安装此psu前,需停止所有节点数据库实例、EM及退出所有sqlplus界面(否则将报错某些进程被占用or active)
grid$ srvctl stopdatabase -d db_name
node1.oracle$export ORACLE_UNQNAME=db_name
node1.oracle$emctl stop dbconsole
执行opatch apply打补丁的过程日志(略):
Patching componentoracle.rdbms.rman,
Patching componentoracle.rdbms,
Verifying theupdate...
Applying sub-patch'21948347' to OH '/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0home_1'
ApplySession:Optional component(s) [ oracle.tfa, ] not present in the Oracle Home or a higherversion is found.
Patching componentoracle.sysman.agent,
Patching componentoracle.ovm,
Patching componentoracle.xdk,
Patching componentoracle.rdbms,
Patching componentoracle.nlsrtl.rsf,
Patching componentoracle.xdk.parser.java,
Patching componentoracle.sysman.console.db,
Patching componentoracle.xdk.rsf,
Patching componentoracle.rdbms.rsf,
Patching componentoracle.sysman.oms.core,
Verifying theupdate...
Patching inrolling mode.
The node 'rac2'will be patched next.
Please shutdownOracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on 'rac2'.
(Oracle Home ='/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0home_1')
Is the node readyfor patching? [y|n]
在执行opatch apply过程中,$ORACLE_HOME/bin下的oracle文件属组发生变化(由oracle:asmadmin变为oracle:oinstall)
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle asmadmin 239626641 Mar 16 02:58 oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle asmadmin 239626641 Mar 16 02:58 oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle asmadmin 239626641 Mar 16 02:58 oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle asmadmin 239626641 Mar 16 02:58 oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle asmadmin 239626641 Mar 16 02:58oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle <<<<<<--此时oracle文件属组由oracle:asmadmin变为oracle:oinstall
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 239820050 Mar 16 03:46oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle oinstall 239820050 Mar 16 03:46 oracle
[oracle@rac1 bin]$
执行完opatch apply后,此时启动两节点数据库均报错如下:
SQL> startup
ORACLE instancestarted.
Total SystemGlobal Area 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size 2252824 bytes
Variable Size 452988904 bytes
DatabaseBuffers 788529152 bytes
Redo Buffers 8892416 bytes
ORA-00205: errorin identifying control file, check alert log for more info
Wed Mar 1603:49:24 2016
Startingbackground process RSMN
Wed Mar 1603:49:24 2016
RSMN started withpid=31, OS id=6430
ORACLE_BASE fromenvironment = /u02/app/oracle
Wed Mar 1603:49:26 2016
NOTE: Loadedlibrary: System
ORA-15025: couldnot open disk "/dev/raw/raw4"
ORA-27041: unableto open file
Linux-x86_64Error: 13: Permission denied
Additionalinformation: 9
SUCCESS: diskgroupDATA was dismounted
ERROR: diskgroupDATA was not mounted
ORA-00210: cannotopen the specified control file
ORA-00202: controlfile: '+DATA/orcl/controlfile/current.260.906535775'
ORA-17503:ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DATA/orcl/controlfile/current.260.906535775
ORA-15001:diskgroup "DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
ORA-15040:diskgroup is incomplete
ORA-205 signalledduring: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT...
Wed Mar 1603:49:33 2016
[root@rac1 bin]#su - grid
[grid@rac1 ~]$ cd$ORACLE_HOME/bin
[grid@rac1 bin]$./setasmgidwrap o=/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0home_1/bin/oracle
[grid@rac1 bin]$exit
[root@rac1 bin]#su - oracle
[oracle@rac1 ~]$cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@rac1 bin]$ll oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1oracle asmadmin 239820050 Mar 16 03:48 oracle
[root@rac1 bin]#su - grid
[grid@rac1 ~]$srvctl stop instance -d orcl -i orcl1
[grid@rac1 ~]$
SQL> startup
ORACLE instancestarted.
Total System GlobalArea 1252663296 bytes
Fixed Size 2252824 bytes
Variable Size 452988904 bytes
DatabaseBuffers 788529152 bytes
Redo Buffers 8892416 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
[oracle@***OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle InterimPatch Installer version
Copyright (c)2012, Oracle Corporation. All rightsreserved.
Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory: /u01/app/oraInventory
from :/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oraInst.loc
OPatchversion :
OUI version :
Log file location:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2016-03-23_10-25-31AM_1.log
Lsinventory Outputfile location :/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2016-03-23_10-25-31AM.txt
InstalledTop-level Products (1):
Oracle Database11g
There are 1products installed in this Oracle Home.
