you may need to install the Win32::Console module


D:\work\scm\cfet\openssl>perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm no-shared enable-tls1_3


Can't locate Win32/ in @INC (you may need to install the Win32::Console module) (@INC contains: C:\Perl64\site\lib C:\Perl64\lib) at C:\Perl64\lib/ActivePerl/ line 400.


# Prevent calling Win32::Console::DESTROY on a STDOUT handle
my $console;
sub _warn {
    # my($msg) = @_;
    # unless (-t STDOUT) {
	# print "\n$msg\n";
	# return;
    # }
    # require Win32::Console;
    # unless ($console) {
	# $console = Win32::Console->new(Win32::Console::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE());
    # }
    # my($col,undef) = $console->Size;
    # print "\n";
    # my $attr = $console->Attr;
    # $console->Attr($Win32::Console::FG_RED | $Win32::Console::BG_WHITE);
    # for (split(/\n/, "$msg")) {
	# $_ .= " " while length() < $col-1;
	# print "$_\n";
    # }
    # $console->Attr($attr);
    # print "\n";


你可能感兴趣的:(you may need to install the Win32::Console module)