Create and Run an ABAP Application

ou will learn

  • How to create and run an ABAP application based on tables of the SAP NetWeaver Demo sample EPM Model (see also The SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Procurement Model – An Introduction. So you can complete the tutorial on any SAP NetWeaver 7.5x system.

Step 1: Create New ABAP Program

In the toolbar, choose New > ABAP Program…:

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第1张图片

A wizard appears to create a new ABAP Program. Enter z_invoice_items_euro in the name field. Enter a meaningful text in the description field. Choose Finish to create the report.Afterwards an editor will be opened which shows the empty report.

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第2张图片


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Step 2: Create ABAP local class

  1. Type lcl and choose Ctrl+Space to get code completion proposals. Select the code template for the insertion of a local class by choosing lcl - Local class or choose Enter if the right entry is already selected.

    Create and Run an ABAP Application_第3张图片
  2. Adjust the name of the local class to lcl_main using inline editing.

    Create and Run an ABAP Application_第4张图片


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Step 3: Create CREATE method

Position the cursor in the class definition statement and choose Ctrl+1 to open the Quick Fix menu. Choose Generate factory method create to create a static factory method.

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第5张图片


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Step 4: Implement RUN method

  1. Add the definition of an additional instance method run by entering methods run. in the public section.

  2. Then position the cursor on the method name and choose Ctrl+1 to open the Quick-Fix menu. Choose Add implementation for run.

    Create and Run an ABAP Application_第6张图片
  3. Implement a simple WRITE statement in the method run.

    Create and Run an ABAP Application_第7张图片


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Step 5: Make ABAP program runnable

  1. Add a START-OF-SELECTION event to your report

  2. Create an instance of the local class lcl_main.

  3. Call the run method.That is, enter the following code:



        lcl_main=>create( )->run( ).
  1. Create and Run an ABAP Application_第8张图片

Class methods are called using => ; instance methods are called using ->.


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Step 6: Save and Activate ABAP Program

Save and activate your program by choosing Save and Activate in the toolbar.

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第9张图片


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Step 7: Run the ABAP Program

Choose F8 to run your program. An embedded SAP GUI will open inside an Eclipse editor. After checking the output of the report choose Close.

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第10张图片


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Step 8: Output system variables in your program

You will now enhance the program to output your user name and today’s date. Change the WRITE statement to:

WRITE: 'Welcome, ', sy-uname, / 'Today is the', sy-datum.

Image depicting step8-enhance-write

sy- is the table containing all the system fields. For the complete list, see the ABAP keyword documentation: ABAP System Fields.

/ is simply the new line character. (See also ABAP keyword documentation: WRITE.)


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Step 9: Run the ABAP Program

Again, choose F8 to run your program. Your output should now look something like this:

Create and Run an ABAP Application_第11张图片


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Step 10: Check your code

Your code should look like this:



*& Report zjp_basic_app
REPORT z_invoice_items_euro.

class lcl_main definition create private.

  public section.
    methods run.
    CLASS-METHODS create
        value(r_result) TYPE REF TO lcl_main.

  protected section.
  private section.


class lcl_main implementation.

  method create.
    create object r_result.

  method run.
    WRITE: 'Welcome, ', sy-uname, / 'Today is the', sy-datum.



    lcl_main=>create( )->run( ).


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Step 11: Test yourself

Add the event keyword that turns a report into an executable program, then directly call the class method Main of the class Demo. (Don’t indent your lines of code; pay attention to space characters.) Enter the code in the box below and choose Validate:
