qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训



QCon SF的与会者-来自多个行业(包括一些著名的湾区公司)的软件工程师,架构师和项目经理-参加了6个并发会议中的92个技术会议,32个深度研讨会,便利的开放空间,并且全部使用英语语言QCons,几乎可以立即访问InfoQ上该活动的所有影片演示。

第一天,来自哈佛大学伯克曼·克莱因中心研究员琥珀色·凯斯(Amber Case)的主题演讲和《电子人的人类图解字典》的作者,谈到了“ 可穿戴计算和虚拟体验的历史与未来 ”。 工程@Slack的副总裁Michael Lopp在第2天开幕,而Neka Narkhede(Apache Kafka的共同创始人,Confluent的联合创始人兼CTO)在第3天发表了名为“ ETL死了,长流 ”的演讲。

InfoQ的实践编辑团队的一些成员出席了会议,并撰写了有关该活动的许多帖子 。 但是对于本文,我们已经总结了与会者的博客和推文中的主要内容和重点。 在接下来的5个月中,InfoQ将在线发布大多数会议。

  • 主题演讲
    • ETL已死; 长流
    • 可穿戴计算和虚拟体验的历史和未来
    • 第二幕
  • 轨迹与对话
  • 您一直想知道的架构
    • 松弛如何工作
    • 缩放Dropbox
    • 扩展Instagram基础设施
  • 文化作为差异化因素
    • 增强优秀的工程团队
    • 进一步携手:策划配对文化@Pivotal
    • 下一代创业文化:成长中的创新
    • 防止办公室政治@Facebook
    • Google学会了如何建立有效的团队
  • 分布式系统战争故事
    • 陌生人事物:破坏Netflix的力量
  • 不断发展的DevOps
    • 通过智能实时警报实现99.99%的可用性
    • 边缘事件管理
  • Java:您准备好了吗?
    • Java(SE)国情咨文
  • 现实世界中的现代CS
    • 应用失败测试研究@Netflix
  • 下一代微服务
    • 无服务器遇到SaaS:终极匹配
    • 保持冷静并继续前进:扩展组织
    • 微服务之后会发生什么?
  • 下一代Web标准,框架和技术
    • 使用RxJS构建强大的Web应用程序
    • JavaScript的过去,现在和未来
    • 探索Ember,Angular和React的优势
    • Webpack:一统天下的法则
  • 优化你
    • 管理男人和女人真的有什么不同吗?
    • 最大化人的潜力
    • 引人入胜的艺术(和科学)
    • 即兴演奏者的代码:打造最佳自我
  • 安全
    • 现代网络安全,像狐狸一样懒惰但谨记
    • 安全自动化心理学
  • 软件工程软技能
    • 建立学习:快速原型制作方法
    • 燃尽
    • 有效团队和产品的社交编码
  • 重新构想的UX
    • 设计冷静技术
    • 会话界面设计准则
    • 直觉工程
  • Twitter科技日
    • 构建Twitter的下一代警报系统
    • 我们如何学会停止烦恼和热爱扇入
    • 缩放可靠性:因此您想添加9
  • 关于QCon的观点
  • 外卖
  • 结论


ETL已死; 长流

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第1张图片

由Neha Narkhede


@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede更改:单个服务器数据库被分布式,不同类型的数据取代,需要实时数据

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede正在使用流https://t.co/zthz0gjLuw转向干净的架构

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede数据转换选择的艰难权衡https://t.co/plvIHlEnHI

@charleshumble: ETL和EAI-可伸缩或实时,但不能同时使用。 @nehanarkhede #qconsf

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede ETL的新需求:高容量和高多样性数据,实时https://t.co/JTrCEJFSjh

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede数据体系结构需要向前兼容-能够添加更多处理方式不同的应用程序

@philip_pfo:以事件为中心的思维是现代数据拱门应如何设计的根本转变。 (@nehanarkhede #QconSF)

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede向前的兼容性到底是什么意思https://t.co/8cTHKuqNh7

@shanehastie: #qconsf @nehanarkhede现代流数据集成解决方案需要什么https://t.co/QwJbURgOLm


qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第2张图片


Shane Hastie出席了本主题演讲:

Amber Case…谈到了虚拟现实界面的历史和当前状态,增强现实面临的挑战,以及随着人们对技术进步越来越满意而如何克服这些挑战。

她在开始演讲时考察了虚拟现实(VR)技术的现状,并对几乎每个VR演示都让人乘坐虚拟过山车这一事实感到遗憾,这种体验几乎可以保证使佩戴者感到不适。 然后,她展示了各种VR应用程序的示例,包括巨型仓鼠球,这也很可能使操作员感到不适。


  • 允许有限的运动
  • 限于小空间
  • 添加“运输”以快速改变环境……

然后,她讨论了增强现实(AR)的挑战,以及为什么Google Glass不能像鼻祖那样成功。 在增强现实成为成功的技术之前,需要克服的特定挑战包括:

  • 带宽-AR需要持续的高带宽连接
  • 图像识别-目前尚不实时
  • 对象和编程接口-这些正在构建中,并将来自VR实现

采用AR的一个非常重要的考虑因素是对技术必须尊重社会规范的需求。 为了取得成功,一项创新需要建立在已经为社会所接受的产品的基础上-如果跃升幅度太大,则该创新很可能会在市场上被拒绝…。



@freire_da_silva:#VR的出现是工作模拟。 您可以训练自己成为起居室里安全的加油站店员。 #QconSF

@charleshumble:喜欢史蒂夫·曼(Steve Mann)的现实减弱概念; 过滤掉您不希望看到的内容,例如用味精替换广告牌广告。 #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic技术应尊重社会规范。

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic要成功,一项创新需要建立在先前社会认可的产品上

@charleshumble:要开始使用,请尝试SteamVR Unity工具包-VRTK- https: //t.co/lq8X2OqVme @caseorganic #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic将您的VR环境视为一个游乐场,并与之一起成长


迈克尔·洛普 ( Michael Lopp)

Shane Hastie出席了本主题演讲:

