在哪里学习用于Android App开发的Java


您想以Android开发人员的身分飞速增长吗? 还是您有很多应用创意,但您不知道从哪里开始呢?


Getting started with a lesson plan

因此,您对杀手级应用程序有一个很好的主意,并准备将其变为现实并投放市场。 显然,您迫不及待想要开始获得首次下载,评论和收益...


  1. Start with the basics of object-oriented programming.
  2. Learn the basics of Java: data types, cyclicity, etc. This can be done in about a week.
  3. Now get training. Get access to a few simple problems and try to create a program to solve them.
  4. Finally, start with the basics of a graphical interface.
  5. Learn more about JVM. and about the stack and pile.
  6. Learn about the development of Android. Then, Finally, you can start anything you want! ## Step 1: Download Android Studio Programming, in most languages, requires a piece of software called IDE or “Integrated Development Environment”. The most common development environment for Android is Android Studio, which comes directly from Google itself. You can get it here.

在哪里学习用于Android App开发的Java_第1张图片

Step 2: Configuring Android Studio

Before you start, you need to install Java on your computer in order to use Android Studio. You will specifically need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK). You will find the Java Development Kit here. Simply download and follow the simple installation instructions.

Step 3: Launching a new Android Studio project

点击“启动新的Android Studio项目”,然后输入您想要的应用程序名称和“公司域”。 它将用于以以下格式创建您的软件包名称:


该软件包将是编译文件或APK(“ Android软件包文件”),最终将被上传到Google Play商店。

Step 4: Creating the actual thing

应用程序打开后,目录树将出现在左侧。 它组成的所有文件和文件夹,以及带有“ Hello World!”字样的手机图像。 也会出现。

Where to get the materials


Head First Android Development

本书非常适合初学者或中级水平的Android开发人员。 它不会带您达到更高的水平,但是,它将帮助您理解基本原理。

Java: A guide for beginners, 6th edition


Programming for Android: A guide to a large nerd ranch

Big Nerd Ranch Guide是一本入门书籍,适合那些熟悉Java并想了解更多有关Android开发的人。

The practice is vital

在哪里学习用于Android App开发的Java_第2张图片

显然,对于初学者来说,解决许多小而简单的任务要好于一些复杂的任务。 一个好的比率是10到20个简单任务的一项艰巨任务。


多年来,我发现了一些很棒的地方。 这里是其中的一些:

  • CodeGym. As soon as I found CodeGym. I thought, “This is exactly what I have dreamed of.” The website is full of tasks to improve skills every day. I think there are about 1000 problems at each level.

您可以使用CodeGym的IDE浏览器来解决这些问题,也可以使用IntelliJ IDEA的插件来解决,这是当前最受欢迎的Java IDE。 智能验证系统会检查您的代码,并在出现问题时为您提供一些建议。

  • Javarevisited. It is a huge website with good articles, courses and interesting problems to solve. Practice Java every day with tonnes of useful tutorials and practical tasks. It also has a Java developer RoadMap to guide you.
  • CodinGame. This site is aimed at people who already know the basics of the programming language (Java and 22 other languages).
  • Codewars is a site where developers achieve the mastery of codes with the help of complex tasks. Thus, it is a good site for intermediate to advanced level Java students. ## Community rulez You can ask any question in the Java section of the StackOverflow or Coderanch.

Reddit also has at least three large communities, such as /r/learnprogramming, /r/java and /r/learningjava, where you will find useful tips for learning Java and general programming.

If you need more specific information, such as tips on how to improve your code in certain tasks, try the special CodeGym help section, where you can get help from other students and “coding coaches” to solve any of your problems.

Finally, Oracle has an extensive Java community, which is open to both novice and experienced developers.

To sum it up on learning Java for Android App Development

因此,您开始使用。 恭喜你! 您现在可以利用其他程序员的经验,并通过自我教育来避免典型的错误。

立即开始编码! 别害羞 做很多。 每天练习。 阅读该理论,让Java为您服务,并从Java所提供的一切中充分受益。

from: https://dev.to//selawsky/where-to-learn-java-for-android-app-development-513p

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