从源码深入接触ThreadX(3) --- 创建线程tx_thread_create(1)


/*                                                                        */
/*       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.        */
/*                                                                        */
/*       This software is licensed under the Microsoft Software License   */
/*       Terms for Microsoft Azure RTOS. Full text of the license can be  */
/*       found in the LICENSE file at https://aka.ms/AzureRTOS_EULA       */
/*       and in the root directory of this software.                      */
/*                                                                        */

        用VSCode打开整个ThreadX文件夹并选中tx_thread_create.c这个文件。首先看到的版权申明,已经被微软收购,打上了微软的名称。说真的,在MCU领域能看到微软的LOGO还是比较意外的。ThreadX采用了Microsoft Azure RTOS专门的License,具体的还没怎么了解过,后续有时间看一下。

/**                                                                       */
/** ThreadX Component                                                     */
/**                                                                       */
/**   Thread                                                              */
/**                                                                       */



/* Include necessary system files.  */

#include "tx_api.h"
#include "tx_trace.h"
#include "tx_thread.h"
#include "tx_initialize.h"


从源码深入接触ThreadX(3) --- 创建线程tx_thread_create(1)_第1张图片

从源码深入接触ThreadX(3) --- 创建线程tx_thread_create(1)_第2张图片

/* Define the system API mappings based on the error checking 
   selected by the user.  Note: this section is only applicable to 
   application source code, hence the conditional that turns off this
   stuff when the include file is processed by the ThreadX source. */




        "tx_api.h": ThreadX对外暴露API;




/*                                                                        */
/*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
/*                                                                        */
/*    _tx_thread_create                                   PORTABLE C      */
/*                                                           6.0          */
/*  AUTHOR                                                                */
/*                                                                        */
/*    William E. Lamie, Microsoft Corporation                             */
/*                                                                        */
/*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                        */
/*    This function creates a thread and places it on the list of created */
/*    threads.                                                            */
/*                                                                        */
/*  INPUT                                                                 */
/*                                                                        */
/*    thread_ptr                            Thread control block pointer  */
/*    name                                  Pointer to thread name string */
/*    entry_function                        Entry function of the thread  */
/*    entry_input                           32-bit input value to thread  */
/*    stack_start                           Pointer to start of stack     */
/*    stack_size                            Stack size in bytes           */
/*    priority                              Priority of thread            */
/*                                            (default 0-31)              */
/*    preempt_threshold                     Preemption threshold          */
/*    time_slice                            Thread time-slice value       */
/*    auto_start                            Automatic start selection     */
/*                                                                        */
/*  OUTPUT                                                                */
/*                                                                        */
/*    return status                         Thread create return status   */
/*                                                                        */
/*  CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                        */
/*    _tx_thread_stack_build                Build initial thread stack    */
/*    _tx_thread_system_resume              Resume automatic start thread */
/*    _tx_thread_system_ni_resume           Noninterruptable resume thread*/
/*                                                                        */
/*  CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                        */
/*    Application Code                                                    */
/*    _tx_timer_initialize                  Create system timer thread    */
/*                                                                        */
/*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
/*                                                                        */
/*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
/*                                                                        */
/*  05-19-2020     William E. Lamie         Initial Version 6.0           */
/*                                                                        */
UINT  _tx_thread_create(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr, VOID (*entry_function)(ULONG id), ULONG entry_input,
                            VOID *stack_start, ULONG stack_size, UINT priority, UINT preempt_threshold,
                            ULONG time_slice, UINT auto_start)



        TX_THREAD *thread_ptr:可能是线程控制块的指针,它代表了线程,操作线程都要基于线程控制块;

        CHAR *name_ptr:线程的名称;

        VOID (*entry_function)(ULONG id):线程执行的函数;

        ULONG entry_input:32位的输入,可能是entry_function的参数;

        VOID *stack_start:线程堆栈起始地址;

        ULONG stack_size:堆栈容量;ThreadX每个thread有自己独立的堆栈,用来保存上下文切换和局部堆栈变量;

        UINT priority:优先级,默认可以从0-31;(既然是0-31,为什么类型需要采用了UINT类型,而不是UCHAR呢?