迈克尔·洛普(Michael Lopp) …探索了将组织从创建一个产品发展为创建产品的企业时,必须进行哪些文化变革。


他描述了组织文化如何随着业务变化而逐步发展。 当企业是一个人时,就没有可见的决策协议,“做事方式”是完全看不见的。 一旦有更多的人参与进来,决策就成为沟通的问题,这将创造出第一文化“我们在这里做事的方式”-如果决策是使用共识制定的,那么这将成为规范向前发展,如果有实力发挥,那么随着更多人的加入,这将成为未来的常态……。

他描述了组织的发展方式,从两个人发展到30个,然后发展到300个,并且在发展的每个步骤中,文化都在稳步建立,并且您会达到两个组成部分,即旧警卫队和新警卫队。 这些小组对场所的运行方式有不同的看法。 老警卫队很少提出构架,非正式沟通和文件记录。 新警卫队试图引入更多结构来应对增长,因为非正式渠道可能不再是适合环境的渠道。 交流摩擦越来越多,组织结构更加结构化,通过渗透不再可能学习。

随着公司的发展,赢得需求的定义必须发生变化-最初,它是关于构建在市场上成功的产品。 这需要转变为成为构建成功产品的组织。 这是一种不同的心态,需要新的思维方式……。

最后,他向观众发出挑战,要求他们确定必须改变的文化方面。 它可能是您喜欢或讨厌的事物,但它需要改变。


@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands软技能是软件工程的艰苦而有趣的方面

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands,当您停止了解规则的发展方式时,您很快变得无关紧要

@freire_da_silva:无聊。 保持相关性。 @QConSf的@rands

@ rcb4m: #qconsf推动您前进的事物允许您再次播放Michael Loop主题演讲@Qconsf

@freire_da_silva:天黑后从这个屏幕保护程序中赚了数百万美元。 @rands:欢迎中奖! #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands不相信新的和令人兴奋的存在的混乱无所不在的力量Naidu组织

@shanehastie: #QconSF @ randint第一次会议产生的第一小块文化-是做出了决定如何成为未来基础https://t.co/m7Anz9Tlc7

@robertharrop:文化:就像原力,但它是真正的#QconSF https://t.co/9399OcRXnY


@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands新警卫队带来了新的工作方式,并安排了会议https://t.co/BD2f2ZbtJa

@shanehastie: #QconSF @ randint老控卫-新的后卫。 OG体现了公司的初始价值,如果感到不对劲,就会对价值提出挑战https://t.co/IITlwKcHFU

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands政治-期望全球协同效应的局部优化。 差距充满了最糟糕的假设

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands 30、300、3000所需要的文化完全不同

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands获奖:建立一个能够在市场上制造和维持产品的公司

@michellebrush:老后卫知道球队需要成长。 他们雇用新的后卫来改变事情,以便他们可以。 然后他们不让他们。 @rands #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands进入第二幕的主要阻力。 害怕改变。 https://t.co/0U1LVQNY8C

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands坐在桌子上的观点越多,决策就越好。

@ awiedmer:第二幕你需要一个独裁者。 值得您信赖的仁慈独裁者,将您带入下一幕。 #QconSF https://t.co/Ll1jnqTJhz

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands在比赛开始之前改变游戏。 您正在建立一种可以制造新产品的生物。

@suthen:每家公司都需要一个独裁者, 优先对待一个友好的独裁者。 您需要有人保持愿景和方向#qconsf… https: //t.co/n1WWIK0Frz

@VWoodin:过程是有据可查的文化。 它必须能够捍卫自己。 #主题演讲#qconsf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @rands今天需要的领导态度-始终如一。




通过基思·亚当斯 ( Keith Adams)


@dtunkelang:保守的技术趣味与前沿:@keithmadams说,大多数Slack的支持技术已有10多年的历史了。 #QConSF

@philip_pfo:松弛拱门理想-成熟的技术,有时编写代码,极简主义。 @keithmadams #QconSF https://t.co/tyRmZaSYUz

@dtunkelang: Slack不仅仅是大型多人在线游戏公司的枢纽; 它的分布式体系结构类似于在线游戏。 #QConSF

@jmfabe:不知道随着越来越多的人在表情符号上添加表情符号,这成为一个二次问题。 #QconSF


通过Preslav Le


@philip_pfo:成功是经过多年痛苦的学习之后才能实现的-的确如此! (@preslavl扩展Dropbox #QconSF对话)

@idajantis:隔离和防止级联故障确实非常重要。 关于扩展Dropbox基础架构的精彩演讲…https://t.co/paxOa9MLXu




@philip_pfo:扩大规模:“不要计数服务器,而是要计数服务器”。 来自Lisa Guo的Instagram缩放#QconSF演讲的智慧

@philip_pfo:扩大开发团队与扩大规模同样重要。 instagram关注的主要维度可扩展规模(来自Lisa… https://t.co/D6jcsYk69Q

@hturksoy:什么!? Instagram不使用分支直接进入母版吗? 每天有50至60艘船? 我需要先消化一下;)#qconsf

@nerdneha: Instagram的数量惊人! Lisa Guo在扩展@instagram基础架构上。 #qconsf https://t.co/Lho0zFVHKf






@nerdneha: @freire_da_silva #QconSF https://t.co/7xrnZ6JUQI的团队的裸露骨骼基础

@nerdneha:分布式团队? 一个团队在虚拟环境中见面。 搭配和分散的团队!! @freire_da_silva ... https://t.co/OEhhQOTjPC


由Neha Batra


@freire_da_silva: #TDD是Pairpairise的#pairprogramming! 喜欢它@nerdneha谢谢#QconSF

@freire_da_silva:支持#furtherpairingtogether在一起的实践@pivotal:TDD,每日回顾,设定时间表,投资故事和不开会! #QconSF

@philip_pfo:成功配对的8个键(来自@nerdneha #QconSF #furtherpairingtogether) https://t.co/hk64g7R2CM

