Interesting Finds: 2009-04-08

  1. jQuery & .NET
  2. HowTo: From the view to the controller in ASP.NET MVC with ModelBinders
  3. Some ASP.NET GridView UI Tips and Tricks using jQuery
  4. Multi-Threading in ASP.NET
  5. Using the ASP.NET MVC Futures AsyncController
  6. ASP.NET MVC: Pass parameters when redirecting from one action to another
  7. Asp.Net Mvc: 浅析TempData机制
  8. Putting the M in MVC – Part III
  9. Pagination Class for ASP.NET MVC
  10. 5 Reasons You Should Take a Closer Look at ASP.NET MVC
  11. 并行计算简介
  12. MonoDevelop Support for ASP.NET MVC
  13. The MVC framework: the IAsyncResult pattern
  14. The MVC framework: invoking actions asynchronously I
  15. Back to the future! Exploring ASP.NET MVC Futures
  16. Resizing images without loss of quality
  17. Putting the “M” Back in MVC
  18. Putting the M in MVC – Part II
  19. ASP.NET MVC For Aspiring Architects - #1
  20. How ASP.NET MVC Works (For Aspiring Architects) - #2
  21. The String or the Cat: A New .NET Framework Library
  22. 薛定谔的猫——.NET 4.1 中的新基类,开源Preview中
  23. ASP.NET MVC Best Practices (Part 1)
  24. ASP.NET MVC Best Practices (Part 2)
  25. IE 8 - IP Address Mapping Accelerator
  26. How to use LINQ extension methods on non generic IEnumerable?
  27. 浅谈尾递归的优化方式
  28. 黄智生博士谈语义网与Web 3.0
  29. “持续集成”也需要重构——持续集成实践在Cruise开发过程中的演进
  30. 扔掉bug跟踪系统?
  31. Federated Search Provider in Windows 7 with ASP.NET MVC
  32. 使用扩展方法对调用进行验证
  33. Paging links in ASP.NET MVC
  34. IExtensibleDataObject is not only for backward compatibility
  35. .NET,你忘记了么?(六)——再谈String
  36. ExceLINQ – Not Your Typical LINQ Provider
  37. ADO.NET Data Services Friendly Feeds , Mapping EDM Types - I
  38. Prototype of VEToolkit + ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Component Checked In
  39. YSlow web page optimization for ASP.NET MVC
  40. Windows 7 Beta: Change the Logon UI Background Image
  41. C#: Generate WebPage Thumbmail Screenshot Image
  42. Preventing duplicate User Names with ASP.NET and jQuery
  43. StyleCop for ReSharper: The power of ReSharper 4.5 and StyleCop combined
  44. MSBuild 简解
  45. Walkthrough: full example of using MvcContrib grid with jQuery datatable
  46. MVC Beta to RTW upgrade issue – AddModelError and NullReferenceExceptions
  47. ASP.NET Routing and ASP.NET MVC
  48. 尾递归与Continuation
  49. ASP.NET MVC: Implement Theme Folders using a Custom ViewEngine
  50. Using NCommon – Unit Of Work, Repository, etc…
  51. First steps with Lightweight Test Automation Framework
  52. Are you a Control Freak?
  53. TextGlow - View Open XML Word documents with Silverlight
  54. Sam Stokes on Building games based on Silverlight and Expressions?
  55. Run ASP.NET MVC on Windows Azure
  56. Sending Email Using Embedded Images
  57. C# Optimization Revisited Part 1: Algorithms and Bill Clinton
  58. C# Optimization Revisited Part 2: Concurrency
  59. Common project settings for your Visual Studio solution
  60. Adding Integration Tests to an ASP.NET MVC Application
  61. Writing your own Html Helpers for the ASP.NET MVC Framework
  62. Optimising CSS and Javascript during the build process
  63. Asynchronous fire-and-forget method calls in .NET
  64. ASP.NET MVC – 关于Action返回结果类型的事儿(上)
