
Grey Wolf Optimization to Minimize Functions with Continuous Variables. The function returns: 1) An array containing the used value(s) for the target function and the output of the target function f(x). For example, if the function f(x1, x2) is used, then the array would be [x1, x2, f(x1, x2)].


  • pack_size = The population size. The Default Value is 5.   种群数量

  • min_values = The minimum value that the variable(s) from a list can have. The default value is -5. 下界

  • max_values = The maximum value that the variable(s) from a list can have. The default value is 5. 上届

  • generations = The total number of iterations. The Default Value is 50.  迭代代数

  • target_function = Function to be minimized.   目标函数



import numpy  as np
import math
import random
import os

# Function
def target_function():

# Function: Initialize Variables
def initial_position(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
    position = np.zeros((pack_size, len(min_values)+1))
    for i in range(0, pack_size):
        for j in range(0, len(min_values)):
             position[i,j] = random.uniform(min_values[j], max_values[j])
        position[i,-1] = target_function(position[i,0:position.shape[1]-1])
    return position

# Function: Initialize Alpha
def alpha_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    alpha = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        alpha[0,j] = 0.0
    alpha[0,-1] = target_function(alpha[0,0:alpha.shape[1]-1])
    return alpha

# Function: Initialize Beta
def beta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    beta = np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        beta[0,j] = 0.0
    beta[0,-1] = target_function(beta[0,0:beta.shape[1]-1])
    return beta

# Function: Initialize Delta
def delta_position(dimension = 2, target_function = target_function):
    delta =  np.zeros((1, dimension + 1))
    for j in range(0, dimension):
        delta[0,j] = 0.0
    delta[0,-1] = target_function(delta[0,0:delta.shape[1]-1])
    return delta

# Function: Updtade Pack by Fitness
def update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta):
    updated_position = np.copy(position)
    for i in range(0, position.shape[0]):
        if (updated_position[i,-1] < alpha[0,-1]):
            alpha[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
        if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] < beta[0,-1]):
            beta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
        if (updated_position[i,-1] > alpha[0,-1] and updated_position[i,-1] > beta[0,-1]  and updated_position[i,-1] < delta[0,-1]):
            delta[0,:] = np.copy(updated_position[i,:])
    return alpha, beta, delta

# Function: Updtade Position
def update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = 2, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], target_function = target_function):
    updated_position = np.copy(position)
    for i in range(0, updated_position.shape[0]):
        for j in range (0, len(min_values)):   
            r1_alpha              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_alpha              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_alpha               = 2*a_linear_component*r1_alpha - a_linear_component
            c_alpha               = 2*r2_alpha      
            distance_alpha        = abs(c_alpha*alpha[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x1                    = alpha[0,j] - a_alpha*distance_alpha   
            r1_beta               = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_beta               = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_beta                = 2*a_linear_component*r1_beta - a_linear_component
            c_beta                = 2*r2_beta            
            distance_beta         = abs(c_beta*beta[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x2                    = beta[0,j] - a_beta*distance_beta                          
            r1_delta              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            r2_delta              = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder = "big") / ((1 << 64) - 1)
            a_delta               = 2*a_linear_component*r1_delta - a_linear_component
            c_delta               = 2*r2_delta            
            distance_delta        = abs(c_delta*delta[0,j] - position[i,j]) 
            x3                    = delta[0,j] - a_delta*distance_delta                                 
            updated_position[i,j] = np.clip(((x1 + x2 + x3)/3),min_values[j],max_values[j])     
        updated_position[i,-1] = target_function(updated_position[i,0:updated_position.shape[1]-1])
    return updated_position

# GWO Function
def grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = 5, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], iterations = 50, target_function = target_function):    
    count    = 0
    alpha    = alpha_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    beta     = beta_position(dimension  = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    delta    = delta_position(dimension = len(min_values), target_function = target_function)
    position = initial_position(pack_size = pack_size, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)
    while (count <= iterations):      
        print("Iteration = ", count, " f(x) = ", alpha[-1])      
        a_linear_component = 2 - count*(2/iterations)
        alpha, beta, delta = update_pack(position, alpha, beta, delta)
        position           = update_position(position, alpha, beta, delta, a_linear_component = a_linear_component, min_values = min_values, max_values = max_values, target_function = target_function)       
        count              = count + 1       
    return alpha


# Function to be Minimized (Six Hump Camel Back). Solution ->  f(x1, x2) = -1.0316; x1 = 0.0898, x2 = -0.7126 or x1 = -0.0898, x2 = 0.7126
def six_hump_camel_back(variables_values = [0, 0]):
    func_value = 4*variables_values[0]**2 - 2.1*variables_values[0]**4 + (1/3)*variables_values[0]**6 + variables_values[0]*variables_values[1] - 4*variables_values[1]**2 + 4*variables_values[1]**4
    return func_value

gwo = grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = 15, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], iterations = 100, target_function = six_hump_camel_back)

# Function to be Minimized (Rosenbrocks Valley). Solution ->  f(x) = 0; xi = 1
def rosenbrocks_valley(variables_values = [0,0]):
    func_value = 0
    last_x = variables_values[0]
    for i in range(1, len(variables_values)):
        func_value = func_value + (100 * math.pow((variables_values[i] - math.pow(last_x, 2)), 2)) + math.pow(1 - last_x, 2)
    return func_value

gwo = grey_wolf_optimizer(pack_size = 100, min_values = [-5,-5], max_values = [5,5], iterations = 100, target_function = rosenbrocks_valley)