@freire_da_silva: @nerdneha #QconSF https://t.co/ADc8sCKzDY进行远程对编程所需的内容


由Jim Plush


@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush文化是业务的完成方式。 没有人看的时候会发生什么。

@philip_pfo:文化不应该只是在您身上发生-您是影响者,不仅仅是旅客。 @jimplush #QConSF https://t.co/dvjpS5ft0u

@charleshumble:公司文化是持续行为的副产品。 您所做的总是会赢得您打算做的事情。 #QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush贫困文化的贡献者https://t.co/mIRTOR8AMg

@freire_da_silva: 。@ CrowdStrike认真对待创业公司的文化。 他们有一个文化团队! @jimplush在#QconSF https://t.co/Ib8Lu1rmZ7

@TestDetective: “如果雇用聪明的人,就必须让他们失败,学习和成长,而不是对其进行微管理” #QconSF

@ThomasBetts:人们不离开公司,他们离开经理。 -@JimPlush #QConSf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush实践。 跳过1级上的1级。 促销活动多次签收。 管理员不控制任务。

@charleshumble:想增加创新吗? 降低故障成本。#QconSF @jimplush

@charleshumble:创新!=发明。 苹果没有发明鼠标。 Docker没有发明容器。 #QconSF @jimplush

@charleshumble:创新是关于您能以多快的速度推出,学习和改进它的方法。#QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush可以降低故障成本。 https://t.co/BYb6oIDevY

@philip_pfo:工程师不讨厌会议,他们讨厌糟糕的会议。 @jimplush #QConSF

@charleshumble:会议是不良组织的征兆。 会议越少越好。 #QconSF @jimplush

@charleshumble:星期四不开会-没有内部会议-什么样的公司不能给你8小时的工作时间。#QconSF @jimplush

@charleshumble:创造力正在思考新事物。 创新正在创造新事物。#QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush思考周-完全自主地做一些值得做的事情https://t.co/PIct0eyIrd

@freire_da_silva: 。@ jimplush我们提供自治,跨职能,端到端团队的项目和环境。 但没有日期! #QconSF

@charleshumble:作为一名工程师,我知道*其他*工程师确实很难估算。 #QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush没有固定的日期,而是具有置信水平的粗略时间表。 团队可以自主决定何时何事。 队伍不间断

@charleshumble:追求卓越的渴望和领导的渴望是不一样的。 有时我认为它们可能是相反的。#QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush不需要成为经理才能晋升-技术职业道路https://t.co/VbGbDFui4t

@charleshumble:唯一比培训员工和失去员工更糟糕的事情是不培训他们并保留他们#QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush人的成长-无限的书籍预算,小时学习,培训和会议预算,跨项目的机会

@freire_da_silva:想要卓越。 给人们时间来学习这份工作! @jimplush #QconSF https://t.co/uARkUGLInd

@charleshumble:入职!=给某人一台笔记本电脑,然后说“去提高生产力”。#QconSF @jimplush

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush分级文化。 调查,长期查看,退出调查,保留率比较,推荐率

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush外卖。 https://t.co/JN36VK1tKU

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush文化不是一项消极的运动-挑战无法解决的问题并加以解决。 https://t.co/6vaFEE4D1K

@shanehastie: #QconSF @jimplush“下次您的老板抱怨您在玩XBox时,告诉他您正在忙于建立文化”


qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第3张图片

通过南阮 ( Nam Nguyen)



@freire_da_silva:为什么一直都在Facebook? 原来@facebook员工使用facebook工作! Nam Nguyen在#QconSF

@freire_da_silva: @facebook价值观的文化正在开放。 马克和高管每周对所有员工开放问答环节! (他们从@google复制了此内容)#QconSF


@freire_da_silva: 360条评论可能不公平! @facebook通过自动共享所有反馈来防止经理偏见。 促销是危险的提防。 #QConSF


qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第4张图片

通过马卡特·坂口 ( Matt Sakaguchi)


@freire_da_silva: @google的5个动态出色的团队拥有#QconSF @matt_sakaguchi https://t.co/a9IEf4M8y4

@freire_da_silva:心理安全的销售团队将销售数字提高了17%@google #QconSF,通过@matt_sakaguchi https://t.co/EMo9hyynvC

@wesreisz: @matt_sakaguchi我们需要建立冠军球队,而不是全明星球队#QConSF https://t.co/08YZJacCGE

@johnscattergood: #QconSF心理安全定义https://t.co/lXxSR2KOrg

@freire_da_silva:想为您的团队建立信任和心理安全吗? @matt_sakaguchi分享了他的团队@google #QconSF患有第四阶段癌症的经历

@michellebrush:作为领导者,模型在工作中易受攻击和容易犯错。-@matt_sakaguchi #QConSF

@nerdneha:包容性需要大量工作,但团队中的人会感谢您的帮助。 开始:尝试@matt_sakaguchi #QconSF

@nerdneha:承认自己的谬误:每季度一次,我们召开团队会议,其中前1/2次是史诗般的失败-@matt_sakaguchi #QconSF

@nerdneha:营造让人感到安全的环境。 创建一个环境,使他们可以将自己的全部精力投入工作@matt_sakaguchi #QconSF

@thegoosie:目标是建立心理安全团队。 @matt_sakaguchi在#QconSF https://t.co/9iRbUKKRzl上的精彩演讲

@wesreisz: @matt_sakaguchi服务您的人民的需求,他们将在任何地方关注您。 #QConSF#职业

@freire_da_silva:向团队表达声音的技巧:迈耶斯-布里格斯和本色的性格测试,以更好地交流和为他们服务@matt_sakaguchi #QconSF






@freire_da_silva:初始化日志服务加载了11G不需要的数据。 但是当测试失败时,init被禁用! 课@ hwilson1204 #QconSF

@freire_da_silva:@netflix的 @ hwilson1204的3种逐步增强的后备策略:静态,缓存,减少的服务。 很好... https://t.co/1PlaDmAMVW

