1、void QTableWidget::clear() [slot]
Removes all items in the view. This will also remove all selections and headers.
2、void QTableWidget::clearContents() [slot]
Removes all items not in the headers from the view. This will also remove all selections. The table dimensions stay the same.//清空表格中的内容(不包含表头)。
3、void QTableWidget::removeCellWidget(int row, int column)
Removes the widget set on the cell indicated by row and column.
4、void QTableWidget::removeColumn(int column) [slot]
Removes the column column and all its items from the table.
5、void QTableWidget::removeRow(int row) [slot]
Removes the row row and all its items from the table
6、QTableWidgetItem * QTableWidget::takeItem(int row, int column)
Removes the item at row and column from the table without deleting it.
7、QTableWidgetItem * QTableWidget::takeHorizontalHeaderItem(int column)
Removes the horizontal header item at column from the header without deleting it.
8、QTableWidgetItem * QTableWidget::takeVerticalHeaderItem(int row)
Removes the vertical header item at row from the header without deleting it.