镜像命令 start_runit
# From https://github.com/faisyl/alpine-runit
env > /etc/envvars/etc/rc.local
if [ $retval -ne 0 ];
echo >&2 "Calico node failed to start"
exit $retval
fi# Export the nodename set by the startup procedure.
export NODENAME=$(cat /var/lib/calico/nodename)RUNSVDIR=$(/usr/bin/which runsvdir)
exec ${RUNSVDIR} -P /etc/service/enabled
Usage of Calico:
Configure tunnel addresses for this node
Run BIRD readiness checks
Run BIRD6 readiness checks
Run confd
Keep stage file when running confd
Run confd in oneshot mode
Run Felix
Run felix readiness checks
Initialize a new node
-threshold-time duration
Threshold time for bird readiness (default 30s)
-v Display version
flag: help requested
// Perform some validation on the parsed flags. Only one of the following may be
// specified at a time.
onlyOne := []*bool{version, runFelix, runStartup, runConfd}
oneSelected := false
for _, o := range onlyOne {
if oneSelected && *o {
fmt.Println("More than one incompatible argument provided")
if *o {
oneSelected = true
进程启动使用 runsv 方式,包括目录 /etc/service/enabled/ 下,runsv 参考后文 runsv 描述
包括的进程有 felix bird bird5 confd 这四个分别如下讲述
配置文件 /etc/calico/felix.cfg
MetadataAddr = None
LogFilePath = None
LogSeverityFile = None
LogSeveritySys = None
后文将分析 felix,内容比较多
// Decide which action to take based on the given flags.
if *version {
} else if *runFelix {
参看文章 https://blog.csdn.net/zhonglinzhang/article/details/97614844
else if *runConfd {
cfg, err := confdConfig.InitConfig(true)
cfg.ConfDir = "/etc/calico/confd"
cfg.KeepStageFile = *confdKeep
cfg.Onetime = *confdRunOnce
if err != nil {
else if *runStartup {
1.4.1 Run 函数
--> autoDetectCIDR
--> autoDetectCIDRFirstFound
路径 pkg/startup/startup.go 主要执行体
// This file contains the main startup processing for the calico/node. This
// includes:
// - Detecting IP address and Network to use for BGP
// - Configuring the node resource with IP/AS information provided in the
// environment, or autodetected.
// - Creating default IP Pools for quick-start use
func Run() {
// Check $CALICO_STARTUP_LOGLEVEL to capture early log statements
// Determine the name for this node.
nodeName := determineNodeName()
// Create the Calico API cli.
cfg, cli := calicoclient.CreateClient()
ctx := context.Background()
1.4.2 waitForConnnection 检查 client 是否连接成功
// waitForConnection waits for the datastore to become accessible.
func waitForConnection(ctx context.Context, c client.Interface) {
log.Info("Checking datastore connection")
for {
// Query some arbitrary configuration to see if the connection
// is working. Getting a specific Node is a good option, even
// if the Node does not exist.
_, err := c.Nodes().Get(ctx, "foo", options.GetOptions{})
// We only care about a couple of error cases, all others would
// suggest the datastore is accessible.
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case cerrors.ErrorConnectionUnauthorized:
log.Warn("Connection to the datastore is unauthorized")
case cerrors.ErrorDatastoreError:
log.WithError(err).Info("Hit error connecting to datastore - retry")
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
// We've connected to the datastore - break out of the loop.
log.Info("Datastore connection verified")
1.4.3 configureIPsAndSubnets
根据环境变量 IP=autodetect,未设置 IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD,以及 IPV4 版本,autodetect 发现第一块网络接口
// Determine the autodetection type for IPv4 and IPv6. Note that we
// only autodetect IPv4 when it has not been specified. IPv6 must be
// explicitly requested using the "autodetect" value.
// If we aren't auto-detecting then we need to validate the configured
// value and possibly fix up missing subnet configuration.
ipv4Env := os.Getenv("IP")
if ipv4Env == "autodetect" || (ipv4Env == "" && node.Spec.BGP.IPv4Address == "") {
cidr := autoDetectCIDR(adm, 4)
if cidr != nil {
// We autodetected an IPv4 address so update the value in the node.
node.Spec.BGP.IPv4Address = cidr.String()
} else if node.Spec.BGP.IPv4Address == "" {
// No IPv4 address is configured, but we always require one, so exit.
log.Warn("Couldn't autodetect an IPv4 address. If auto-detecting, choose a different autodetection method. Otherwise provide an explicit address.")
return false, fmt.Errorf("Failed to autodetect an IPv4 address")
} else {
// No IPv4 autodetected, but a previous one was configured.