@freire_da_silva: @ hwilson1204 #QconSF https://t.co/wBNg8KKBJg @netflix上的分布式系统失败时的经验教训



qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第5张图片

通过Franziska Bell


@freire_da_silva: 。@ uber每秒写入2M遥测值+每秒1000个查询,每月增长25%。 他们的OSS堆栈被烧毁,因此必须自己构建。 #QconSF

@freire_da_silva:如果您的系统需要99.99%的可用性,那么您的监视系统最好以99.999%的可用性。 @uber #QconSF的要点


丽莎·菲利普斯 ( Lisa Phillips)


@johnscattergood: #QconSF事件负责人的主要特征https://t.co/EvtLJDSI5W

@johnscattergood: #QconSF事件响应“志愿者”的风险https://t.co/qyIijf6Xip

@johnscattergood: #QconSF如果您不从生产事故中学习,那就太浪费了https://t.co/YSHdJG2IL6



吉尔·泰恩 ( Gil Tene)


@varzof: Java 9就在拐角处……拐角处的距离越来越近。 -@giltene #QconSF

@drmaas: Perl,ruby,Python都趋向于相互替换,JVM持久并在#QconSF中普及

@wesreisz:我还没有看到将取代Java的东西。 Perl打算取代Java。 然后是Ruby,然后是Go。 没有... https://t.co/h4SRBmgvcn



qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第6张图片

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第7张图片

彼得·阿尔瓦罗 ( Peter Alvaro)和科尔顿·安德鲁斯 ( Kolton Andrus)


@nerdneha:通过打碎和查看冗余的位置来试验失败@netflix-@KoltonAndrus @palvaro #QconSF

@awiedmer:如果将数据存储在s3中而不是hdfs中,则#QconSF迁移和升级要容易得多#netflix https://t.co/vCEdO3I5eb

@awiedmer: #QconSF #netflix使用s3作为存储层的性能折衷https://t.co/HNWuBLiNXI



qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第8张图片

由Tod Golding


@freire_da_silva:无服务器使团队更容易#agile:以功能粒度测试和部署以及容错! @tod_golding在#QConSf

@freire_da_silva: #serverless #saas如果您以前不敏捷,那么您将成为现在! @tod_golding #QconSF




@philip_pfo:最困难的问题是人的问题。 人类可以成为混乱的原动力。 @mipsytipsy #QconSF https://t.co/ckyQYHAwct

@charleshumble: 。@ mipsytipsy推荐“关于困难事物的艰难事情” #QconSF https://t.co/QgEXO26rnd

@charleshumble: “作为领导者,最重要的事情是确保每个人都在同一页面上; 像形成一个邪教” @mipsytipsy #qconsf

@robertharrop:将责任与授权结合起来@mipsytipsy #QconSF https://t.co/MNzZnoZiqJ

@charleshumble: “不要称赞别人做错了他们会做的更多的事情;例如,不要称赞别人整夜工作” @mipsytipsy #qconsf

@charleshumble: “通信渠道包括部署,待命,拉取请求, 架构审查,可观察性。” @mipsytipsy #qconsf

@ThomasBetts:待命就像部署的武器版本。-@mipsytipsy #qconsf

@charleshumble: “将人类放在首位,将任务紧随其后 。 即使对您个人而言很难。” @mipsytipsy #qconsf

@charleshumble:工程师应该要求他们提供自己的服务,但这不能是地狱。 保卫人民的时间和睡眠。 @mipsytipsy #qconsf

@charleshumble:组织单元测试@mip​​sytipsy #qconsf https://t.co/x0PL6dDByx


由马特·兰尼 ( Matt Ranney)


@freire_da_silva: @Uber上运行了将近2000个微服务,每个工程师大约0.7! #QconSF

@freire_da_silva:截至2016年10月,@ Uber git中有14306个回购。哇。 #QconSF

@freire_da_silva:想通过微服务生存吗? 具有1M的#protip应该像1k或10一样简单。@Uber #QconSF的经验教训

@TestDetective: #QconSF:#Uber https://t.co/xJEGAB3YLl上的微服务架构规模

@robertharrop:开发人员应该能够使用实际生产数据进行安全测试@mranney #QconSF https://t.co/vK3JP2EvzT

@freire_da_silva: 。@ Uber没有版本其#microservices。 更改必须向后兼容! #QconSF



Ben Centra参加了本次会议:

处理许多异步数据流是JavaScript中一个相当普遍的用例-聊天应用程序,仪表板等。您可以使用直接的AJAX或Web套接字实现此类系统,但这会变得棘手,快速。 已经存在一个建议的Observable对象,以促进本机JavaScript中的React式编程。 Observable是围绕异步数据源(超时,DOM事件,网络请求)的包装,您可以“订阅”并处理传入的数据…。

尽管该规范已通过委员会审议,但RxJS提供了您现在可以使用的Observable实现。 即将发布的RxJS 版本5是一个完全重写,具有更好的性能,更多的模块化和更容易的调试。


杰伊·菲尔普斯 ( Jay Phelps) , 斯特凡·彭纳 ( Stefan Penner)和贾法尔·侯赛因 ( Jafar Husain)

Paul Krill参加了本次会议:

Stefan Penner和Jafar Husain阐述了他们认为JavaScript可能发生的事情。 Penner和Husain都是ECMAScript规范流程的内幕人。

当被问及TypeScript…如何影响JavaScript开发时,Penner表示对此感到兴奋,但委员会对向JavaScript本身添加类型系统的重要性感到不安。 他指出:“很容易出错。” 不过,委员会确实承认这种努力的价值,并且有可能实现。

侯赛因…也表达了保留意见,他说:“如果您在类型系统中犯了错误,就会使网络陷入瘫痪。” 由于涉及的复杂性,委员会非常谨慎……。

他们还考虑采用多线程,并提出了一个建议,即在多个线程之间存在具有低级原语的共享数组缓冲区。 还有一个建议与Web工作者并行处理,以使Web内容在后台线程中运行脚本,但这会带来一些麻烦。 侯赛因指出,尽管并行处理将通过利用多核处理器来提高性能,但它是一个“非常复杂的问题”,就像类型系统一样。

