English Pod 听力学习之路,每天一听与笔记


English Pod

  • C41 -- C50
  • C51 -- C60
  • C61 -- C70

C41 – C50

一、C0041:The Weekend Movie Trailer ([ˈtreɪlə®] 拖车)

  1. Two people possess a valueable secret , so powerful, they have to defend it at all costs.
  2. They only had one chance. And their chance was to fight back.
  3. You wanna play rough? okay ,so hello to my litter little friend.
    litter : n. 废弃物 v.凌乱
    little : adj.小的,可爱的,可怜的 adv.些许,少量的
  4. Nothing will prevent them doing their job, double the action.
  5. Triple the excitement.[ˈtrɪpl] 三倍
  6. nothing will stand in their way
  7. I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
  8. Two hosts, one procastpodcast , coming to a theathertheater near you.
    podcast 播客; theater 剧场,戏剧;

二、C0042:I Need More Time (2020-6-29)

  1. how are things going with the photos for the press kit?
    press [pres] n.新闻、报刊、评论 v按、施加压力;press kit 新闻包
  2. I might need to ask for the extendion extension to on the deadline.
    extension [ɪkˈstenʃn] n.扩大;延伸;扩建部分;增建部分
  3. I’m not looking for apologize excuses here, I just want to get this finished on time!
  4. I apologize for the delay. But some things were byond my control.
  5. I’m not going to put this off any longer.

三、C0043:Daily life Applying for a Visa (2020-6-30)

  1. Where is your final destination and what is the purpose of your trip to the United States?
  2. How long do you plan to remain/stay in the United States?
  3. I’ll be here for approximately three weeks. Here’s my return ticket for the twenty-sixth of March.
    approximately 英 [əˈprɒksɪmətli] adv.大概;大约
  4. Who is sponsoring your trip? //sponsor n.赞助商 v.赞助
  5. tell me about the ties you have to your home country. ties系,拴,绑,捆,束,关系,纽带
  6. I’m employed by Tornel as an engineer.
  7. What the evidence do you have that you are financially independent?

四、C0045:Intermediate I’m sorry I love you (2020-7-2)

  1. Don’t be so dramatic! I’m sure everthing is going to work out fine.
  2. I’m sure he is cheating on me. Why else wouldn’t he call?
  3. I can’t believe that how immature and selfish i was being?
    英 [ˌɪməˈtjʊə®] adj.(行为)不成熟的

五、C0046:Intermediate EmergencyRoom (2020-7-2)

  1. My poor little Frankie has stopped breathing.
  2. but I just don’t know if I could get any air into his lungs!
  3. get him hooked up to a moniter 连接到监视器
  4. The patient is in acute respiratory failure, I think were going to have to intubate!
    英failure [ˈfeɪljə®] n.失败;失败的人(或事物);
    英respiratory [rəˈspɪrətri]adj.呼吸的
  5. We managed to stablize Frankie, but he was not out of woods yet; he’s still in criticial critical condition. Were moving him to intensive care.
    out of the woods出森林, 脱离险境, 脱离困境
    in critical condition当在危急情况下
    intensive care特别护理; 重症监护;
  6. I couldn’t imagine life without my little hamster!
    英 [ˈhæmstə®] n.仓鼠

六、C0047:Advance Just In Time Strategy (2020-7-3)

  1. I called this meeting today in order to discuss the manufacting manufacturing plan.
    英 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ] n.制造业 v.(用机器)大量生产,成批制造;编造;
  2. we are obligted obligated to look for more cost efficiency efficient ways to of producing our goods.
    obligated 英 [ˈɒblɪɡeɪtɪd] adj.(道义或法律上)有义务的,有责任的,必须的 v.使负有义务;迫使
    efficient 英 [ɪˈfɪʃnt] 美 [ɪˈfɪʃnt] adj.效率高的;有能力的
  3. We don’t want to have to be looking at redundancies.
    redundancies 英 [rɪˈdʌndənsiz] n.(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇;多余;累赘
  4. we’ve outlined a brief plan to implement the just-in-time philosophy.
    philosophy 英 [fəˈlɒsəfi] 美 [fəˈlɑːsəfi] n.哲学;哲学体系;思想体系
  5. we want to reduce production and delivery lead times for better overall efficiency
    生产和交货周期 lead times从投产至完成生产间相隔的时间
  6. production lead times can be reduced by moving work stations closer together, reducing queue length, like for example, reducing the number of jobs waiting to be processed at a given machine, and improving the coordination and cooperation between successive process.
    coordination 英 [kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn] n.协作;协调;配合;协调动作的能力
    successive 英 [səkˈsesɪv] adj.连续的;接连的;相继的
  7. Delivery lead times can be reduced through close cooperation with suppliers, possibly by inducing suppliers to locate closer to the factory or working with a faster shipping company.
    closer接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; 几乎; 可能; 亲密的
  8. That make sense. 很有道理。
  9. The second point is that we want to require supplier quality assurance and implement a zero defects quality program.
    assurance 英[əˈʃʊərəns] n. 保证; 担保; 自信; 人寿保险;
    implement 使生效; 贯彻; 执行; 实施; 工具; 器具;
    defect 英 [ˈdiːfekt , dɪˈfekt] n.缺点;缺陷;毛病v.背叛;叛变;投敌
  10. A quality control at the source program must be implemented to give workers the personal responsibility for the quality of work they do,and the authority to stop production when something goes wrong.
    authority 英 [ɔːˈθɒrəti] n.权力;威权;当权(地位);权;职权;批准;授权
  11. I’m with you on this one. It essiential essential that we reduce these errors,;We have got to force the suppliers to reduce their mistakes.

