PMP试题解析(第九章 项目资源管理)


1、 [单选]X项目团队中的部分团队成员同时还要承担Y项目的工作,X项目估算活动历时必须用到下面哪一项?Some members of the project X team also undertake the work of project Y at the same time. Which of the following items should be used for estimating activities of project X?

A:历时上其它项目中类似活动的历时;The duration of similar activities in other projects in the past;

B:项目Y的进度计划; schedule of project Y;

C:资源日历;resource calendar;

D:成员所在职能部门经理的意见。comments from the functional managers of the members.



2、 [单选]下面都是项目经理职位带来的权力,除了: All the following are forms of power derived from the project manager’s position EXCEPT:







3、 [单选]项目团队的一位新成员因为看不懂网络图、也不知道关键路径、浮动时间这些术语很难与项目经理和其他团队成员交流。这个问题应该如何解决?A new member of the project team is difficult to communicate with the project manager and other team members because he can't know the network diagram, the critical path and the floating time. How should the problem be solved?

A:新成员所在的职能部门经理有责任提供针对性培训;The functional department manager of the new member is responsible for providing targeted training;

B:项目经理有责任为新成员提供针对性培训;Project manager is responsible for providing targeted training to the new member;

C:公司人力资源部有责任为新成员提供针对性培训;The human resources department of the company is responsible for providing targeted training to the new member;

D:要求新成员自学项目管理以满足工作需要。The new member should be required to self-study project management to meet the needs of work.



4、 [单选]下面哪种冲突解决技术虽然不容易做到,但能做到的话总会带来最满意的效果?Which of the following conflict resolution technologies is not easy to implement, but will always bring the most satisfying results?




D:解决Problem solving


解析:合作/解决是冲突解决技术中最好的,双赢 win-win,且副作用最少,效果最彻底,作用最持久。

5、 [单选]项目绩效评估和团队绩效评估不同,项目绩效评估主要关注:Project performance appraisals are different from team performance assessment in that project performance appraisals focus on:

A:团队成员个人在项目中的绩效表现; How an individual team member is performing on the project.

B:项目团队效率评价;An evaluation of the project team’s effectiveness.

C:团队建设工作;A team-building effort.

D:降低员工流动率。Reducing the staff turnover rate.



6、 [单选]项目经理应该把项目团队开会的纪律和表决的规则写进:Which document should the project manager write about meeting discipline and voting rules of the project team?

A:项目章程project charter

B:团队章程team charter

C:沟通管理计划communication management plan

D:相关方参与计划stakeholder engagement plan



7、 [单选]项目经理观察到有些项目团队成员开始调整工作习惯以配合其他成员。但是,他们彼此仍然缺乏信任。项目经理可以得出下列哪一项结论?The project manager observed that some project team members began to adjust their work habits to accommodate other members. But they still lack trust. Which of the following conclusions can the project manager draw?

A:团队处于规范阶段,很有可能进入到成熟阶段The team is in the norming stage and is likely to enter the mature stage.

B:团队处于规范阶段,很有可能退回到震荡阶段 The team is in the norming stage and is likely to return to the storming stage.

C:团队处于震荡阶段,很有可能进入到规范阶段The team is in the storming stage and it is likely to enter the norming stage.

D:团队处于震荡阶段,很有可能退回到形成阶段The team is in the storming stage and is likely to return to the forming stage.



8、 [单选]在一个大型项目快结束时,紧张状态上升,团队成员之间冲突越来越频繁。冲突的焦点是因为两个有宿怨的成员彼此敌对,团队的注意力已经脱离了项目的目标。为了恢复秩序,项目经理打发掉两名团队成员,让其他人代替他们。项目经理使用的是哪种冲突解决策略?At the end of a large project, tensions rise and conflicts between team members become more frequent. The focus of the conflict is because two feuding members are hostile to each other, and the team's attention has been distracted from the project's goals. To restore order, the project manager removed the work of the two members in advance and let others replace them. What kind of conflict resolution strategy does the project manager use?







9、 [单选]项目范围已明确定义,且项目团队之前做过此类工作。进度绩效指数为0.7,在调查完差异之后,项目经理了解到,项目发起人要求在现场工作的一名团队成员去执行他认为对项目很重要的额外活动。若要避免这种情况,项目经理应该:The project scope is well defined and the project team has performed this type of work before. The schedule performance index is 0.7. After investigating the deviation, the project manager realizes that one of the team members, working onsite is being asked by the project sponsor to perform extra activities believed important to the project. Which action should the project manager take to avoid situations?

A:改进项目沟通,确保所有需求都得到满足; Improve project communications, making sure all needs are being satisfied.

B:根据新的需求对项目范围进行变更;Make changes to the project’s scope based on the new demands.

C:向这位同事明确说停止范围蔓延;Give a clear statement to the coworker do discontinue the scope creep.

D:对于必须的变更,与变更控制委员会沟通。Communicate that changes must be done through the change control board.



10、 [单选]下列哪一种方式有助于调动团队成员最大潜能和发挥他们的主管能动性?Which of the following ways can help motivate team members to maximize their potential and leverage their initiative?

A:集中办公 War-room

B:虚拟团队virtual team

C:自组织团队 self-organizing team

D:强矩阵strong matrix



11、 [单选]在项目规划阶段,项目经理认识到一名项目相关方对项目可交付成果的理解存在分歧,从而造成与该项目相关方的关系紧张。要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?During the project planning phase, the project manager realized that a project stakeholder had a disagreement about the understanding of the deliverables, resulting in a tension between the project manager and the stakeholder. What should the project manager do to solve this problem?

A:忽略该项目相关方的意见,根据多数相关方的理解确定项目范围; ignore the opinions of this stakeholder and define the project scope according to the understanding of majority;

B:安排与这位相关方的会谈,了解造成分歧的原因并积极解决分歧; Arrange meeting with the stakeholder to get the reason of the understanding differences and actively address them;

C:将该问题上报给项目发起人,让他们解决这个问题; Escalate the issue to the project sponsor so that they can solve the problem;

D:让权力更大的其他相关方出面说服这位相关方做出妥协。Ask other stakeholders with greater power to convince this stakeholder to compromise.



12、 [单选]交期临近但项目进度落后,马上面临圣诞节长假,项目经理需要在让所有团队成员放弃假期支付加班补偿和延期交付项目承担罚款之间做出选择,他需要用以下哪一个分析技术?The delivery time is near but the project is behind schedule. Facing with the Christmas holidays, the project manager needs to choose between asking all team members to give up their holidays with overtime compensation and delay the delivery of the project and bear the penalty. Which of the following analytical techniques does he need?

A:储备分析Reserve analysis

B:挣值分析Earned value analysis

C:备选方案分析Alternative analysis.

D:成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis.



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