计划已久的异步功能也在绘图板上。 侯赛因提供了预计的2018年时间表,但他不确定何时会到来。 “您可以说,'异步工作流,执行此操作,执行该操作,执行此操作。' 它是异步的,但您不必注册回调。”他说。 该代码看起来像同步代码,但实际上是异步运行的。


李·拜伦 ( Lee Byron) , 罗伯 ·沃尔莫德 ( Rob Wormald)和塔拉斯·曼 科夫斯基 ( Taras Mankovski)


@nerdneha: React仅在fb上用于需要动态的组件,例如:搜索,评论,通知,聊天,运动成绩-@leeb #QconSF

@nerdneha: @leeb #QconSF的React外卖菜https://t.co/eTItCTBM8s


肖恩·拉金 ( Sean Larkin)

Ben Centra参加了本次会议:

Webpack是一个流行的模块打包器,适用于所有类型的文件-JS,CSS,图像,以及包含丰富插件生态系统的所有内容。 它已经是JavaScript构建工具的重要组成部分,并且变得越来越好。 Webpack 2即将面世,它将包含许多有用的功能:本机ES2015模块语法(不首先转换为CommonJS / AMD); 摇树和其他优化工具; 代码拆分以提高HTTP / 2性能; 和更多。

Webpack正在成为Angular 2,React,Laravel和其他框架的默认模块捆绑器,清楚地表明了其实用性。 作为新JavaScript项目的主要构建工具,当然值得您考虑。



由Mitch Shepard

苏珊·麦金托什(Susan McIntosh)参加了会议:

米奇·谢泼德(Mitch Shepard)…确定了为什么在IT社区中担任领导职务和董事会中的女性人数减少的原因,为什么这可能对组织有害,以及如何改善这种状况。

Shepard引用的数据表明“创新和创造力与思想的多样性密不可分”,并且思想的多样性源于劳动力的各种差异,包括性别。 当公司董事会中有三名或三名以上的女性时,该公司就可以从这种多元化中获得经济利益,这体现在更高的销售回报率,更高的投资资本回报率和更高的股东总回报率,这是多元化至关重要的39个原因中的几个Shepard提到的。 麦肯锡的一份报告称,在大多数组织中,入门级职位是男女之间平均分配的,Shepard指出,中层和高层管理人员中女性的比例明显下降,女性仅占19%和4%董事会成员和首席执行官职位。

与男性相比,女性在升职时的能力和信心水平差异很大。 当男性满足职位描述中约60%的所需技能时,男性通常会感到有足够的自信去申请职位,而女性除非具备100%的技能,否则他们将没有信心申请职位。

然后,Shepard继续讨论如何处理此信息。 …承认妇女的贡献,确保有较少的声音被打扰的空间,重复妇女提出的想法以及担任导师或赞助者等做法在鼓励个别妇女过渡到领导地位方面非常有用。


@nerdneha: My goal is for your to feel afflicted @mitchlshepard preparing us "Being Inclusive: Is managing men v. women that different?" #qconsf

@nerdneha: How close are you to being your authentic self? @mitchlshepard found men didn't understand the question whereas women knew exactly #qconsf

@nerdneha: Men are more cautious to give feedback to women than to men -- they deserve the direct feedback. take the risk -- @mitchlshepard #qconsf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit The stats - the narrowing pipeline https://t.co/VHikYeVPR8

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit In software development the entry level is 14-19% women starting and close to zero at CXX level.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit the leadership skills needed in the workplace today are those that women naturally exhibit https://t.co/ZGuYtyG17y

@nerdneha: We don't want to unconsciously expect women to be like male counterparts. Ask if they can play by the same rules - @mitchlshepard #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit Value the differences and leverage the differences. Images brain at rest. https://t.co/0Z72BSGgYs

@kcasella: The #1 reason women leave their jobs is that they don't feel valued at work for their strengths @mitchlshepard #qconsf @QConSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit Practical advice on how you can make a difference. https://t.co/HfWfoTzzNi

@nerdneha: The #1 reason why women leave the workplace is because they don't feel valued. This is only revealed in confidence - @mitchlshepard #qconsf

@nerdneha: @mitchlshepard What can you do?1. don't interrupt2. notice & thank3. make room for her voice4. recognize & call out her impact#qconsf

@nerdneha: @mitchlshepard if a woman made a difference on something, TELL THEM! Seriously though, people can never hear it enough #qconsf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit bias in performance reviews. https://t.co/AkEgC7bD3N

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit Be an ally and sponsor https://t.co/Fb5ImrBoGo

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit Encourage her - it's not necessary to wait until you're fully ready https://t.co/N8zjU1vmGA

@nerdneha: Who are the top women that you want to keep? If they aren't asking for mentorship, do your job & make it happen - @mitchlshepard #qconsf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit some books worth reading https://t.co/X0wd4fz5wf

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit brain science differences https://t.co/x4dNWCKYAm

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit "not strategic" means "you're not thinking in the same way that I am"

@shanehastie: #QconSF @WiRLSummit Go beyond gender diversity to gender intelligence https://t.co/2Xu73M1Q19

@kcasella: Gender Diversity = Counting Heads; Gender Intelligence = Making Heads Count @mitchlshepard #QconSF @QConSF

Maximizing Human Potential

by Vivienne Ming

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@freire_da_silva: .@neuraltheory product dev philosophy: give people a super power! she could sense her son's glucose levels in realtime w/ ggle glass #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory describing a product which predicts bipolar episodes 3+ weeks before the event

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory "live a life of substance" - do something that makes a difference to other people

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory 3 rules: #1 whatever you're doing right now, go all in.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory things that do predict success in programming. Emotive passion about something. Care about what you do.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory the more people like you in the decision making process the more likely you are to just follow the crowd.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @neuraltheory marshmallow experiment- we've taught kids by age 4 that there's not much point in waiting for gratification. 伤心

@shanehastie: #qconsf @neuraltheory No skill or knowledge is robot-proof. Focus on the things that are truly uniquely human.

@shanehastie: #qconsf @neuraltheory Don't try to be a better parent, be a better person. Model the behaviour you want them to have.