七、C0048:Intermediate - Carnival in Rio (2020-7-7)
carnival 英 [ˈkɑːnɪvl] n.狂欢节;嘉年华;激动人心的事物组合;五彩缤纷事物的组合

  1. It says here that the school that is dancing now is one of the oldest and most prestigious samba schools in Rio.
    prestigious 英 [preˈstɪdʒəs] adj. 有威望的;声誉高的
  2. We’re so lucky that we found tickets for the Sambadrome! Good thing we found that ticket scalper.
    scalper 英 [ˈskælpə®] n. 倒票者;黄牛;票贩子

C51 – C60

八: (2020-7-8)

  1. It has a unique ingredient which gives it a pleasant aroma and superior flavor.
    ingredient 英 [ɪnˈɡriːdiənt] n. 成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)因素,要素
    flavor 英 [ˈfleɪvə] n. 味,滋味;特色;风味 v. 给……调味,加味于

九:C0054:Intermediate (2020-7-13)

  1. I was wrong to get upset over nothing.
  2. but right after you decided you wanted a break, i was called up north to put out some major forest fires!
    break破,裂,碎; 弄坏; 损坏; 坏掉; 弄破; 使流血; 间歇; 休息; 课间休息; 间断; 暂停
  3. I was in the middle of nowhere, working day and night, trying to prevent the blaze from spreading! It was pretty intense.
    in the middle of nowhere在遥远偏僻处
    blaze 英 [bleɪz] v. 熊熊燃烧;发亮光;怒视;(怒火)燃烧 n. 烈火;火灾;火焰;(光或色彩等的)展现
    intense 英 [ɪnˈtens] adj.十分强烈的;严肃紧张的;激烈的;有强烈感情(或意见、想法)的;尖锐的;热切的

hockey 英 [ˈhɒki] n. 曲棍球

  1. As you konw, the winner will move on to the finals.
  2. The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack! Federov gets checked hard into the boards.
    possession 英 [pəˈzeʃn] n. 具有;拥有;个人财产;私人物品;控球状态
    set up创建; 建立; 安排; 组建; 建起; 设立; 设置; 安装,装配,调试; 立业;
  3. What a save by the goalie!
    goalie 英 [ˈgəʊli] n. 同goalkeeper
  4. The puck is back in play now. Bure is on a breakway! He is flying down the ice! The defenders can’t keep up!Slap shot!
    puck 英 [pʌk] n. (冰球运动使用的)冰球;定标器;光标定位器;
    defenders防守队员; 后卫; 守卫者; 保护人; 防御者;
    keep up齐步前进; 不落后; 跟上; 同…做得一样好; 了解; 熟悉; 继续做; 使不减少

十一:Palnning a Bank Robbery(2020-7-15)

  1. I’ve carefully mapped this out, so don’t screw it up.
    map out 英[mæp aʊt] 设计; 计划; 规划; 安排;
    screw up 英[ˈskruː ʌp] 眯起(眼睛); 扭曲(面部); 把(纸)揉成一团; 弄糟; 搞乱; 毁坏;
    She had screwed up her eyes, as if she found the sunshine too bright.
  2. We managed to get replicas of the one the guards wear when they pick up the money.
    replica 英[ˈreplɪkə] n. 复制品; 仿制品;
  3. When you get inside, tell them that you are filling in for Jim, and say that they are on another route today.Just act natural.
    fill in for 英[fɪl ɪn fɔː®] 顶(某人)的位置;
  4. We have the phones tapped, so the call will be patched through to me, and i’ll pretend to be the transport company.
    tap 英[tæp] v. 轻敲; 轻拍; 轻叩; (用…) 轻轻叩击; 利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等);
    n. 水龙头; 旋塞; 龙头; 轻击; 轻拍; 轻敲; 轻扣;
    patch 打补丁; 缝补; 修补

十二:C0057:The office - Malfunction(2020-7-16)
malfunction 英[ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn] v. 运转失常; 失灵; 出现故障;
n. 失灵; 故障,功能障碍;

