多云,有可能进行咖啡因式查询编排–适用于Java的AWS Athena SDK的新rJava包装器...


  • awsathena | GL| GH
  • awsathenajars | GL| GH

They’re both needed to conform with the way CRAN like rJava-based packages submitted that also have large JAR dependencies. The goal is to eventually have wrappers for anything R folks need under the AWS Java SDK menu.

All package pairs will eventually cohabitate under the Cloudy R Project once each gets to 90% API coverage, passes CRAN checks and has passing Travis checks.

One thing I did get working right up front was the asynchronous dplyr chain query execution collect_async(), so if you need that and would rather not use reticulated wrappers, now’s your chance.

You would be correct in assuming this is an offshoot of the recent work on updating metis. My primary impetus for this is to remove the reticulate dependency from our Dockerized production setups but I also have discovered I like the Java libraries more than the boto3-based ones (not really a shocker there if you know my views on Python). As a result I should be able to quickly wrap most any library you may need (see below).


下一个主要的包装器是S3(它的某些位在Awsathena现在,但这只是暂时的),并且-现在,您可以在此处扔评论或在您喜欢的任何社交编码网站中提交问题,以优先包装其他AWS Java SDK库。 另外,如果您想在免评专区中使用rJava软件包有一定的经验,请在这些或任何新的基于AWS rJava的软件包存储库中添加注释,我将很高兴地指导您完成第一个PR。

from: https://dev.to//hrbrmstr/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-caffeinated-query-orchestration--new-rjava-wrappers-for-aws-athena-sdk-for-java-4fp2