The Art (and Science) of Compelling People

by Ronit Avni

Susan McIntosh attended this session:

Ronit Avni … presented at QCon on compelling people, identifying ways to connect to one's audience through warmth and skill, and how to provide a clear message by ensuring that the visual and vocal channels used to deliver the message don't detract from the actual message - the part that speakers spend so much time preparing.

Avni notes that, if there's tension between what an audience member is hearing and what they are seeing, studies have shown that focus on the verbal message is diffused; visual distractions can keep the audience from understanding the message.

Additionally, according to Harvard and Princeton research, the combination of warmth and strength drive the amount of respect a person can engender when speaking to audiences. High strength (recognized skill and ability), and high warmth (relatability) make a person more respected. To ease this conflict, Avni recommends practicing the delivery of the speech or presentation so that the nonverbal align with the presentation's content. People presenting information put a lot of effort into the words themselves, but don't focus very much on the visual elements - how they appear to the audience - or to vocal distractions - speed, vocal ticks, volume, and tone, and even pauses. Practicing arm and hand placement, posture, vocal strength, and where to look within your audience all will reduce the risk of unintended vocal and visual messages interrupting the verbal message.

Avni points out that a balanced posture, with arms in front and slightly raised (like you're holding something between the size of a soccer ball and a beach ball) when gesturing, enhances strength and warmth. She notes that the head tilt often seen by reporters on the news reduces the sense of strength, so is not a recommended stance when speaking with authority. Gesturing helps gain credibility, but within reason. Avni notes that gestures must not detract from the message, but rather support it.

Vocal strength and warmth, Avni says, can help emphasize the strength and warmth in the message. Using a "low, slow, and steady" voice helps emphasize points. Avni points out that one's natural range should be used, with more time in the lower bounds of that range. Slow speed and low tone can be used to make a point and generate strength, but variation in tone and speed helps generate warmth. Ravni also notes that speakers should learn to "embrace the pause" - eliminate the vocal pauses that fill silence (ers, ums, uhs, oks), and let the silence stand on its own….s

Ultimately, Avni notes that the heart of public speaking is mindfulness, being aware of yourself, and your audience's responses to you and the rest of the environment.

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni We are hard wired to believe and focus on the visual

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni Two characteristics that people look for in compelling speakers: strength / warmth (relatabilit… https://t.co/gDCg2WY8oN

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni women are biased against, as they increase in strength they are perceived as having less warmth.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni Babies (and adults) are hard wired to recognize a fake smile

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni characteristics of a strong voice - low, slow & steady. Warm voice is varied.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni There are mechanics to the art of public speaking. You need to practice to get the mechanics right.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni Verbal channel 7%. Connect first, then lead.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni Create rapport and connection by telling stories

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni We remember stories , not facts and figures

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni hold the floor to project strength and warmth to build credibility and trust

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni to create a connect even in a disagreement: agree, bridge, convince.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @Ronit_Avni be mindful about the practice of communicating effectively. Strength and warmth.

The Improviser's Code: Engineering Your Best Self

by Ted DesMaisons & Lisa Rowland

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF @teddydmz Lisa Rowland Improv Life Hacks. Embrace failure. There is a boldness that comes about when we don't fear failure

@shanehastie: #QconSF @teddydmz Lisa Rowland Improv life hacks: Say yes. Find what you can say yes to: Yes, and...

@shanehastie: #QconSF @teddydmz Lisa Rowland "Yes, but" shuts down ideas, "yes, and" opens us up to new ideas. "What I like about that idea is..."

@shanehastie: #QconSF @teddydmz Lisa Rowland Improv life hack no 3: Share control.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @teddydmz Lisa Rowland- the skill of Improv builds trust and acceptance in a pair/group. The skill of connection & collaboration


Modern Web Security, Lazy but Mindful like a Fox

by Albert Yu

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@charleshumble: A security researcher was able to see the entire source code of Vine, its API keys and third party keys and secrets,@yukinying #QconSF

@charleshumble: We should assume that the things we build with be compromised, much as we assume it will fail@yukinying #QconSF

The Psychology of Security Automation

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第9张图片

by Jason Chan

Alex Handy attended this session:

Chan said that development and security teams tend to be at odds. Developers want to go fast and break things, while security administrators generally want nothing to happen, anywhere. For the development team, movement is a good thing, but for the security team, success is silence.

Thus, integration between the two teams is a major key to success. The way Netflix approached this was to push security teams to integrate their tools into the existing developer workflows. They shunned the idea of adding a new console or dashboard, as it would be difficult to get developers onboard with using it.

The second major principle that helped the Netflix team was called Security++. This practice, said Chan, prioritized security efforts that would also improve the application from other sides. Thus, if work on a security bug would also yield a performance benefit or better stability for the application, it would be a priority for both teams.

Chan said that being transparent is also key for security teams. Developers need to know what is being automated, and why exactly something isn't being accepted because of security reasons. This, coupled with an ultimate goal of reducing cognitive load on developers, combine to make security easier to implement across an organization, he said.

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@charleshumble: The engineers' view of security teams is like the bridge keeper in Monty Python asking arbitrary questions@chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: For security - a good day when nothing bad happens. A good way to achieve this is to make sure nothing happens.@chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: Ever had an outage caused by an SSL certificate expiry? You are in good company - Gmail, Azure… @chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: Lemur - Netflix's tool for SSL management - https://t.co/oZuKgwdsQF@chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: “It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission” - Grace Hopper quoted by @chanjbs #QconSF

@charleshumble: Repoman: Right-sizing AWS permissions. This is what the UI looks like. As you can see we're not UX experts.… https://t.co/zbaWe7GUty

@charleshumble: New term for me - ChatOps - bots (Slack, HipChat) for ops - engineering-native workflow. Rollie Pollie at Netflix @chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: Application risk assessment typically involves a spreadsheet filled in once by a human who lies. @chanjbs #qconsf

@charleshumble: Security teams can and should leverage the high-velocity development ecosystem. @chanjbs #qconsf

