

During your programing , you could meet how to get your application's version sometimes,now I will tell you how to get the application's version from the VS_VERSION_INFO resource.

First ,you should make a project named GetVersion from MFC Appwizard(exe) depends on dialog!

Next, we create a button control  named IDC_BTN_GETVERSION, it uses to get the application function.In this button, we add the function named GetApplicationVersion(), it uses to get the application's version!

Before Add the function , we should add a library named Version.lib, code just like:

#pragma comment(lib,"Version.lib")

Now , we Add the function named GetApplicationVersion(), and no return value,just void prefix.

This function's code ,as follows :

 TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH];
 DWORD dwVerInfoSize = 0;
 DWORD dwVerHnd;

 GetModuleFileName(NULL, szFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath));
    dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFullPath, &dwVerHnd);
    if (dwVerInfoSize)
        // If we were able to get the information, process it:
        HANDLE  hMem;
        LPVOID  lpvMem;
  unsigned int uInfoSize = 0;
        hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwVerInfoSize);
        lpvMem = GlobalLock(hMem);
        GetFileVersionInfo(szFullPath, dwVerHnd, dwVerInfoSize, lpvMem);

  ::VerQueryValue(lpvMem, (LPTSTR)_T("//"), (void**)&pFileInfo, &uInfoSize);

  WORD m_nProdVersion[4];
  // Product version from the FILEVERSION of the version info resource 
  m_nProdVersion[0] = HIWORD(pFileInfo->dwProductVersionMS); 
  m_nProdVersion[1] = LOWORD(pFileInfo->dwProductVersionMS);
  m_nProdVersion[2] = HIWORD(pFileInfo->dwProductVersionLS);
  m_nProdVersion[3] = LOWORD(pFileInfo->dwProductVersionLS); 

  CString strVersion ;
  strVersion.Format(_T("The file's version : %d.%d.%d.%d"),m_nProdVersion[0],



It's very easy,do not you think ?


VC6.0 + VSP6 + WINXP!

