读深入理解计算机系统 - 第一章 计算机系统漫游 - 1.1 信息 = 位 + 上下文

1.1 信息 = 位 + 上下文


但是世界事物千千万,无法用一个位来表示,怎么办呢? 某不知名人士说过,没有什么东西是0和1无法表示的,如果有…那就再加一个0和1.所以,在计算机中,一般由8位表示一组(即8bit=1byte, 1字节=1byte),而这一组可以表示2的8次方个字符(字母、符号或者数字),而这256个字符就构成了计算机系统的基础.



int main()
    printf("hello, world\n");
    return 0;



读深入理解计算机系统 - 第一章 计算机系统漫游 - 1.1 信息 = 位 + 上下文_第1张图片

SP: space空格
\n: 换行

程序员视角: 代码(由字符串组成) --> byte(与ascii码一一对应) --> 一段连续的位符号

计算机视角: 一段连续的位符号 --> byte(与ascii码一一对应) --> 代码(由字符串组成)



The facetious answer is "it depends on the context”(跟我说的差不多一个意思)

Context is the background information we need to understand the “unit of understanding” that we’re currently looking at. Ideally it would tell us in a straight-forward way what the assumptions and decisions that led to this point were.

More specifically, in Cucumber (and related tools), Context is used to get the system into a known state so that the Scenario you are about to execute makes sense as a standalone unit. If your scenario is about adding a text bundle to your mobile phone account, the context may be that you have a mobile phone and a calling plan, you’re registered on the system and logged in and the text bundle is available to you as a customer.

In a different context, in Domain Driven Design, a “Bounded Context” is an area of the system where a concept might use the same name as another area, but the meaning is different.
For example, a Customer means something different to the Billing system (who care about Billing Address, Credit Worthiness, Payment History etc) than to the Fulfilment System (who care about Delivery Address, Freight, Weight, Number of Parcels etc)

信息:个人理解就是计算机内的有效数据,可以被程序员理解的直观的数据和被机器读懂的指令. 这些数据的构成就是无数个0和1的排列组合.

信息(正确的结果) = 位(正确的人) + 上下文(恰到好处的环境)