Software Engineering Softskills

Build to Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第10张图片

by Sara Bayless Da Costa

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Prototyping helps prevent design disappointment down the line

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Rapid prototyping is about learning quickly, the goal is not to impress your customers but to learn https://t.co/k0xFWz7cVM

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZzft59 Learn early https://t.co/hgzN5kZiKz

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz willingness to change is higher when cost of change is lower https://t.co/1ZCgdJpeTK

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Involve technical people in prototyping helps make better products. Break the barriers between design & dev

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz developers with UX skills are more valuable to their companies

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Getting your prototype outside of the office to learn quickly

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Prototyping gives you the data which will make the decisions for you. Data driven not gut driven

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Prototyping mindset - fail forward fast. Scrappy, curious, risk takers, action bias… https://t.co/iziXjM2igq

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Methods- paper prototype for imagine & test

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz pros & cons of paper prototype https://t.co/3a0MVwBSAt

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Method: body storming good for imagine and sell. Act out the experience.

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Body storming pros and cons https://t.co/MMIRXCvwA1

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz more tools - high fidelity. https://t.co/Zn5gNvoCF4

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Other tools... https://t.co/KBbnxCCJHm

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz pros and cons of tools. https://t.co/nk2JXx4ciB

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Code is also a Prototyping tool. Pros & cons. https://t.co/msjqv800HW

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz Prototyping don'ts https://t.co/XilAGPxtfD

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz user testing tips https://t.co/PBvAehjm0B

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz compliments are bad data https://t.co/x6Wco0bYNC

@shanehastie: #QconSF https://t.co/312QZyXRGz When doing user testing ask for a commitment in time, money or reputation


by John Willis

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe The anti-patterns of DevOps are the definitions of burnout

@freire_da_silva: from the State of DevOps survey cos that deploy more often (to prod, many times/day) are up to 100x more resilient @botchagalupe #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe correlation between culture aspects and successful organizations. https://t.co/E4IYvNPtt5

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe The tools do not make you a healthy organization. Get people to collaborate and trust each other.

@philip_pfo: Technology choice doesn't make a great culture; it's the people and practices. #QconSF @botchagalupe

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Psychological Safety - this is the core to successful teams. (Ref Google)

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Demming figured this out 70 years ago https://t.co/XbKxek0Auz

@freire_da_silva: Etsy does blameless postmortems and measured the "mean time to sleep" of their on-call engineers to detect and avoid burnout! #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Burnout is as bad in high tech orgs as it is for firemen and police https://t.co/zQxutOTEkT

@freire_da_silva: Why worry about avoiding #burnout in our industry? @botchagalupe: it's ultimately about saving lives. prevent young friend's suicide #QconSF

@nerdneha: Burnout is the canary in the goldmine - @botchagalupe #qconsfLagging indicators: health care costs, law suits, turnover, optics https://t.co/TmDFhgQ4fC

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe leading indicators of burnout https://t.co/lliGelxypp

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Your high performing people are more likely to experience burnout.

@freire_da_silva: #Burnout: takes 6 months to get into it, 2 years to get out. @botchagalupe #QconSF

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe real costs of burnout https://t.co/NuMm1cxig0

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe dimensions of burnout https://t.co/LVEiuziHro

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe burnout in information security https://t.co/7AZjRY8vbV

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Chaos-monkey yourself to identify where you may be experiencing burnout

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Organization level - systems thinking, what is the mismatch between the company and the individual https://t.co/NKB6H32jSl

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe Companies need to be better at understanding the mismatch between their culture and the culture/values of employees

@shanehastie: #QconSF @botchagalupe We focus on the negative messages, despite a preponderance of positives https://t.co/4Em2MirVHm

Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第11张图片

by Phil Haack

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@nerdneha: The case for startups needing EMs: It's really hard to give corrective feedback when you don't have engineering managers. - @haacked #QconSF

@nerdneha: When you're delivering feedback, ask them if it's a good time and address:Situation (context)BehaviorImpactNext Steps@haacked #QconSF

@freire_da_silva: soft skills are the hardest! have you ever learned how to deliver feedback? 1 situation 2 behavior 3 impact 4 next steps @haacked #QConSf

@freire_da_silva: what's the cost of a compliment? 0! feedback must include appreciation! @haacked #QConSf

@freire_da_silva: most powerful tool for managers: weekly 1-on-1s. @haacked channeling @managertools podcast #QconSF

@freire_da_silva: people almost never change without first feeling understood -Difficult Conversations book recommendation by @haacked #QconSF

@nerdneha: We're all the protagonists of our own stories - @haacked on coming to a common understanding with someone = empathizing first #QconSF

@nerdneha: Love this slide by @haacked on his insight on how to build trust: sit down with them and build a rapport #QconSF https://t.co/TvVx3oaU3Q

@shawn_nielsen: Teams that enjoy the most psychological safety are the ones that are the most effective. @haacked #QconSF

@freire_da_silva: why care about diversity? it's a competitive advantage. @haacked sharing study at #QconSF https://t.co/2kuyY4gJoM

UX Reimagined

Designing Calm Technology

qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第12张图片

by Amber Case

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic You don't need a fridge to remind you to buy milk. You don't want to be a system admin in your own home. https://t.co/yUtMWJjgiM

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic When the web connected service went down people didn't know if their animals were starving. https://t.co/Y0Q57PG1vw

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic We live in an era of interruptive technology. Our devices interrupt us, and the service is frequently interrupted.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Network bandwidth needs to become as stable as electricity.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic What does an invisible tool mean. https://t.co/oipyxiMnLd

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Principles for calm technology design. Don't demand your attention unless it is useful. Don't shout - nudge. https://t.co/GnJI8u6f1c

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic simple sensing and ambient information. https://t.co/dRMixjEslp

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Allow people to act like people, don't make them behave like machines https://t.co/YjzelQggyJ

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Technology can communicate but it doesn't need to speak. Example dancing string at PARC https://t.co/ZYC2RFY1uQ

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Another example - Roomba tones not voices. https://t.co/ey5dXm1fAw

