
For better or worse, the sort ordering defined by nls_sort is being used to evaluate the [a-z] regexp.  If you insert a,b,c,A,B, and C into temp_table and sort it under each setting you'll get the following:

SQL> alter session set nls_sort=BINARY;

Session altered.

SQL> select val,
  2  case when regexp_like (val, '[a-z]') then 'MATCH' else 'NO' end m
  3  from temp_table order by val;

VAL 		  M
------------------------- -------------------------
A   		  NO
B   		  NO
C   		  NO
a   		  MATCH
b   		  MATCH
c   		  MATCH

6 rows selected.

SQL> alter session set nls_sort=FRENCH;

Session altered.

SQL> select val,
  2  case when regexp_like (val, '[a-z]') then 'MATCH' else 'NO' end m
  3  from temp_table order by val;

VAL 		  M
------------------------- -------------------------
A   		  NO
a   		  MATCH
B   		  MATCH
b   		  MATCH
C   		  MATCH
c   		  MATCH

6 rows selected.

Since the upper case letters are "interleaved" with the lower case letters in the French setting it evaluates to true in Oracle's implementation.