// Tell the user we are leaving the value unchanged. We
// will validate that the IP matches one on the interface.
log.Warnf("Autodetection of IPv4 address failed, keeping existing value: %s", node.Spec.BGP.IPv4Address)
} else if ipv4Env != "none" {
if ipv4Env != "" {
node.Spec.BGP.IPv4Address = parseIPEnvironment("IP", ipv4Env, 4)
1.4.4 configureASNumner 函数
未设置则使用 global
// configureASNumber configures the Node resource with the AS number specified
// in the environment, or is a no-op if not specified.
func configureASNumber(node *api.Node) {
// Extract the AS number from the environment
asStr := os.Getenv("AS")
if asStr != "" {
if asNum, err := numorstring.ASNumberFromString(asStr); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("The AS number specified in the environment (AS=%s) is not valid", asStr)
} else {
log.Infof("Using AS number specified in environment (AS=%s)", asNum)
node.Spec.BGP.ASNumber = &asNum
} else {
if node.Spec.BGP.ASNumber == nil {
log.Info("No AS number configured on node resource, using global value")
} else {
log.Infof("Using AS number %s configured in node resource", node.Spec.BGP.ASNumber)
1.4.5 ensureFilesystemAsExpected
存在目录 /var/run/calico /var/lib/calico,如果舍子日志 /var/log/calico
// Checks that the filesystem is as expected and fix it if possible
func ensureFilesystemAsExpected() {
// BIRD requires the /var/run/calico directory in order to provide status
// information over the control socket, but other backends do not
// need this check.
if strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND")) == "bird" {
runDir := "/var/run/calico"
// Check if directory already exists
if _, err := os.Stat(runDir); err != nil {
// Make sure the /var/lib/calico directory exists.
libDir := "/var/lib/calico"
// Check if directory already exists
if _, err := os.Stat(libDir); err != nil {
// Ensure the log directory exists but only if logging to file is enabled.
if strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("CALICO_DISABLE_FILE_LOGGING")) != "true" {
logDir := "/var/log/calico"
// Check if directory already exists
if _, err := os.Stat(logDir); err != nil {
1.4.6 configureIPPools
配置 IP 地址池,资源 ippools,如果未指定则使用 default-ipv4-ippool
apiVersion: crd.projectcalico.org/v1
kind: IPPool
projectcalico.org/metadata: '{"uid":"f86d942a-b0f5-11e9-8106-080027603363","creationTimestamp":"2019-07-28T05:10:09Z"}'
creationTimestamp: "2019-07-28T05:10:09Z"
generation: 1
name: default-ipv4-ippool
resourceVersion: "2444410"
selfLink: /apis/crd.projectcalico.org/v1/ippools/default-ipv4-ippool
uid: f870f4cf-b0f5-11e9-a59b-080027603363
blockSize: 26
ipipMode: Never
natOutgoing: true
nodeSelector: all()
vxlanMode: Never
// configureIPPools ensures that default IP pools are created (unless explicitly
// requested otherwise).
func configureIPPools(ctx context.Context, client client.Interface) {
// Read in environment variables for use here and later.
ipv4Pool := os.Getenv("CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR")
ipv6Pool := os.Getenv("CALICO_IPV6POOL_CIDR")
if strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("NO_DEFAULT_POOLS")) == "true" {
if len(ipv4Pool) > 0 || len(ipv6Pool) > 0 {
log.Error("Invalid configuration with NO_DEFAULT_POOLS defined and CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR or CALICO_IPV6POOL_CIDR defined.")
log.Info("Skipping IP pool configuration")
用指定的 CIDR 创建 IP Pool
// createIPPool creates an IP pool using the specified CIDR. This
// method is a no-op if the pool already exists.
func createIPPool(ctx context.Context, client client.Interface, cidr *cnet.IPNet, poolName, ipipModeName, vxlanModeName string, isNATOutgoingEnabled bool) {
version := cidr.Version()
var ipipMode api.IPIPMode
var vxlanMode api.VXLANMode
// Parse the given IPIP mode.