  1. make the copy of this contract
    contract 英 [ˈkɒntrækt , kənˈtrækt]
    n. 合同;合约;契约 v. (使)收缩,缩小;感染(疾病);得(病);与…订立合同(或契约)
  2. it’s just out of toner, you can use the other one upstairs.
    toner 英 [ˈtəʊnə®] n. (打印机或复印机使用的)墨粉;护肤霜;爽肤水
    upstairs 英 [ˌʌpˈsteəz]
    adv. 在(或向)楼上;在(或向)上一层 n. 二楼;楼上 adj. 楼上的
  3. Is someone palying a practical joke on me? This is ridiculous!
    practical jokes 英[ˈpræktɪkl dʒəʊks] n. 恶作剧;
    ridiculous愚蠢的; 荒谬的; 荒唐的
  4. The elevator has some sort of malfunction. Just take the stairs dude.
    dude 英 [duːd] n. 男人

十三:C0058:This is your captain speaking (2020-7-17)
captain船长; 机长; 上校; 上尉; 首领; 领导者; 队长; 担任…的队长

  1. We’re just going through a bit of turbulence.
    turbulence 英 [ˈtɜːbjələns] n. 骚乱;动乱;动荡;混乱;(空气和水的)湍流,涡流,紊流
  2. It looks like we’ve hit a patch of rough air, so we’re going to have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next several minutes.
    bumpy 英 [ˈbʌmpi] adj. 不平的;多凸块的;颠簸的
  3. I’d like to remind all of our passenagers to fasten their seat belts and remain seated untill the fasten seat belt sign is truned off.
    fasten系牢,扣紧; 关紧; 使牢固; 使固定
    seat belt安全带
  4. Please ensure that all cabin baggages carefully stowed under the seat in front of you. I’ll be back to update you in a minute.
    cabin baggage 英 [ˈkæbɪn ˈbæɡɪdʒ] n. 随身行李
    stow 英 [stəʊ] v. 妥善放置;把…收好
  5. We’ve got quite a large patch of rough air ahead of us, so for your safety, we will be suspending in-flight service, I would ask all in-flight crew to return to their seats at this time.
    suspending悬; 挂; 暂停; 暂缓; 推迟
    crew 英 [kruː] 全体工作人员; 全体船员,
  6. I would like to ask that all our passenagers refrain from using the lavatory untill the seat belt sign has been switched off.
    refrain from 英 [rɪˈfreɪn frəm] 戒、禁止
    lavatory 英 [ˈlævətri] n. 抽水马桶;厕所;卫生间
    sign 迹象; 招牌; 标志; 手势; 签;

十四:C0059:Advanced- job interview(2020-7-18)

  1. let’s go over everthing one more time. I really want you to get this job.
  2. It’s an amazing growth opportunity! it would be so interesting to be part of an organization that is the undisputed leaders in business process platform development.
    undisputed 英 [ˌʌndɪˈspjuːtɪd] adj. 不容置疑的;广为接受的;公认的
  3. I visited their website and read up on what they do.
    read up 钻研;研读
  4. They’re an IT service company that offers comprehensive business solutions for large corporations.
    comprehensive 英 [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] adj. 全部的;详尽的;综合性的(接收各种资质的学生)
    custom designed applications.
    custom 英 [ˈkʌstəm] n.风俗;习俗;(个人的)习惯,;光顾 adj. 定做(制)的
  5. They have a great growth strategy, amazing development opportunities for employees, and it seems like they have strong corporate governance.
    strategy 英 [ˈstrætədʒi] n. 策略;规划;部署;
    corporate governance 英 [ˈkɔːpərət ˈɡʌvənəns] 公司治理结构
    corporate 公司的、全体的
    governance 统治;管理;
  6. They’re all about helping companies grow and unleashing potential.
    unleash 英 [ʌnˈliːʃ] v. 发泄;突然释放;使爆发
  7. I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me.
    mission 英 [ˈmɪʃn] n. 官方使命;使团的使命;使团;代表团;
    resonated 英 [ˈrezəneɪtɪd] v. 产生共鸣;使产生联想;

十五:C0060:Intermediate- New Guy in Town(2020-7-18)

  1. Drag her over here, and help me tie her up.
    drag 英 [dræɡ] v. 拖,拉,拽 n. 令人厌烦的人; ;累赘; 绊脚石; 吸一口
  2. I can’t believe she fell for it! She is a lot more gullible than l thought!
    gullible 英 [ˈɡʌləbl] adj. 轻信的;易受骗的;易上当的
  3. you gotta admit, my acting was brilliant!
    admit 英 [ədˈmɪt] 承认; 招认; 招供; 准许…进入
    gotta 英 [ˈɡɒtə] 必须;不得不;有人用作have got to

