2018 CVPR
UNet++: A Nested U-Net Architecture for Medical Image Segmentation
is a convolution operation followed by an activation function
nodes at level j = 0 :一个输入,来自上一层encoder
nodes at level j = 1 : 两个输入,其中 1 个输入为同一 skip pathway 前1个节点的输出, 1 个为 lower skip pathway 的 up-sampled 输出
nodes at level j > 1 : j+1 个输入,其中 j 个输入为同一 skip pathway 前 j 个节点的输出, 1 个为 lower skip pathway 的 up-sampled 输出
enabling the model to operate in two mode:
Fig. 1c shows how the choice of segmentation branch in fast mode results in architectures of varying complexit
Unet++ 和 Unet比改进了:
Baseline models
Implementation details
deep supervision is essential
UNet++ L3推理时间平均减少32.2%,IoU仅减少0.6个百分点
还有 x2 to x , x1 to x12 , x1 to x , x11 to x 没有画到图中
padding (int, tuple) uses the same padding in all boundaries.
nn.ReflectionPad2d((left_top_pad, right_bottom_pad, left_top_pad, right_bottom_pad))
4-tuple, (padding_left, padding_right, padding_top,padding_bottom)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class ConvSamePad2d(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, bias: bool = True):
left_top_pad = right_bottom_pad = kernel_size // 2
if kernel_size % 2 == 0:
right_bottom_pad -= 1
self.layer = nn.Sequential(
nn.ReflectionPad2d((left_top_pad, right_bottom_pad, left_top_pad, right_bottom_pad)),
nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, bias=bias)
def forward(self, inputs):
return self.layer(inputs)
class Conv3x3(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, drop_rate=0.5):
self.layer = nn.Sequential(
ConvSamePad2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=3),
ConvSamePad2d(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=3),
def forward(self, inputs):
return self.layer(inputs)
class Conv1x1(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
self.layer = nn.Sequential(
ConvSamePad2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1),
def forward(self, inputs):
return self.layer(inputs)
class Unet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, n_classes, deep_supervision=True):
self.deep_supervision = deep_supervision
filters = [32, 64, 128, 256, 512]
# j == 0
self.x_00 = Conv3x3(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=filters[0])
self.pool0 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)
self.x_01 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[0] * 2, out_channels=filters[0])
self.x_02 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[0] * 3, out_channels=filters[0])
self.x_03 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[0] * 4, out_channels=filters[0])
self.x_04 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[0] * 5, out_channels=filters[0])
self.up_10_to_01 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[1], out_channels=filters[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_11_to_02 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[1], out_channels=filters[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_12_to_03 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[1], out_channels=filters[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_13_to_04 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[1], out_channels=filters[0], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
# j == 1
self.x_10 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[0], out_channels=filters[1])
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)
self.x_11 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[1] * 2, out_channels=filters[1])
self.x_12 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[1] * 3, out_channels=filters[1])
self.x_13 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[1] * 4, out_channels=filters[1])
self.up_20_to_11 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[2], out_channels=filters[1], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_21_to_12 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[2], out_channels=filters[1], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_22_to_13 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[2], out_channels=filters[1], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
# j == 2
self.x_20 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[1], out_channels=filters[2])
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)
self.x_21 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[2] * 2, out_channels=filters[2])
self.x_22 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[2] * 3, out_channels=filters[2])
self.up_30_to_21 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[3], out_channels=filters[2], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.up_31_to_22 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[3], out_channels=filters[2], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
# j == 3
self.x_30 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[2], out_channels=filters[3])
self.pool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)
self.x_31 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[3] * 2, out_channels=filters[3])
self.up_40_to_31 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=filters[4], out_channels=filters[3], kernel_size=2, stride=2)
# j == 4
self.x_40 = Conv3x3(in_channels=filters[3], out_channels=filters[4])
# 1x1 conv layer
self.final_1x1_x01 = Conv1x1(in_channels=filters[0], out_channels=n_classes)
self.final_1x1_x02 = Conv1x1(in_channels=filters[0], out_channels=n_classes)
self.final_1x1_x03 = Conv1x1(in_channels=filters[0], out_channels=n_classes)
self.final_1x1_x04 = Conv1x1(in_channels=filters[0], out_channels=n_classes)
def forward(self, inputs, L=4):
if not (1 <= L <= 4):
raise ValueError("the model pruning factor `L` should be 1 <= L <= 4")
x_00_output = self.x_00(inputs)
x_10_output = self.x_10(self.pool0(x_00_output))
x_10_up_sample = self.up_10_to_01(x_10_output)
x_01_output = self.x_01(torch.cat([x_00_output, x_10_up_sample], 1))
nestnet_output_1 = self.final_1x1_x01(x_01_output)
if L == 1:
return nestnet_output_1
x_20_output = self.x_20(self.pool1(x_10_output))
x_20_up_sample = self.up_20_to_11(x_20_output)
x_11_output = self.x_11(torch.cat([x_10_output, x_20_up_sample], 1))
x_11_up_sample = self.up_11_to_02(x_11_output)
x_02_output = self.x_02(torch.cat([x_00_output, x_01_output, x_11_up_sample], 1))
nestnet_output_2 = self.final_1x1_x01(x_02_output)
if L == 2:
if self.deep_supervision:
# return the average of output layers
return (nestnet_output_1 + nestnet_output_2) / 2
return nestnet_output_2
x_30_output = self.x_30(self.pool2(x_20_output))
x_30_up_sample = self.up_30_to_21(x_30_output)
x_21_output = self.x_21(torch.cat([x_20_output, x_30_up_sample], 1))
x_21_up_sample = self.up_21_to_12(x_21_output)
x_12_output = self.x_12(torch.cat([x_10_output, x_11_output, x_21_up_sample], 1))
x_12_up_sample = self.up_12_to_03(x_12_output)
x_03_output = self.x_03(torch.cat([x_00_output, x_01_output, x_02_output, x_12_up_sample], 1))
nestnet_output_3 = self.final_1x1_x01(x_03_output)
if L == 3:
# return the average of output layers
if self.deep_supervision:
return (nestnet_output_1 + nestnet_output_2 + nestnet_output_3) / 3
return nestnet_output_3
x_40_output = self.x_40(self.pool3(x_30_output))
x_40_up_sample = self.up_40_to_31(x_40_output)
x_31_output = self.x_31(torch.cat([x_30_output, x_40_up_sample], 1))
x_31_up_sample = self.up_31_to_22(x_31_output)
x_22_output = self.x_22(torch.cat([x_20_output, x_21_output, x_31_up_sample], 1))
x_22_up_sample = self.up_22_to_13(x_22_output)
x_13_output = self.x_13(torch.cat([x_10_output, x_11_output, x_12_output, x_22_up_sample], 1))
x_13_up_sample = self.up_13_to_04(x_13_output)
x_04_output = self.x_04(torch.cat([x_00_output, x_01_output, x_02_output, x_03_output, x_13_up_sample], 1))
nestnet_output_4 = self.final_1x1_x01(x_04_output)
if L == 4:
if self.deep_supervision:
# return the average of output layers
return (nestnet_output_1 + nestnet_output_2 + nestnet_output_3 + nestnet_output_4) / 4
return nestnet_output_4
if __name__ == '__main__':
inputs = torch.rand((3, 1, 96, 96)).cuda()
unet_plus_plus = Unet(in_channels=1, n_classes=3).cuda()
from datetime import datetime
st = datetime.now()
output = unet_plus_plus(inputs, L=1)
print(f"{(datetime.now() - st).total_seconds(): .4f}s")