The drama series Nothing but Thirty, centering on the emotions and pressures of urban women turning 30 years old, aired on July 17 on Dragon TV.
Starring Jiang Shuying, Tong Yao and Mao Xiaotong, the story revolves around three women, who face different challenges at a crucial stage in their lives, as they leave behind their youthful, carefree 20s to embrace the adult life of a 30-year-old, a milestone in any womans life. With encouragement from each other, they bravely make changes to their circumstances while facing a crisis in marriage, love and career.
§é褤¤¤é¤èèèèè± High TeaLow Tea è
When we hear afternoon tea, many of us think of high tea. But actually, these are two different concepts.
Low tea is the traditional afternoon tea for the nobles and upper class in the United Kingdom, usually served on a low table at 4 pm. It is used only as an occasional treat rather than a regular meal. It was considered to be a ladies social occasion.
The working class in the UK didnt have time for afternoon tea. Instead, they had a meal served on a high table at the end of the workday, between 5 pm and 7 pm, called high tea.Its a heavier meal, with meat dishes, such as steak, fish, vegetables and baked goods. High tea was much more of a working class family meal than an elite social gathering.
Scriptwriter Zhang Yingji said that the stories of the three women will explore more possibilities for urban women to find themselves and live a more fulfilling life.