        UINT preempt_threshold:抢占的阈值;(目前不太了解这个参数的作用

        ULONG time_slice:线程时间片大小;

        UINT auto_start:自动启动选择;(不太理解类型需要采用UINT?一个字节表示布尔类型

        目前有几个参数有相当的疑惑,这需要后面阅读代码来解惑了。从函数名来看,这个函数应该不是用户直接调用的函数,因为名称是以“_”开头的,一般这样的函数都是内部调用的函数。我们利用编辑器的Find All Reference来查看一下有哪些其他函数调用了这个函数。一共有两个地方调用了这个API:

从源码深入接触ThreadX(3) --- 创建线程tx_thread_create(1)_第3张图片



    /* Determine if everything is okay.  */
    if (status == TX_SUCCESS)

        /* Call actual thread create function.  */
        status =  _tx_thread_create(thread_ptr, name_ptr, entry_function, entry_input,
                        stack_start, stack_size, priority, preempt_threshold,
                        time_slice, auto_start);                        //(1)

    /* Return completion status.  */


UINT    _txe_thread_create(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr, 
                VOID (*entry_function)(ULONG id), ULONG entry_input,
                VOID *stack_start, ULONG stack_size, 
                UINT priority, UINT preempt_threshold,
                ULONG time_slice, UINT auto_start, UINT thread_control_block_size)  //(2)

TX_INTERRUPT_SAVE_AREA                            //(3)

UINT            status;
UINT            break_flag;
ULONG           i;
TX_THREAD       *next_thread;
VOID            *stack_end;
UCHAR           *work_ptr;
TX_THREAD       *current_thread;

    /* Default status to success.  */
    status =  TX_SUCCESS;                         //(4)

    /* Check for an invalid thread pointer.  */
    if (thread_ptr == TX_NULL)                    //(5)

        /* Thread pointer is invalid, return appropriate error code.  */
        status =  TX_THREAD_ERROR;


    /* Determine if everything is okay.  */
    if (status == TX_SUCCESS)

        /* Call actual thread create function.  */
        status =  _tx_thread_create(thread_ptr, name_ptr, entry_function, entry_input,
                        stack_start, stack_size, priority, preempt_threshold,
                        time_slice, auto_start);

    /* Return completion status.  */
    return(status);                               //(6)

        (2) _txe_thread_create和_tx_thread_create的入参除了最后一个thread_control_block_size,其他都是一模一样的,这些入参被检查后会被原封不动的传入_tx_thread_create。

        (3) 这里有一个TX_INTERRUPT_SAVE_AREA,这是一个宏

#define TX_INTERRUPT_SAVE_AREA  unsigned int interrupt_save;


        (4) 这里先将status初始化为TX_SUCCESS,这个变量会保存检查的结果,只有通过了检查才能进一步调用_tx_thread_create

      (5) 对thread_ptr进行空检查,如果为空就将status变为TX_THREAD_ERROR。

        (6) 我们先略去其他参数检查,先看结尾部分,这里会检查status是否通过检查,如果通过检查的话才能进一步调用_tx_thread_create,取得_tx_thread_create的执行结果后返回status;如果不通过检查,直接返回status。

        这里就有一个问题了,为什么不在(4)这里检查到参数错误后直接return TX_THREAD_ERROR呢?



    if (thread_ptr == TX_NULL)

        /* Thread pointer is invalid, return appropriate error code.  */
        return TX_THREAD_ERROR;


    /* Determine if everything is okay.  */
    if (status == TX_SUCCESS)

        /* Call actual thread create function.  */
        return _tx_thread_create(thread_ptr, name_ptr, entry_function, entry_input,
                        stack_start, stack_size, priority, preempt_threshold,
                        time_slice, auto_start);

       其实,这就涉及到一个安全代码静态检查规则的一个问题了。在安全领域,有一套针对C语言的控制风险的代码静态检查规则,在汽车行业,检查规则有一个标准叫做MISRA C。其中有一条就是所有的代码段都必须只有一个出口。如果按照后面一种写法,这个函数就会有很多个return,也就是很多个出口,那么这个函数是无法通过安全认证的。因此,ThreadX为了满足安全规范,采用了这样的写法,这也是标准的做法,但这样写会导致代码if嵌套很多,不便于阅读,但在安全领域,一切都要让步于安全。


    /* Now check for invalid thread control block size.  */
    else if (thread_control_block_size != (sizeof(TX_THREAD)))

        /* Thread pointer is invalid, return appropriate error code.  */
        status =  TX_THREAD_ERROR;



        /* Disable interrupts.  */                        
        TX_DISABLE                                    //(7)

        /* Increment the preempt disable flag.  */
        _tx_thread_preempt_disable++;                 //(8)

        /* Restore interrupts.  */
        TX_RESTORE                                    //(9)

        (7) 进入临界区保护,是个宏

    #define TX_DISABLE  interrupt_save =  __disable_interrupts();



/* Define the global preempt disable variable.  If this is non-zero, preemption is
   disabled.  It is used internally by ThreadX to prevent preemption of a thread in 
   the middle of a service that is resuming or suspending another thread.  */

volatile UINT   _tx_thread_preempt_disable;


        (9) 退出临界区,是个宏

    #define TX_RESTORE  __restore_interrupts(interrupt_save);


