ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy遇见Ubuntu 20.04


ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy遇见Ubuntu 20.04_第1张图片

ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy遇见Ubuntu 20.04_第2张图片






  • deb focal main


  • deb focal main



ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy遇见Ubuntu 20.04_第3张图片

  • source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash 

ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy遇见Ubuntu 20.04_第4张图片


ROS2 镜像使用帮助

新建 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list,内容为:

Debian/Ubuntu版本:  Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 

deb focal main

然后再输入如下命令,信任 ROS 的 GPG Key,并更新索引:

sudo apt install curl gnupg2
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update

- cmake
- setuptools

Foxy Fitzroy (May 2020 - May 2023)

Targeted platforms:

| Architecture | Ubuntu Focal (20.04)  | MacOS Mojave (10.14)    | Windows 10 (VS2019)  | Debian Buster (10) | OpenEmbedded /|
|              |                       |                         |                      |                    | webOS OSE     |
|    amd64     |   Tier 1 [d][a][s]    |     Tier 1 [a][s]       |    Tier 1 [a][s]     |     Tier 3 [s]     |               |
|    arm64     |   Tier 1 [d][a][s]    |                         |                      |     Tier 3 [s]     |   Tier 3 [s]  |
|    arm32     |     Tier 2 [d][a][s]  |                         |                      |     Tier 3 [s]     |   Tier 3 [s]  |

The following indicators show what delivery mechanisms are available for each platform.

" [d] " Debian packages will be provided for this platform for packages submitted to the rosdistro.

" [a] " Binary releases are provided as a single archive per platform containing all packages in the Eloquent ROS 2 repos file [6]_.

" [s] " Compilation from source.

Middleware Implementation Support:

| Middleware Library       | Middleware Provider | Support Level | Platforms                   | Architectures                        |
|  rmw_fastrtps_cpp        | eProsima Fast-RTPS  | Tier 1        | All Platforms               | All Architectures                    |
|  rmw_connext_cpp         | RTI Connext         | Tier 1        | All Platforms except Debian | All Architectures except arm64/arm32 |
|                          |                     |               | and OpenEmbedded            |                                      |
| rmw_cyclonedds_cpp       | Eclipse Cyclone DDS | Tier 1        | All Platforms               | All Architectures                    |
| rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp | eProsima Fast-RTPS  | Tier 2        | All Platforms               | All Architectures                    |

Middleware implementation support is dependent upon the platform support tier.
For example a Tier 1 middleware implementation on a Tier 2 platform can only receive Tier 2 support.

Minimum language requirements:

- C++14
- Python 3.7

|             |                        Required Support         |        Recommended Support           |
| Package     |  Ubuntu Focal  |     MacOS**   |   Windows 10** | Debian Buster  | OpenEmbedded**      |
| CMake       |     3.16.3     |     3.14.4    |     3.14.4     |      3.13.4    | 3.16.1 / 3.12.2**** |
| EmPY        |                                      3.3.2                                             |
| Gazebo      |     11.0.0*    |     11.0.0    |      N/A       |      11.0.0*   |        N/A          |
| Ignition    |             Citadel*           |      N/A       |     Citadel*   |        N/A          |
| Ogre        |                                      1.10*                       |        N/A          |
| OpenCV      |     4.2.0      |     4.2.0     |     3.4.6*     |      3.2.0     |  4.1.0 / 3.2.0****  |
| OpenSSL     |     1.1.1d     |     1.1.1f    |     1.1.1f     |      1.1.1d    | 1.1.1d / 1.1.1b**** |
| Poco        |     1.9.2      |     1.9.0     |     1.8.0*     |      1.9.0     |        1.9.4        |
| Python      |     3.8.0      |     3.8.2     |     3.8.0      |      3.7.3     |  3.8.2 / 3.7.5****  |
| Qt          |     5.12.5     |     5.12.3    |     5.10.0     |      5.11.3    | 5.14.1 / 5.12.5**** |
|                              |         **Linux only**                                                |
| PCL         |     1.10.0     |     N/A       |     N/A        |      1.9.1     |       1.10.0        |
|                                **RMW DDS Milddleware Providers**                                     |
| Connext DDS |                              5.3.1              |               N/A                    |
| Cyclone DDS |                                 0.5.1 (Eusebius)                                       |
|  Fast-RTPS  |                                      1.10.0                                            |

" * " means that this is not the upstream version (available on the official Operating System repositories) but a package distributed by OSRF or the community (package built and distributed on custom repositories).

" ** " Rolling distributions will see multiple version changes of these dependencies during their lifetime.
The versions shown for OpenEmbedded are those provided by the 3.1 Dunfell release series; the versions provided by the other supported release series are listed here: .
Note that the OpenEmbedded releases series for which a ROS distro has support will change during its support time frame, as per the OpenEmbedded support policy shown here: .
However, it will always be supported by least one stable OpenEmbedded release series.

" \**** " webOS OSE provides this different version.

This document only captures the version at the first release of a ROS distribution and will not be updated as the dependencies move forward.
These versions are thus a low watermark.

Package manager use for dependencies:

- Ubuntu, Debian: apt
- MacOS: Homebrew, pip
- Windows: Chocolatey, pip
- OpenEmbedded: opkg

Build System Support:

- ament_cmake
- cmake
- setuptools


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