MATLAB Coder可以从MATLAB代码生成独立的、可读性强、可移植的C/C++代码。
使用MATLAB Coder产生代码的3个步骤:准备用于产生代码的MATLAB算法;检查MATLAB代码的兼容性(有些matlab代码语句并不能生成c/c++代码);产生最终使用的源代码或MEX。
利用MATLAB Coder生成c++代码,并在vs2008中验证:
function c = foo(a, b)%#codegen
%This function muliplies a and b
c = a * b
3、在命令窗口,输入mex -setpu,选中一个存在的编译器;
4、在命令窗口输入coder(图形界面),回车,弹出MATLAB Coder Project对话框;
5、在New选项卡Name中输入一个工程名foo.prj;点击Ok,弹出MATLAB Coder MEX Function对话框;
6、在Overview选项卡中,点击Add files,弹出对话框,选中foo.m打开;
7、单击变量a,选择Define by Example…,弹出MATLAB Coder Define by Example对话框,在MATLAB Expression中输入5,点击OK;同样变量b也进行相应操作,输入6;
8、选中Build选项卡,Output type中选择c/c++ Static Library;选中Generate code only;
9、点击More settings,GeneralàLanguage选择C++;Interface选项中去掉所有选项;Close;
10、点击Build,进行编译;点击View report,弹出Code Generation Report对话框,此时,变量a、b、c会显示相应的变量信息;
12、在foo.cpp文件中添加#include “stdafx.h”;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "foo.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
double a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0.0;
c = foo(a, b);
cout<<"c = "< return 0; } 一个复杂的例子,求一个数的n次方根: 1、 两个.m文件: nrt.m: function [nth_rt, iterations, hstry] = nrt(varargin)%#codegen %This function will use a Newton Search Technique to find %the nth root of a number, a, to the tolerance, tol. %The square root % nrt(10, 2), or nrt(10, 2, 1e-9) %The "n" root %nrt(10, n), or nrt(10, n, 1e-9) a = varargin{1}; n = varargin{2}; if nargin ~= 3 tol = 1e-9; else tol = varargin{3}; end if a < 0 nth_rt = 0; iterations = 0; hstry = 0; else [nth_rt, hstry] = newtonSearchAlgorithm(a, n, tol); iterations = length(find(hstry ~= 0)); %iterations = sum(hstry ~= 0); end newtonSearchAlgorithm.m: function [x, h] = newtonSearchAlgorithm(b, n, tol) %#codegen %Given, "a", this function finds the nth root of a %number by finding where: x^n-a = 0 coder.inline('never'); %使其生成一个单独的c++文件 notDone = 1; aNew = 0; %Refined Guess Initialization a = 1; %Initial Guess cnt = 0; h = zeros(50, 1); h(1) = a; while notDone cnt = cnt + 1; [curVal, slope] = f_and_df(a, b, n); % square yint = curVal - slope * a; aNew = -yint / slope; %The new guess h(cnt) = aNew; if (abs(aNew-a) < tol) %Break if it's converged notDone = 0; elseif cnt > 49 %after 50 iterations, stop notDone = 0; aNew = 0; else a = aNew; end end x = aNew; function [f, df] = f_and_df(a, b, n) %Our function is f=a^n-b and it's derivative is n*a^(n-1). f = a^n-b; df = n*a^(n-1); 2、 在命令窗口输入coder(图形界面),回车,弹出MATLAB Coder Project对话框; 3、在New选项卡Name中输入一个工程名nrt.prj;点击Ok,弹出MATLAB Coder MEX Function对话框; 4、在Overview选项卡中,点击Add files,弹出对话框,选中nrt.m打开; 5、添加三个输入,分别为10、2、1e-9;两个输入也可以; 6、选中Build选项卡,Output type中选择c/c++ Static Library;选中Generate code only; 7、点击More settings,General-->Language选择C++;Interface选项中去掉所有选项;Close; 8、点击Build,进行编译;点击View report,弹出Code Generation Report对话框; 9、利用vs2008建立一个控制台应用程序,将生成的相关文件nrt.cpp、nrt.h、newtonSearchAlgorithm.cpp、newtonSearchAlgorithm.h、nrt_types.h、rtwtypes.h拷到相关目录下并添加到应用程序中; 10、分别在nrt.cpp、newtonSearchAlgorithm.cpp文件中添加#include “stdafx.h”; 11、test.cpp文件中代码为: #include "stdafx.h" #include "nrt.h" #include using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { double varargin_1 = 0, varargin_2 = 0, varargin_3 = 1e-9; cin>>varargin_1>>varargin_2; double nth_rt = 0, iterations = 0; double hstry_data[50] = {0}; int hstry_sizes[1] = {0}; nrt(varargin_1, varargin_2, varargin_3, &nth_rt, &iterations, hstry_data, hstry_sizes); cout<<"nth_rt = "< cout<<"iterations = "< cout<<"hstry_data = "< for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { cout< } cout<<"hstry_sizes = "< return 0; } 参考: 1、录制的网上研讨会的MATLAB Coder视频 2、