#pragma once
#define BinNodePosi(T) BinNode* //节点位置
#define stature(p) ((p) ? (p)->height: -1) //节点高度
#define IsRoot(x) (!((x).parent))
#define IsLeaf(x) (!((x).lc || (x).rc))
#define IsLChild(x) (!((x).parent) && (&(x) == (x).parent->lc))
#define IsRChild(x) (!((x).parent) && (&(x) == (x).parent->rc))
#define HasParent(x) ((x).parent)
#define HasLChild(x) ((x).lc)
#define HasRChild(x) ((x).rc)
#define HasChild(x) (HasLChild(x) || HasRChild(x)) //至少拥有一个孩子
#define HasBothChild(x) (HasLChild(x) && HasRChild(x)) //同时拥有两个孩子
#define sibling(p) (IsLChild(*(p)) ? (x).parent.rc: (x) //兄弟
#define uncle(p) (sibling((p).parent)) //叔叔
#define FromParentTo(x) ( IsRoot(x) ? _root : ( IsLChild(x) ? (x).parent->lc : (x).parent->rc ) ) //来自父亲的引用
typedef enum { RB_RED, RB_BLACK } RBColor; //节点颜色
template <typename T> struct BinNode{
BinNodePosi(T) parent;
BinNodePosi(T) lc;
BinNodePosi(T) rc; //父亲、孩子
int npl;
RBColor color;
T data; int height; //高度、子树规模
parent( nullptr ), lc( nullptr ),rc( nullptr ),height ( 0 ),npl( 1 ),color ( RB_RED ) {}
BinNode( T e, BinNodePosi(T) p = nullptr, BinNodePosi(T) lc = nullptr, BinNodePosi(T) rc = nullptr, int h = 0, int l = 1, RBColor c = RB_RED):
data( e ), parent( p ), lc( lc ), rc( rc ),height ( h ),npl( 1 ),color ( c ) {}
int size();
BinNodePosi(T) insertAsLC( T const & ); //作为左孩子插入新节点
BinNodePosi(T) insertAsRC( T const & ); //作为右孩子插入新节点
BinNodePosi(T) succ(); //(中序遍历意义下)当前节点的直接后继
template <typename VST> void travLevel(VST &); //子树层次遍历
template <typename VST> void travPre(VST &); //子树先序遍历
template <typename VST> void travIn(VST &); //子树中序遍历
template <typename VST> void travPost(VST &); //子树后序遍历
template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BinNode<T>::insertAsLC(T const &e)
{return lc = new BinNode( e, this);}
template <typename T> BinNodePosi(T) BinNode<T>::insertAsRC(T const &e)
{return rc = new BinNode( e, this);}
template <typename T> int BinNode<T>::size(){//后代总数,以其为根的子树的规模
int s = 1; //计入本身
if (lc) s += lc->size(); //递归计入左子树规模
if (rc) s += rc->size(); //递归计入右子树规模
return s;
#include "binnode.h"
#include "release.h"
#include "../dsa_queue_20200717/queue.h"
#define max(a,b) ( a > b ? a : b)
template <typename T> class BinTree{
int _size;//规模
virtual int updateHeight( BinNodePosi(T) x); //更新节点x的高度
void updateHeightAbove( BinNodePosi(T) x); //更新x及祖先的高度
BinNodePosi(T) _root; //根节点
BinTree():_size( 0 ), _root ( nullptr ) {}
//~BinTree(){ if ( 0 < _size ) remove( _root );}
int size() const { return _size; } //规模
bool empty() const { return !_root;} //判空
BinNodePosi(T) root() const {return _root; } //树根
BinNodePosi(T) insertAsRoot(T const& e); //作为根节点插入
BinNodePosi(T) insertAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x, T const& e);//作为左孩子节点接入
BinNodePosi(T) insertAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x, T const& e);//作为右孩子节点接入
BinNodePosi(T) attachAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* &S);//作为左子树接入
BinNodePosi(T) attachAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* &S);//作为右子树接入
int remove(BinNodePosi(T) x);//删除以节点x为根的子树
template <typename VST> void travPre(BinNodePosi(T) x, VST& visit) { if (_root) _root->travPre(visit); }//先序遍历
template <typename VST> void travPost(const VST& visit) { if (_root) _root->travPost(visit); }//后序遍历
template <typename VST> void travLevel(const VST& visit) { if (_root) _root->travLevel(visit); }//层次遍历
template <typename VST> void travIn( const VST& visit) { if (_root) _root->travIn(visit); }//中序遍历
