declares y as an array of pointers to characters:
              typeof (typeof (char *)[4]) y;

    It is equivalent to the following traditional C declaration:

              char *y[4];

    To see the meaning of the declaration using typeof, and why it might be a useful way to write, rewrite it with these macros:

              #define pointer(T)  typeof(T *)
              #define array(T, N) typeof(T [N])

    Now the declaration can be rewritten this way:

              array (pointer (char), 4) y;

    Thus, array (pointer (char), 4) is the type of arrays of 4 pointers to char.

Compatibility Note: In addition to typeof, GCC 2 supported a more limited extension which permitted one to write

     typedef T = expr;

with the effect of declaring T to have the type of the expression expr. This extension does not work with GCC 3 (versions between 3.0 and 3.2 will crash; 3.2.1 and later give an error). Code which relies on it should be rewritten to use typeof:

     typedef typeof(expr) T;

This will work with all versions of GCC.
