
n 个小孩围成一圈做游戏,游戏将决出一个胜利者。假定一个数 m ,从第 s 个小孩起顺时针计数,每数到第 m 个小孩时该小孩离开;接着又从下一个小孩开始数数,数到第 m 个小孩时该小孩也离开;如此不断反复进行,最后剩下的一个小孩便是胜利者。

对于一定的n、m 和 s,究竟谁是胜利者呢?


using namespace std;
struct Jose         //小孩结点
    int code;//小孩编号
    Jose* pNext;//指向下一个小孩结点

int main()
    int nBoyNum,nInterval;
    int i,j;

    cout <<"please input the number of boys,\n"  //小孩数
         <<"interval of counting:\n";  //数小孩个数
    cin >>nBoyNum >>nInterval;
    Jose *pHead,*pNew,*pTmp;
    pHead = NULL;
    for (i=0; icode = i+1;
        pNew->pNext = NULL;

        if (pHead == NULL)
            pHead = pNew;//插入到链表的头部
            pTmp = pHead;
            while (pTmp->pNext != NULL)
                pTmp = pTmp->pNext;
            pTmp->pNext = pNew;
    pNew->pNext = pHead; // 构成循环链表
    cout<<"The all Boys:";
    pTmp = pHead;
    while(pTmp->pNext != pHead)
        pTmp = pTmp->pNext;
    cout<code<pNext != pCur)
        for(j=0; jpNext;
        // 删除
        cout << pCur->code<<",";
        pHead = pCur->pNext;
        pPrev->pNext = pHead;
        delete pCur;
        pCur = pHead;
    cout << "\nThe winner is "<code<

// josephus problem procedural solving
using namespace std;

struct Jose // 小孩结点
    int code;            // 小孩编号
    Jose* pNext;    // 指向下一个小孩结点

bool   GetValue(int &n,int &s, int &m);
Jose*  CreateRing(Jose* pHead, int n, int s); // 创建循环链表
Jose*  CountBoys(Jose *pHead, int m); // 数m个小孩
Jose*  Process(Jose *pHead, int m);   // 排除n-1个小孩
int main()
    int n, s, m;
    Jose *pHead = NULL;

    if (!GetValue(n,s,m))
        return 0;
    pHead = CreateRing(pHead, n, s);
    pHead = Process(pHead,m);
    cout<<"\nThe winner is "<code<<"\n";
    delete pHead;
    return 1;
bool GetValue(int &n, int &s, int &m)
    cout <<"please input boyNumber, startPosition, intervalNumber:\n";
    if (n>=2 && s>=1 && s<=n && m>=1 && m<=n)
        return true;
    cerr<<"failed in bad boyNumber or startPosition or intervalNumber.\n";
    return false;
        cout<<"failed in bad boyNumber or startPosition or intervalNumber.\n";
        return false;
Jose* CreateRing(Jose *pHead, int n,int s)
    Jose *pCur,*pPrev;

    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
        // 创建新节点
        pCur = new Jose;
        pCur->code = i;
        pCur->pNext = NULL;

        // 将新节点加入链表
        if (pHead == NULL)
            pHead = pCur;
            pPrev = pCur;
            pPrev->pNext = pCur;
            pPrev = pCur;
    pCur->pNext = pHead;  //构成循环链表
    cout<<"There are "<pNext;
    return pHead;
Jose * CountBoys(Jose* pHead, int m)
    Jose *pCur,*pPrev;

    if (pHead->pNext == pHead)
        return pHead;

    pCur  = pHead;
    for(int i=1; ipNext;
    return pPrev;

Jose* Process(Jose *pHead, int m)
    Jose *pCur,*pPrev;

    cout<<"Boys leaved in order:\n";
    while(pHead->pNext != pHead)
        pPrev = CountBoys(pHead, m);
        pCur  = pPrev->pNext;
        pHead = pCur->pNext;

        static int line=0;
        cout<<"  "<code;
            cout<pNext = pHead; //小孩脱链
        delete pCur;
    return pHead;
