参考文章: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43161811/article/details/103151644
从上篇文章,我们知道,flink脚本提交后,由CliFrontend main开始执行。
/** Submits the job based on the arguments. */
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// 1.打印基本的环境信息
EnvironmentInformation.logEnvironmentInfo(LOG, "Command Line Client", args);
// 2. find the configuration directory -- 获取配置文件目录:.../flink1.9.0/conf
final String configurationDirectory = getConfigurationDirectoryFromEnv();
// 3. load the global configuration -- 加载flink-conf.yaml中的全局配置转成Configuration对象
final Configuration configuration =
// 4. load the custom command lines -- 加载用户输入的命令行、获取命令行参数
// customCommandLines添加org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli(configuration ,//configurationDirectory, //"y", "yarn")构造对象和new DefaultCLI(configuration)
final List
loadCustomCommandLines(configuration, configurationDirectory);
try {
final CliFrontend cli = new CliFrontend(configuration, customCommandLines);
//6.加载 SecurityConfiguration类,是flink全局安全配置
SecurityUtils.install(new SecurityConfiguration(cli.configuration));
//调用CliFrontend的parseParameters方法, 解析命令行参数,运行具体的action【run】
int retCode = SecurityUtils.getInstalledContext().runSecured(() -> cli.parseParameters(args));
} catch (Throwable t) {
final Throwable strippedThrowable =
ExceptionUtils.stripException(t, UndeclaredThrowableException.class);
LOG.error("Fatal error while running command line interface.", strippedThrowable);
* 初始化一个FlinkYarnSessionCli
* @param configuration 全局的配置
* @param configurationDirectory 全局的配置文件目录
* @param shortPrefix 命令行参数的缩写前缀 y
* @param longPrefix 命令行参数的展开前缀 yarn
* @param acceptInteractiveInput 是否接受交互型输入
* @throws FlinkException
public FlinkYarnSessionCli(
Configuration configuration,
String configurationDirectory,
String shortPrefix,
String longPrefix,
boolean acceptInteractiveInput) throws FlinkException {
// 1. 初始化参数
this.configurationDirectory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(configurationDirectory);
this.acceptInteractiveInput = acceptInteractiveInput;
// 2. 创建命令行选项
query = new Option(shortPrefix + "q", longPrefix + "query", false, "Display available YARN resources (memory, cores)");
applicationId = new Option(shortPrefix + "id", longPrefix + "applicationId", true, "Attach to running YARN session");
queue = new Option(shortPrefix + "qu", longPrefix + "queue", true, "Specify YARN queue.");
shipPath = new Option(shortPrefix + "t", longPrefix + "ship", true, "Ship files in the specified directory (t for transfer)");
flinkJar = new Option(shortPrefix + "j", longPrefix + "jar", true, "Path to Flink jar file");
jmMemory = new Option(shortPrefix + "jm", longPrefix + "jobManagerMemory", true, "Memory for JobManager Container with optional unit (default: MB)");
tmMemory = new Option(shortPrefix + "tm", longPrefix + "taskManagerMemory", true, "Memory per TaskManager Container with optional unit (default: MB)");
container = new Option(shortPrefix + "n", longPrefix + "container", true, "Number of YARN container to allocate (=Number of Task Managers)");
slots = new Option(shortPrefix + "s", longPrefix + "slots", true, "Number of slots per TaskManager");
dynamicproperties = Option.builder(shortPrefix + "D")
.desc("use value for given property")
streaming = new Option(shortPrefix + "st", longPrefix + "streaming", false, "Start Flink in streaming mode");
name = new Option(shortPrefix + "nm", longPrefix + "name", true, "Set a custom name for the application on YARN");
zookeeperNamespace = new Option(shortPrefix + "z", longPrefix + "zookeeperNamespace", true, "Namespace to create the Zookeeper sub-paths for high availability mode");
nodeLabel = new Option(shortPrefix + "nl", longPrefix + "nodeLabel", true, "Specify YARN node label for the YARN application");
help = new Option(shortPrefix + "h", longPrefix + "help", false, "Help for the Yarn session CLI.");
allOptions = new Options();
// 3. 加载默认的yarn配置文件
this.yarnPropertiesFileLocation = configuration.getString(YarnConfigOptions.PROPERTIES_FILE_LOCATION);
final File yarnPropertiesLocation = getYarnPropertiesLocation(yarnPropertiesFileLocation);
// 4. 解析出yarn的配置参数
yarnPropertiesFile = new Properties();
if (yarnPropertiesLocation.exists()) {
LOG.info("Found Yarn properties file under {}.", yarnPropertiesLocation.getAbsolutePath());
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(yarnPropertiesLocation)) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new FlinkException("Could not read the Yarn properties file " + yarnPropertiesLocation +
". Please delete the file at " + yarnPropertiesLocation.getAbsolutePath() + '.', ioe);
final String yarnApplicationIdString = yarnPropertiesFile.getProperty(YARN_APPLICATION_ID_KEY);
if (yarnApplicationIdString == null) {
throw new FlinkException("Yarn properties file found but doesn't contain a " +
"Yarn application id. Please delete the file at " + yarnPropertiesLocation.getAbsolutePath());
try {
// 尝试将id转化成ApplicationId
yarnApplicationIdFromYarnProperties = ConverterUtils.toApplicationId(yarnApplicationIdString);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new FlinkException("YARN properties contains an invalid entry for " +
"application id: " + yarnApplicationIdString + ". Please delete the file at " +
yarnPropertiesLocation.getAbsolutePath(), e);
} else {
yarnApplicationIdFromYarnProperties = null;
// 5. 初始化yarn的配置
this.yarnConfiguration = new YarnConfiguration();
步骤7 cli.parseParameters(args))代码明细:
/** * Parses the command line arguments and starts the requested action. * * @param args command line arguments of the client. * @return The return code of the program */ public int parseParameters(String[] args) { // check for action if (args.length < 1) { CliFrontendParser.printHelp(customCommandLines); System.out.println("Please specify an action."); return 1; } // get action 提取执行动作,比如run,list,cancel String action = args[0]; // remove action from parameters 从参数中移除执行动作 final String[] params = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); try { // do action switch (action) { case ACTION_RUN: run(params); return 0; case ACTION_LIST: list(params); return 0; case ACTION_INFO: info(params); return 0; case ACTION_CANCEL: cancel(params); return 0; case ACTION_STOP: stop(params); return 0; case ACTION_SAVEPOINT: savepoint(params); return 0; case "-h": case "--help": CliFrontendParser.printHelp(customCommandLines); return 0; case "-v": case "--version": String version = EnvironmentInformation.getVersion(); String commitID = EnvironmentInformation.getRevisionInformation().commitId; System.out.print("Version: " + version); System.out.println(commitID.equals(EnvironmentInformation.UNKNOWN) ? "" : ", Commit ID: " + commitID); return 0; default: System.out.printf("\"%s\" is not a valid action.\n", action); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Valid actions are \"run\", \"list\", \"info\", \"savepoint\", \"stop\", or \"cancel\"."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Specify the version option (-v or --version) to print Flink version."); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Specify the help option (-h or --help) to get help on the command."); return 1; } } catch (CliArgsException ce) { return handleArgException(ce); } catch (ProgramParametrizationException ppe) { return handleParametrizationException(ppe); } catch (ProgramMissingJobException pmje) { return handleMissingJobException(); } catch (Exception e) { return handleError(e); } }
我们重点看下flink run 的逻辑,限于篇幅,在下一篇文章继续分析。