Interim patches(1) :
Patch 21948347 : applied on Mon Mar 14 17:18:05 CST 2016
Unique PatchID: 19564435
Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (21948347)"
Created on 14 Dec 2015, 03:31:48 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch 21352635; "Database Patch Set Update : (21352635)"
Sub-patch 20760982; "Database Patch Set Update : (20760982)"
Sub-patch 20299013; "Database Patch Set Update : (20299013)"
Sub-patch 19769489; "Database Patch Set Update : (19769489)"
Sub-patch 19121551; "Database Patch Set Update : (19121551)"
Sub-patch 18522509; "Database Patch Set Update : (18522509)"
Sub-patch 18031668; "Database Patch Set Update : (18031668)"
Sub-patch 17478514; "Database Patch Set Update : (17478514)"
Bugs fixed:
17288409, 21051852, 18607546, 17205719,17811429, 17816865, 20506699
17922254, 17754782, 16934803, 13364795,17311728, 17441661, 17284817
16992075, 17446237, 14015842, 19972569,17449815, 21538558, 20925795
17375354, 19463897, 17982555, 17235750,13866822, 17478514, 18317531
18235390, 14338435, 20803583, 13944971,20142975, 17811789, 16929165
18704244, 20506706, 17546973, 20334344,14054676, 17088068, 18264060
17346091, 17343514, 21538567, 19680952,18471685, 19211724, 13951456
21847223, 16315398, 18744139, 16850630,19049453, 18673304, 17883081
19915271, 18641419, 18262334, 17006183,16065166, 18277454, 16833527
10136473, 18051556, 17865671, 17852463,18554871, 17853498, 18334586
17588480, 17551709, 19827973, 17842825,17344412, 18828868, 17025461
11883252, 13609098, 17239687, 17602269,19197175, 22195457, 18316692
17313525, 12611721, 19544839, 18964939,17600719, 18191164, 19393542
17571306, 18482502, 20777150, 19466309,17040527, 17165204, 18098207
16785708, 17174582, 16180763, 17465741,16777840, 12982566, 19463893
22195465, 12816846, 16875449, 17237521,19358317, 17811438, 17811447
17945983, 18762750, 17184721, 16912439,18061914, 17282229, 18331850
18202441, 17082359, 18723434, 21972320,19554106, 14034426, 18339044
19458377, 17752995, 20448824, 17891943,17258090, 17767676, 16668584
18384391, 17040764, 17381384, 15913355,18356166, 14084247, 20506715
13853126, 18203837, 14245531, 21756699,16043574, 22195441, 17848897
17877323, 21453153, 17468141, 20861693,17786518, 17912217, 17037130
18155762, 16956380, 17478145, 17394950,18189036, 18641461, 18619917
17027426, 21352646, 16268425, 22195492,19584068, 18436307, 17265217
17634921, 13498382, 21526048, 20004087,22195485, 17443671, 18000422
22321756, 20004021, 17571039, 21067387,16344544, 18009564, 14354737
18135678, 18614015, 20441797, 18362222,17835048, 16472716, 17936109
17050888, 17325413, 14010183, 18747196,17761775, 16721594, 17082983
20067212, 21179898, 17302277, 18084625,15990359, 18203835, 17297939
17811456, 16731148, 21168487, 17215560,13829543, 14133975, 17694209
18091059, 17385178, 8322815, 17586955,17201159, 17655634, 18331812
19730508, 18868646, 17648596, 16220077,16069901, 17348614, 17393915
17274537, 17957017, 18096714, 17308789,18436647, 14285317, 19289642
14764829, 18328509, 17622427, 22195477,16943711, 14368995, 17346671
18996843, 17783588, 21343838, 16618694,17672719, 18856999, 18783224
17851160, 17546761, 17798953, 18273830,22092979, 19972566, 16384983
17726838, 17360606, 22321741, 13645875,18199537, 16542886, 21787056
17889549, 14565184, 17071721, 17610798,20299015, 21343897, 20657441
17397545, 18230522, 16360112, 19769489,12905058, 18641451, 12747740
18430495, 17042658, 17016369, 14602788,17551063, 19972568, 21517440
18508861, 19788842, 14657740, 17332800,13837378, 19972564, 17186905
18315328, 19699191, 17437634, 19006849,19013183, 17296856, 18674024
17232014, 16855292, 21051840, 14692762,17762296, 17705023, 19121551
21330264, 19854503, 19309466, 18681862,18554763, 20558005, 17390160
18456514, 16306373, 13955826, 18139690,17501491, 21668627, 17299889
17752121, 17889583, 18673325, 18293054,17242746, 17951233, 17649265
18094246, 19615136, 17011832, 16870214,17477958, 18522509, 20631274
16091637, 17323222, 16595641, 16524926,18228645, 18282562, 17596908
17156148, 18031668, 16494615, 17545847,17655240, 17614134, 13558557
17341326, 17891946, 17716305, 16392068,19271443, 21351877, 18092127
18440047, 17614227, 14106803, 16903536,18973907, 18673342, 19032867
17389192, 17612828, 16194160, 17006570,17721717, 17570240, 17390431
16863422, 18325460, 19727057, 16422541,19972570, 17267114, 18244962
21538485, 18765602, 18203838, 16198143,17246576, 14829250, 17835627
18247991, 14458214, 21051862, 16692232,17786278, 17227277, 16042673
16314254, 16228604, 16837842, 17393683,17787259, 20331945, 20074391
15861775, 16399083, 18018515, 21051858,18260550, 17036973, 16613964
17080436, 16579084, 18384537, 18280813,20296213, 16901385, 15979965
18441944, 16450169, 9756271, 17892268,11733603, 16285691, 17587063
21343775, 16538760, 18180390, 18193833,21051833, 17238511, 17824637
16571443, 18306996, 14852021, 18674047,17853456, 12364061, 22195448
OPatch succeeded.
Database Will NotMount: ORA-15025, ORA-27041, 'Permission denied', ORA-15081 (文档 ID 1378747.1)
参考PSU readme.html文件完成剩余步骤(略)