void traverse (BinNodePosi(T) x, void (*)(T&) );
template <typename T> void BinTree<T>::traverse ( BinNodePosi(T) x, void (*visit )( T& ))
if( !x ) return;
visit( x->data );
traverse( x->lc, visit );
traverse( x->rc, visit );
template <typename T, typename VST> void travPre(BinNodePosi(T) x, VST& visit) {
if( !x ) return;
//BinNodePosi(T) x = root();
visit( x->data );
travPre( x->lc, visit );
travPre( x->rc, visit );
template <typename T, typename VST> void travPost(BinNodePosi(T) x, VST& visit) {
if( !x ) return;
travPost( x->lc, visit );
travPost( x->rc, visit );
visit( x->data );
template <typename T, typename VST> void travIn(BinNodePosi(T) x, VST& visit) {
if( !x ) return;
travIn( x->lc, visit );
visit( x->data );
travIn( x->rc, visit );
template <typename T> template <typename VST> void BinNode<T>::travLevel ( VST& visit){
Queue<BinNodePosi(T)> Q;
Q.enqueue( this );
while( !Q.empty()){
BinNodePosi(T) x = Q.dequeue();visit( x->data);
if( HasLChild(*x )) Q.enqueue( x->lc);
if( HasRChild(*x )) Q.enqueue( x->rc);
template <typename T>
int BinTree<T>::updateHeight(BinNodePosi(T) x)
return x->height = 1 + max(stature(x->lc), stature(x->rc));
template <typename T>
void BinTree<T>::updateHeightAbove(BinNodePosi(T) x)
while (x) { updateHeight(x); x = x->parent; }
template <typename T>
BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::insertAsRoot(T const& e)
_size = 1; return _root = new BinNode<T> (e);
template <typename T>
BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::insertAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x,T const& e)
_size++; x->insertAsLC(e); updateHeightAbove(x); return x->lc;
template <typename T>
BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::insertAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x,T const& e)
_size++; x->insertAsRC(e); updateHeightAbove(x); return x->rc;
template <typename T>
BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::attachAsLC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* &S)
x->lc = S->_root;
x->lc->parent = x;
_size += S->_size;
S->_root =nullptr;
S->size = 0; dtl::release(S); S = nullptr; return x;
template <typename T>
BinNodePosi(T) BinTree<T>::attachAsRC(BinNodePosi(T) x, BinTree<T>* &S)
x->rc = S->_root;
x->rc->parent = x;
_size += S->_size;
S->_root = nullptr;
S->size = 0; dtl::release(S); S = nullptr; return x;
template <typename T>//二叉树删除x节点及其后代
int BinTree<T>::remove(BinNodePosi(T) x)
FromParentTo( *x ) = nullptr;
updateHeightAbove ( x->parent );
int n = removeAt( x ); _size -=n;
return n;
template <typename T>//删除x节点及其后代,返回删除节点数
static int removeAt(BinNodePosi(T) x)
if (!x)return 0;//递归基
int n = 1 + removeAt(x->lc) + removeAt(x->rc);
dtl::release(x->data); dtl::release(x); return n;
* The program aims to test BinTree class
* author@Ripples
* 20200723
#include "bintree.h"
#include "../dsa_vector_200622/dsa_vector.h"
using namespace std;
template<typename T> void returnValue(T& a)
cout << "return_value: " << a << endl;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
BinTree<char> bt_test;
bt_test.insertAsLC(bt_test.root(), 'a');
bt_test.insertAsRC(bt_test.root(), 'f');
bt_test.insertAsLC(bt_test.root()->rc, 'd');
bt_test.insertAsRC(bt_test.root()->rc, 'g');
bt_test.insertAsLC(bt_test.root()->rc->lc, 'c');
bt_test.insertAsRC(bt_test.root()->rc->lc, 'e');
a f
d g
c e
void (* visit)(char& ) = &returnValue;
cout << "modifed:" << endl;
return 0;