这篇文章是sql语句的答案篇,数据库表信息请查看上一篇 “mysql 多表查询练习题(一)数据准备”
select sid,avg(score) avg_sc from sc group by sid having avg_sc>70
select sc.sid,st.sname,count(*) c_num,sum(sc.score) c_sum from sc,student st
where sc.sid=st.sid group by sc.sid,st.sname
select count(*) from teacher where tname like '李%'
select st.sid,st.sname from sc,student st where sc.sid=st.sid and sc.cid in (
select cid from course c,teacher t where c.tid=t.tid and tname = '李纯'
select * from student where sid not in (
select distinct sc.sid from sc where sc.cid in (
select cid from course c,teacher t where c.tid=t.tid and tname = '李雷'
select sid,sname from student where sid in(
select t1.sid from
(select * from sc where cid='001') t1,
(select * from sc where cid='002') t2
where t1.sid = t2.sid
select sid,sname from student where sid in(
select t1.sid from
(select * from sc where cid='001') t1,
(select * from sc where cid='002') t2
where t1.sid = t2.sid and t2.score
select s.sid,s.sname from student s,(
select sc.sid,count(sc.sid) from sc where sc.cid in(
select c.cid from course c,teacher t where c.tid=t.tid and tname='李雷'
group by sc.sid having count(sc.sid)=(
select count(*) from course c,teacher t where c.tid=t.tid and tname='李雷'
) t
where s.sid = t.sid
select cid,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cid
select s.sid,s.sname from student s,
select sid,count(*) from sc group by sid
having count(*)=(select count(*) from course)
) t
where s.sid=t.sid
select sid,sname from student where sid in(
select sid from sc where cid in(
select cid from sc where sid = '1001'
) and sid!='1001'
补充:concat() 方法用于连接两个或多个数组
百分数表示方法 CONCAT(值1/值2*100,'%')
select s1.cid,avg(s1.score) avg_sc,concat(t.c2/count(s1.score)*100,'%') rate
from sc s1 left join
(select cid cid2,count(*) c2 from sc where score>=60 group by cid) t
on s1.cid = t.cid2
group by s1.cid order by avg_sc,rate desc
delete from sc where cid in(
select cid from teacher t,course c where t.tid=c.tid and t.tname = '李纯'