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Technology should respect social norms.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Google glass was a disturbing advancement, too much at once, not an incremental advance

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic The minimum tech needed to solve a problem. https://t.co/fXZkgXDSrC

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Just enough technology to solve the problem. 例子。 https://t.co/aEJKLqwSqU

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic Evolution of computing over time. Personal servers and local processing should be the future. https://t.co/nZNShU1214

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseorganic The scarce resource of the 21st century will be attention. https://t.co/1ijo1rMdTO

Design Guidelines for Conversational Interfaces

by Angie Terrell

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@charleshumble: Conversation interface - machine should not try to be human. The language should be direct and unambiguous. @Angie_Terrell #QconSF

@charleshumble: When there's no graphical user interface to guide us, our memory becomes the UI.Luke Wroblewski quoted by @Angie_Terrell #QconSF


qcon2016_从QCon San Francisco 2016中学到的重点知识和教训_第13张图片

by Casey Rosenthal

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@freire_da_silva: .@caseyrosenthal shares @netflix tool to visualize live infrastructure and detect and recover from errors! #QConSF https://t.co/HNwModq5gV

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Netflix is like a library, except they read the book for you and have people act them out so you don't have to read

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Netflix microservice architecture. Each microservice owned by a small team. https://t.co/djJybTWRBy

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Netflix optimizes for four key drivers. Finding the balance is important. Need to have a systems thinking view. https://t.co/hfka9dMPVZ

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Going beyond vision - what about having background sound that changes based on events

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal showing @WardCunningham visualization of web traffic https://t.co/HahjYnFS9S

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal visualization allows systemic effects to be seen. https://t.co/QrsLFSBJQz

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Intuition Engineering is about making sense where the data volume is overwhelming https://t.co/amH3PKsaC8

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Using The Beer Game to explain systems thinking. https://t.co/4itQUr3qwf

@shanehastie: #qconsf @caseyrosenthal Using visualisation to show conditions without needing exact numbers. Human brain identifies "normal" quickly https://t.co/h8lNnuGv0Y

@shanehastie: #QconSF @caseyrosenthal Intuition Engineering comes from systems thinking view of the overall Netflix environment. Metaphor of pain suit. https://t.co/aK3CQ4kKAB

Taming Complexity with Object-oriented UX

by Sophia Voychehovski

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux How object oriented UX can help us tame complexity. https://t.co/OoTR7KROfc

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux OO-UX goes hand in hand with modular design. Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. Da Vinci

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Developers are good at making code simple, but not good at making UI simple (likewise for many designers)

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux What causes complexity: complex organisations, complex needs(people), complex device ecosystem,… https://t.co/QhbYmEhfVe

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux We are the complexity filters - we deal with complexity so our users don't have to.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux Design with OOUX. Things we can do that help. https://t.co/3VoyAeVswV

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Things we should do when designing. https://t.co/tWY7Z9mFr4

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Cheat on your IA. A problem domain is made up of things, the solution is part of the domain. https://t.co/cocgV5n6El

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux People think in objects. https://t.co/6C8RqPyuBg

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux To expose a user's mental model talk to them! https://t.co/gbngiaa96k

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Persistent navigation is a way for users to see the containers of things https://t.co/R0HiGvDmdi

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Objects are the stuff of your system. https://t.co/xl3fCvOl11

@shanehastie: #QConSF @sophiavux Reduce, Reuse & recycle. Where things are very similar, can they be seen as just one?

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux We often make the same module in different parts of the same system. Rather have a single module. https://t.co/IoC05wtgDw

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux Compare the ways LinkedIn presents a person and message https://t.co/85E0omtEQ1

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux Let objects guide your actions. When using a system we are directly impact objects https://t.co/OphZTXPRIS

@shanehastie: #QconSF @shanehastie Don't waste tour time designing interactions that nobody wants.

@shanehastie: #QconSF @sophiavux Things you need to do to ensure consistency https://t.co/ibUnwWh0rz

Twitter Tech Day

Building Twitter's Next-gen Alerting System

by Megan Kanne

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@philip_pfo: Observability - write, visualize, alert. Architecture for that at Twitter (from @megankanne #QconSF) https://t.co/OsadfYH42Y

@wesreisz: Twitter's alerting architecture #QConSF https://t.co/gNRspF2m31

How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fan-in

by Mike Cvet

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@bx: If you wanted to know how Twitter started introducing relevance into filtered timelines, @mikecvet is dropping the… https://t.co/SqoQywhUIp

Scaling Reliability: So You Want to Add a 9

by Moses Nakamura

Twitter feedback on this session included:

@charleshumble: I've stopped writing bugs but other people still do write them. @mnnakamura #QconSF

@charleshumble: “Rare failures are like rare Pokemon but less exciting.” @mnnakamura #QconSF

Opinions about QCon

Twitter feedback on QCon SF 2016 included:

@maheshsingh: Loving the track introduction format of #QconSF - as also the responsive schedule on the website. Good show @InfoQ :)

@jjlesko: #QconSF is wrapping up soon - my team gives the conference high marks, consistent with the last several years I've gone. Good job, @InfoQ!

@wouterdanes: Evaluating an amazing @QConSF with the @ingnl colleagues. #QconSF https://t.co/v989flTu8t

@ladyleet: Waking up to this beautiful view at #qconsf #sf https://t.co/eTpin1l0UE

@jesmith17: Looking forward to applying techniques from #QconSF to my work. Great lessons and lectures.


@lorax_james: One thing that #QConSF has taught me is to try new things and not be afraid of change. So today, I will sit on the… https://t.co/lI8MhCun2M


InfoQ produces QCons in 7 cities around the globe. Our focus on practitioner-driven content is reflected in the fact that the program committee that selects the talks and speakers is itself comprised of technical practitioners from the software development community. Our next QCon will be in London March 6-10, 2017 . We will retun to San Fransico November 13-17 2017.

翻译自: https://www.infoq.com/articles/qcon-san-francisco-2016/?topicPageSponsorship=c1246725-b0a7-43a6-9ef9-68102c8d48e1