        /* Next see if it is already in the created list.  */
        break_flag =   TX_FALSE;
        next_thread =  _tx_thread_created_ptr;        //(10)
        work_ptr =     TX_VOID_TO_UCHAR_POINTER_CONVERT(stack_start);
        work_ptr =     TX_UCHAR_POINTER_ADD(work_ptr, (stack_size - ((ULONG) 1)));
        stack_end =    TX_UCHAR_TO_VOID_POINTER_CONVERT(work_ptr);
        for (i = ((ULONG) 0); i < _tx_thread_created_count; i++)        //(11)
            /* Determine if this thread matches the thread in the list.  */
            if (thread_ptr == next_thread)
                /* Set the break flag.  */
                break_flag =  TX_TRUE;                 //(12)
            /* Determine if we need to break the loop.  */
            if (break_flag == TX_TRUE)
                /* Yes, break out of the loop.  */
                break;                                  //(13)

            /* Check the stack pointer to see if it overlaps with this thread's stack.  */
            if (stack_start >= next_thread -> tx_thread_stack_start)

                if (stack_start < next_thread -> tx_thread_stack_end)
                    /* This stack overlaps with an existing thread, clear the stack pointer to 
                       force a stack error below.  */
                    stack_start =  TX_NULL;
                    /* Set the break flag.  */
                    break_flag =  TX_TRUE;                //(14)

            /* Check the end of the stack to see if it is inside this thread's stack area as well.  */
            if (stack_end >= next_thread -> tx_thread_stack_start)

                if (stack_end < next_thread -> tx_thread_stack_end)
                    /* This stack overlaps with an existing thread, clear the stack pointer to 
                       force a stack error below.  */
                    stack_start =  TX_NULL;
                    /* Set the break flag.  */
                    break_flag =  TX_TRUE;                //(15)

            /* Move to the next thread.  */
            next_thread =  next_thread -> tx_thread_created_next;       //(16)

       下一步检查传入的thread_ptr是否已经在已创建列表中了,从(10)可以知道已被创建的线程列表保存在_tx_thread_created_ptr中,它指向了第一个被创建的线程控制块,线程控制块本身是一个链表,它包含有下一个控制块地址的成员变量tx_thread_created_next (16)。从(11)可以知道,系统中看出系统中被创建线程的总数保存在_tx_thread_created_count中,通过这个这个for循环来遍历所有被创建的线程信息。我们看一下哪些线程信息被检查了:

       1. 检查将被创建的线程控制块是否与已被创建的线程控制块相同


       2. 检查传入的线程堆栈是否与已被创建的线程重叠(起始地址和结束地址检查)



        /* Disable interrupts.  */

        /* Decrement the preempt disable flag.  */
        /* Restore interrupts.  */


        /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
        /*                                                                        */
        /*    This function checks for preemption that could have occurred as a   */
        /*    result scheduling activities occurring while the preempt disable    */
        /*    flag was set.                                                       */


        /* At this point, check to see if there is a duplicate thread.  */
        if (thread_ptr == next_thread)            //(17)

            /* Thread is already created, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_THREAD_ERROR;

        /* Check for invalid starting address of stack.  */
        else if (stack_start == TX_NULL)          //(18)

            /* Invalid stack or entry point, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_PTR_ERROR;

        /* Check for invalid thread entry point.  */
        else if (entry_function == TX_NULL)       //(19)

            /* Invalid stack or entry point, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_PTR_ERROR;

        /* Check the stack size.  */
        else if (stack_size < ((ULONG) TX_MINIMUM_STACK))    //(20)

            /* Stack is not big enough, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_SIZE_ERROR;

        /* Check the priority specified.  */
        else if (priority >= ((UINT) TX_MAX_PRIORITIES))      //(21)

            /* Invalid priority selected, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_PRIORITY_ERROR;

        /* Check preemption threshold. */
        else if (preempt_threshold > priority)                //(22)

            /* Invalid preempt threshold, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_THRESH_ERROR;

        /* Check the start selection.  */
        else if (auto_start > TX_AUTO_START)                  //(23)

            /* Invalid auto start selection, return appropriate error code.  */
            status =  TX_START_ERROR;









#ifndef TX_TIMER_PROCESS_IN_ISR                        //(24)

            /* Pickup thread pointer.  */

            /* Check for invalid caller of this function.  First check for a calling thread.  */
            if (current_thread == &_tx_timer_thread)

                /* Invalid caller of this function, return appropriate error code.  */
                status =  TX_CALLER_ERROR;


            /* Check for interrupt call.  */
            if (TX_THREAD_GET_SYSTEM_STATE() != ((ULONG) 0))    //(25)
                /* Now, make sure the call is from an interrupt and not initialization.  */
                    /* Invalid caller of this function, return appropriate error code.  */
                    status =  TX_CALLER_ERROR;


/* Define the current state variable.  When this value is 0, a thread
   is executing or the system is idle.  Other values indicate that 
   interrupt or initialization processing is active.  This variable is
   initialized to TX_INITIALIZE_IN_PROGRESS to indicate initialization is
   active.  */

THREAD_DECLARE  volatile ULONG  _tx_thread_system_state;