C61 – C70

十六:C0061:The Weekend - Swim faster! (2020-7-19)

  1. Great for sailing! The water looks so nice! Anchor the boat for a little while, I’m going to take a dip.
    sailing 英 [ˈseɪlɪŋ] n. 帆船运动;航行 v. (船)航行;驾驶(或乘坐) 起航 sail的现在分词
    anchor 英 [ˈæŋkə®] n. 锚; 精神支柱; v. 抛锚;使固定;系牢
    dip 英 [dɪp] v. 蘸;浸;(使)下降, n. 游一游; 下降,衰退; 低洼处
  2. backstroke :英 [ˈbækstrəʊk] n. 仰泳

十七:C0062:The office - Job Interview(2020-7-19)

  1. I graduated with honors from Chesterton University with a major in Business Administration, with a specialization in Information Management, and I minored in psychology.
    major in主修
    minored 辅修; minor的过去分词和过去式
    minor 英 [ˈmaɪnə®] adj. 较小的; 小音阶的 n. 未成年人;辅修科目; v. 辅修
    psychology 英 [saɪˈkɒlədʒi] n. 心理学; 心理特征;
  2. I wanted to gain some practical, marketable skills, which the information management track provided, and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success, hence the minor in psychology.
    marketable 英 [ˈmɑːkɪtəbl] adj. 畅销的;
    track 英 [træk] n. 小道,小径; 踪迹;车辙; v. 跟踪;追踪
    professional 英 [prəˈfeʃənl] adj. 职业的;专业的; 娴熟的; n. 专家; 技术精湛者
  3. postgraduate 英 [ˌpəʊstˈɡrædʒuət] n. 研究生
  4. I am really passionate about consumer behavior, so I pursued a master’s in that area. I also strive to keep my professional skills current, so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service.
    passionate 英 [ˈpæʃənət] adj. 热诚的;狂热的
    pursue追求; 执行; 贯彻; 追逐;
    strive to 英 [straɪv tu] v. 争取;努力
    seminars 英 [ˈsɛmɪnɑːz] n. 研讨会;培训会 seminar的复数
    service 英 [ˈsɜːvɪs]
  5. I worked as their customer support manager, which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care, and process management. I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction.
    breadth 英 [bredθ] n. 宽度;(知识、兴趣等的)广泛
    supervised 英 [ˈsuːpəvaɪzd] v. 监督;管理;指导;主管 (过去式
    coordinated 英 [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪtɪd] v. 使协调;使相配合; (过去式
  6. I was able to make some pretty significant contributions to the overall success of the company. With the different initiatives that we implemented, we lowered our churn rate to about five percent, which had a direct impact on revenue.
    initiatives 英 [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz] n. 倡议;新方案 积极性; 主动权 initiative的复数
    churn 英 [tʃɜːn] v. 剧烈搅动; 反胃, 心烦意乱
    revenue 英 [ˈrevənjuː] n. 财政收入;税收收入;收益

十八:C0064:Daily Life - I’m sorry I Love You(2020-7-21)

  1. cheat on 背着(配偶、性伴侣)乱搞 ;违背 (约定);逃避(纳税)
  2. there’s no bun in the oven. 俚语,意思就是怀孕
  3. I was just so overwhelmed with jealousy that I couldn’t help myself.
    overwhelmed 英 [ˌəʊvəˈwelmd] v. (感情或感觉)压倒;击败;压垮
    jealousy 英 [ˈdʒeləsi] n. 忌妒;妒羡;羡慕;
  4. insane 英 [ɪnˈseɪn] adj. 精神失常的; 十分愚蠢的;疯狂的;危险的
  5. Everything was going fine until that jerk came into the picture and ruined everything!
    jerk 英 [dʒɜːk] v. 急拉; n. 急拉;猛推; 笨蛋

十九:C0065:The Office - Job Interview(2020-7-22)

  1. I have a couple of final questions.
  2. I have a unique combination of strong technical acumen, and outstanding soft skills;
    acumen 英 [ˈækjəmən] n. 精明;敏锐
    unique 独一无二的; 独特的; 特有的
  3. I excel at building strong, long-term customer relationships.
    long-term长期的; 长远的;
  4. When I headed the customer support department in my pervious company,
    head 有…头的; 有…个头的; 朝行进; 领导; 主管;
    pervious 英 ['pɜːvɪəs] adj. 能通过的; 可渗透的;
  5. Our team sloved about seventy pencent percent of customers’ problems.
  6. I decided that we needed better information and technical prepation preparation on our products, so after I implemented a series of training sessions in coordination with our technical deparment.
    session 一场; 一节; 一段时间; 开庭 会议, 学年;
    implemented 使生效; 贯彻; 执行; 实施
    coordination 英 [kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn] n. 协作;协调;配合;协调动作的能力
  7. I struggle with the orginization organization and time management