switch strings.ToLower(ipipModeName) {
case "", "off", "never":
ipipMode = api.IPIPModeNever
case "crosssubnet", "cross-subnet":
ipipMode = api.IPIPModeCrossSubnet
case "always":
ipipMode = api.IPIPModeAlways
log.Errorf("Unrecognized IPIP mode specified in CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP '%s'", ipipModeName)
// Parse the given VXLAN mode.
switch strings.ToLower(vxlanModeName) {
case "", "off", "never":
vxlanMode = api.VXLANModeNever
case "always":
vxlanMode = api.VXLANModeAlways
log.Errorf("Unrecognized VXLAN mode specified in CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN'%s'", vxlanModeName)
blockSize: 26
ipipMode: Never
natOutgoing: true
nodeSelector: all()
vxlanMode: Never
pool := &api.IPPool{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: poolName,
Spec: api.IPPoolSpec{
CIDR: cidr.String(),
NATOutgoing: isNATOutgoingEnabled,
IPIPMode: ipipMode,
VXLANMode: vxlanMode,
log.Infof("Ensure default IPv%d pool is created. IPIP mode: %s, VXLAN mode: %s", version, ipipMode, vxlanMode)
// Create the pool. There is a small chance that another node may
// beat us to it, so handle the fact that the pool already exists.
if _, err := client.IPPools().Create(ctx, pool, options.SetOptions{}); err != nil
确保所有默认设置都已经配置,请看下文逐个分析,环境变量 CLUSTER_TYPE=k8s,bgp
// ensureDefaultConfig ensures all of the required default settings are
// configured.
func ensureDefaultConfig(ctx context.Context, cfg *apiconfig.CalicoAPIConfig, c client.Interface, node *api.Node) error {
// Ensure the ClusterInformation is populated.
// Get the ClusterType from ENV var. This is set from the manifest.
clusterType := os.Getenv("CLUSTER_TYPE")
if err := c.EnsureInitialized(ctx, VERSION, clusterType); err != nil {
return nil
// FelixConfigurationInterface has methods to work with FelixConfiguration resources. type FelixConfigurationInterface interface { Create(ctx context.Context, res *apiv3.FelixConfiguration, opts options.SetOptions) (*apiv3.FelixConfiguration, error) Update(ctx context.Context, res *apiv3.FelixConfiguration, opts options.SetOptions) (*apiv3.FelixConfiguration, error) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, opts options.DeleteOptions) (*apiv3.FelixConfiguration, error) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, opts options.GetOptions) (*apiv3.FelixConfiguration, error) List(ctx context.Context, opts options.ListOptions) (*apiv3.FelixConfigurationList, error) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts options.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) }
apiVersion: crd.projectcalico.org/v1
kind: FelixConfiguration
projectcalico.org/metadata: '{"uid":"f8814ee8-b0f5-11e9-8106-080027603363","creationTimestamp":"2019-07-28T05:10:09Z"}'
creationTimestamp: "2019-07-28T05:10:09Z"
generation: 1
name: default
resourceVersion: "2444412"
selfLink: /apis/crd.projectcalico.org/v1/felixconfigurations/default
uid: f881c3f0-b0f5-11e9-a59b-080027603363
XDPRefreshInterval: null
logSeverityScreen: Info
reportingInterval: 0s
// By default we set the global reporting interval to 0 - this is
// different from the defaults defined in Felix.
// Logging to file is disabled in the felix.cfg config file. This
// should always be disabled for calico/node. By default we log to
// screen - set the default logging value that we desire.
felixConf, err := c.FelixConfigurations().Get(ctx, globalFelixConfigName, options.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Create the default config if it doesn't already exist.
if _, ok := err.(cerrors.ErrorResourceDoesNotExist); ok {
newFelixConf := api.NewFelixConfiguration()
newFelixConf.Name = globalFelixConfigName
newFelixConf.Spec.ReportingInterval = &metav1.Duration{Duration: 0}
newFelixConf.Spec.LogSeverityScreen = defaultLogSeverity
_, err = c.FelixConfigurations().Create(ctx, newFelixConf, options.SetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if conflict, ok := err.(cerrors.ErrorResourceAlreadyExists); ok {
log.Infof("Ignoring conflict when setting value %s", conflict.Identifier)
} else {
log.WithError(err).WithField("FelixConfig", newFelixConf).Errorf("Error creating Felix global config")
return err
} else {
log.WithError(err).WithField("FelixConfig", globalFelixConfigName).Errorf("Error getting Felix global config")
return err
使用 runsv 监控启动 /etc/service/default 目录下的启动 run 文件
包括 felix bird bird5 confd