c# 跨数据库事物_数据科学事物综述#6

c# 跨数据库事物

Time again for the weekly data science things roundup.  If you haven’t seen this before, check out some of the previous ones to get a feel for it.  Each Tuesday I run through 3 things I’ve found interesting and bookmarked recently, generally related to python and data science (with some admitted diversions).

再次有时间每周进行一次数据科学综述。 如果您以前从未看过此书,请查看以前 的一些书,以了解一下。 每个星期二,我都会进行三件事,最近发现有意思并加为书签,通常与python和数据科学有关(有一些公认的转移)。

This week is pretty calendar heavy.  Dates are weird for a lot of reasons (shoutout leap-seconds), but among them is the irregularity in months.  There are a bunch of ways to show data ordered by date, and one particularly nice way (you probably know it from github) is heatmaps. This week I’ve got two implementations of that visual and another more business focused article.

这周的日历很沉重。 日期很奇怪,原因有很多(喊leap秒),但其中有几个月的不规律性。 有很多方法可以显示按日期排序的数据,其中一种特别好的方法(您可能从github知道)是热图。 本周,我得到了该视觉效果的两种实现方式,以及另一篇更侧重于业务的文章。

日历热图 (Calendar Heatmap)

First up is a D3.js based calendar heatmap modeled explicitly after the github version (so monochrome and no borders).  It’s pretty simple to implement and looks to be actively maintained. Check it out here.

首先是基于D3.js的日历热图,该热图在github版本之后进行了显式建模(单色且无边框)。 它非常容易实现,并且看起来会得到积极维护。 在这里查看 。

日历视图 (Calendar View)

The second calendar heatmap visualization is from Mike Bostock’s fantastic page on bl.ocks.org, which lets you show visualizations from gists. He’s got a huge number of D3 examples of varying complexity, including a really nice looking calendar heatmap. Check it out here.

第二个日历热图可视化来自bl.ocks.org上Mike Bostock的精彩页面,它使您可以显示要点的可视化。 他有大量的D3复杂度各异的示例,包括一个非常漂亮的日历热图。 在这里查看 。

要求求职者编码 (On asking job candidates to code)

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/05/data-science-things-roundup-6/

c# 跨数据库事物

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