
找到corflags.exe + dll位置    >corflags C:\Users\AGV-LS\Desktop\agvsz.common.dll

The most interesting aspect is the PE(Portable executable) and the 32BIT flag of the header. These combine to specify the assembly types. Here is how they would look like for:

·         anycpu: PE = PE32    and  32BIT = 0

·         x86:      PE = PE32    and  32BIT = 1

·         64-bit:  PE = PE32+  and  32BIT = 0


Using corflags tool, users can forcefully change the PE headers of any assembly to make them behave the way they want to. Users can force most of the flags to the values as wanted. However, it is advised to use compiler switches instead of this tool to create binaries with specific characteristics as desired.
