单点登录cas 以及 Iframe篇


  private static String CASHOST = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["casurl"].ToString();
     public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
         string tkt = context.Request.QueryString["ticket"];
         string service = context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
         if (tkt == null || tkt.Length == 0)
             string redir = CASHOST + "login?" +
              "service=" + service;
         string validateurl = CASHOST + "serviceValidate?" +
          "ticket=" + tkt + "&" +
             "service=" + service;
         StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(new WebClient().OpenRead(validateurl));
         string resp = Reader.ReadToEnd();
         NameTable nt = new NameTable();
         XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
         XmlParserContext context1 = new XmlParserContext(null, nsmgr, null, XmlSpace.None);
         XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(resp, XmlNodeType.Element, context1);
         string netid = null;
         string username = null;
         string mobileval = null;
         string email = null;
         string oid = null ;
         string emailvali=null;
         string mobile=null;
         while (reader.Read())
             if (reader.IsStartElement())
                 string tag = reader.LocalName;
                 if (tag == "user")
                     netid = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "username")
                     username = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "mobileval")
                     mobileval = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "email")
                     email = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "oid")
                     oid = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "emailvali")
                     emailvali = reader.ReadString();
                 if (tag == "mobile")
                     mobile = reader.ReadString();
         if (netid == null)
             // Label1.Text = "CAS returned to this application, but then refused to validate your identity.";
             webLoginPageBase cc = new webLoginPageBase();
             bool aa = cc.SetLgoinUserInfo(netid);//存入session
             List< userInfo > list = new List< userInfo >();
             userInfo user = new userInfo();
             user.netid = netid;
             user.userName = username;
             user.mobile = mobile;
             user.email = email;
             user.emailvali = Convert.ToInt32(emailvali);
             user.oID = oid;
             user.mobileval =Convert.ToInt32(mobileval);
             string a = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list);
             mes1 m1 = new mes1 { code = 0, message = "成功" + aa };
             mes m = new mes() { message = m1, data = list };
             string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m);
public bool IsReusable
             return false;
     public class userInfo
         public int userID;
         public string netid;
         public string userName;
         public int mobileval;
         public string email;
         public int emailvali;
         public string mobile;
         public string oID;
     public class mes
         public mes1 message;
         public List< userInfo > data;
     public class mes1
         public int code;
         public string message;



"form1" runat= "server" action= "http://www.ceshi/remoteLogin" >我们首先将表单action指向服务器端remoteLogin
         用户名: "text" name= "username" />
         密码: "text" name= "password" />
         "hidden" name= "submitClient" value= "true" />
         "hidden" name= "loginUrl" value= "http://www.ceshi/login.jsp" />用于告诉服务器失败后转向何处
         "hidden" name= "service" value= "http://www.ceshi/login.jsp" />回调地址
         "submit" value= "提交" />


