Is it wrong?
Each state can be picked or not, so the number of combinations should be 2^n.
1. What is recursive descendent?
In computer science, a recursive descent parser is a kind of top-down parser built from a set of mutually recursive procedures (or a non-recursive equivalent) where each such procedure usually implements one of the production rules of the grammar. Thus the structure of the resulting program closely mirrors that of the grammar it recognizes.
A predictive parser is a recursive descent parser that does not require backtracking. Predictive parsing is possible only for the class of LL(k) grammars, which are the context-free grammars for which there exists some positive integer k that allows a recursive descent parser to decide which production to use by examining only the next k tokens of input. The LL(k) grammars therefore exclude all ambiguous grammars, as well as all grammars that contain left recursion. Any context-free grammar can be transformed into an equivalent grammar that has no left recursion, but removal of left recursion does not always yield an LL(k) grammar. A predictive parser runs in linear time.
Recursive descent with backtracking is a technique that determines which production to use by trying each production in turn. Recursive descent with backtracking is not limited to LL(k) grammars, but is not guaranteed to terminate unless the grammar is LL(k). Even when they terminate, parsers that use recursive descent with backtracking may require exponential time.
Although predictive parsers are widely used, and are frequently chosen if writing a parser by hand, programmers often prefer to use a table-based parser produced by a parser generator, either for an LL(k) language or using an alternative parser, such as LALR or LR. This is particularly the case if a grammar is not in LL(k) form, as transforming the grammar to LL to make it suitable for predictive parsing is involved. Predictive parsers can also be automatically generated, using tools like ANTLR.
Predictive parsers can be depicted using transition diagrams for each non-terminal symbol where the edges between the initial and the final states are labelled by the symbols (terminals and non-terminals) of the right side of the production rule.[1]
2. LL, LR?
3. BNF?
BNF 规定是推导规则(产生式)的集合,写为:
<符号> ::= <使用符号的表达式>
这里的 <符号> 是非终结符,而表达式由一个符号序列,或用指示选择的竖杠'|' 分隔的多个符号序列构成,每个符号序列整体都是左端的符号的一种可能的替代。从未在左端出现的符号叫做终结符。
symbol := alternative1 | alternative2 ...
这里非终结符digit用斜体表示,one of是这种方法里定义的一个量词(常用斜黑体)。
4. AST?
在计算机科学中,抽象语法树(abstract syntax tree或者缩写为AST),或者语法树(syntax tree),是源代码的抽象语法结构的树状表现形式,这里特指编程语言的源代码。树上的每个节点都表示源代码中的一种结构。之所以说语法是“抽象”的,是因为这里的语法并不会表示出真实语法中出现的每个细节。比如,嵌套括号被隐含在树的结构中,并没有以节点的形式呈现;而类似于if-condition-then这样的条件跳转语句,可以使用带有两个分支的节点来表示。
和抽象语法树相对的是具体语法树(concrete syntax tree),通常称作分析树(parse tree)。一般的,在源代码的翻译和编译过程中,语法分析器创建出分析树。一旦AST被创建出来,在后续的处理过程中,比如语义分析阶段,会添加一些信息。
Tiger Ch4: