原来是Sql 的问题。
<select id="queryList" resultType="com.rmkj.microcap.modules.user.entity.UserBean"> SELECT user.id as id, user.open_id as openId, user.user_header as userHeader, user.chn_name as chnName, user.mobile as mobile, user.trade_password as tradePassword, user.money as money, `user`.ticket as ticket, `user`.trade_count as tradeCount, user.coupon_money as couponMoney, user.recharge_money as rechargeMoney, user.status as status, user.register_time as registerTime, user.last_login_time as lastLoginTime, user.last_login_ip as lastLoginIp, t.group_id AS groupId FROM tb_user user LEFT JOIN tb_control_group_user t ON t.user_id = user.id AND t.group_id = '0' where user.mobile is not null <if test="id!=null"> and user.id=#{id} if> <if test="openId!=null"> and user.open_id=#{openId} if> <if test="userHeader!=null"> and user.user_header=#{userHeader} if> <if test="chnName!=null"> and user.chn_name like '%' #{chnName} '%' if> <if test="mobile!=null"> and user.mobile = #{mobile} if> <if test="tradePassword!=null"> and user.trade_password=#{tradePassword} if> <if test="money!=null"> and user.money=#{money} if> <if test="rechargeMoney!=null"> and user.recharge_money=#{rechargeMoney} if> <if test="status!=null"> and user.status=#{status} if> <if test="registerTime!=null"> and user.register_time=#{registerTime} if> <if test="lastLoginTime!=null"> and user.last_login_time=#{lastLoginTime} if> <if test="lastLoginIp!=null"> and user.last_login_ip=#{lastLoginIp} if> <if test="uMoneyMin != null"> AND user.money > #{uMoneyMin} if> <if test="uMoneyMax != null"> AND user.money < #{uMoneyMax} if> <if test="groupId != null"> AND t.group_id = '0' if> <if test="orderKey != null and orderValue !=null"> ORDER BY ${orderKey} ${orderValue} if> select>
百度了一下,原来是在select查询的时候, 如果不加order by ,mysql会以物理存储顺序显示,当进行增删改之后,存储顺序改变,可能会造成数据重复或丢失,解决办法就是加order by!
添加order by之后,映射文件的sql如下:
<select id="queryList" resultType="com.rmkj.microcap.modules.user.entity.UserBean"> SELECT user.id as id, user.open_id as openId, user.user_header as userHeader, user.chn_name as chnName, user.mobile as mobile, user.trade_password as tradePassword, user.money as money, `user`.ticket as ticket, `user`.trade_count as tradeCount, user.coupon_money as couponMoney, user.recharge_money as rechargeMoney, user.status as status, user.register_time as registerTime, user.last_login_time as lastLoginTime, user.last_login_ip as lastLoginIp, t.group_id AS groupId FROM tb_user user LEFT JOIN tb_control_group_user t ON t.user_id = user.id AND t.group_id = '0' where user.mobile is not null <if test="id!=null"> and user.id=#{id} if> <if test="openId!=null"> and user.open_id=#{openId} if> <if test="userHeader!=null"> and user.user_header=#{userHeader} if> <if test="chnName!=null"> and user.chn_name like '%' #{chnName} '%' if> <if test="mobile!=null"> and user.mobile = #{mobile} if> <if test="tradePassword!=null"> and user.trade_password=#{tradePassword} if> <if test="money!=null"> and user.money=#{money} if> <if test="rechargeMoney!=null"> and user.recharge_money=#{rechargeMoney} if> <if test="status!=null"> and user.status=#{status} if> <if test="registerTime!=null"> and user.register_time=#{registerTime} if> <if test="lastLoginTime!=null"> and user.last_login_time=#{lastLoginTime} if> <if test="lastLoginIp!=null"> and user.last_login_ip=#{lastLoginIp} if> <if test="uMoneyMin != null"> AND user.money > #{uMoneyMin} if> <if test="uMoneyMax != null"> AND user.money < #{uMoneyMax} if> <if test="groupId != null"> AND t.group_id = '0' if> <if test="orderKey == null and orderValue ==null"> order by user.register_time desc if> <if test="orderKey != null and orderValue !=null"> ORDER BY ${orderKey} ${orderValue} if> select>列表中的数据也不再重复或丢失: