每日一词116 rival

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:to be as good, clever, beautiful, etc. as someone or something else

例句:The college’s amenities rival those of a five-star hotel.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“rival”是名词也是动词。作为名词表示“竞争者”“对手”,作为动词表示“能与…媲美”“与…匹敌”,今天我们要学习的是它的动词用法。当我们描述一个事物或者比较两件事物时,想表示“不亚于”“与…不分高低”,就可以用到 rival。


Duke Kunshan University's amenities rival those of a five-star hotel. 

我们常用“难以望其项背”表示难以企及某人所达到的成就或境界,这是也可以用  rival 来表示,比如:   

Only a few can rival his success/achievement.   

Justin 在一篇英文随笔中就用到了 rival:   

This nascent coffee brand has gone completely viral and is said to rival Starbucks.   

《纽约时报》在写 Karl Lagerfeld 的讣告中就用到了 rival:   

…his output as a designer was rivaled only by his outpourings as a master of the telling aphorism.(这段话想说的唯一能和他设计成就相媲美的就是他那源源不断的金句,这里的 be rivaled by 就相当于 be equal to)。

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



Some home-made dishes can rival  those of a Michelin.

(参考翻译:Some home-cooked dishes can rival the cuisine served at a Michelin-starred restaurant.)

词伙:home-cooked dishes 家常菜

米其林星级餐厅的佳肴:the cuisine served at a Michelin-satrred restaurant.


例子:In her heart, nobody can rival the dishes that are made by her mother.

场景 :在她的心里,没有人做的饭能和她妈妈的相媲美。

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