




Behavior Driven Development
1.Describes overall behaviors of the system
2.customer focused


Acceptance Test Driven Development
1.Defines tests which act as requirements for the system
2.Development focused



1.Gherkin is the language Cucumber uses to define test cases
3.Human readable
4.Helps enforce firm, unambiguous requirements


Given ...
And ...
When ...
And ...
Then ...



1.Open source tool for test automation
2.Tests are written in Gherkin
3.Uses regular expressions to match Gherkin to a cucumber step
4.Cucumber step is what wraps the automation code
5.Cucumber has implementations in :




Feature: The create account page should have verification on all the fields
Scenario: Error message should become visible when I try to submit the account creation form without a name
Given I am on the site homepage
When I click on "sign in link" on the "Home" page
And I click on "register" on the "Sign In" page
Then the "missing name error" on the "Create Account" page should be visible



What is Gherkin?
Real World Example

Given I am on the homepage
When I login as "gherkin_test"
And I navigate to the "My Account" page
And I click on the "My Lists" element on the "My Account" Page
Then I should be on the "My Lists" page




Scenario Outline
Scenario will run as a unique scenario for each line in it's examples table




Scenario Outline

Feature: Amazon create account page should have verification on all the fields
Scenario Outline: All of the fields should display an error when not populated on form submission
And I click on "submit" on the "Create Account" Page
Then the "" on the "Create Account" Page should be "visible"

| error
| missing name error
| missing email error





Feature: Amazon create account page should have verification on all the fields

Scenario Outline: All of the fields should display an error when not populated on form submission
Given I am using the ""
And I click on "submit" on the "Create Account" Page
Then the "" on the "Create Account" Page should be "visible"

|user_data|error            |
|user1    |missing name error        |
|user2    |missing email error        |
|user3    |missing password error    |




Steps Table

Scenario outlines
Example Table---Loop full scenario for each row

Step Table---All data is used in at once





Steps Table

Feature: Amazon search results should contain all required data
Scenario Outline: Description of scenario outline
Given I am on the site homepage
When search for ""
Then each result should have the following information:
| information  | data_type |
| title               | string       |
| price             | currency   |

| search_string |
| cucumber book |
| java book     |





Feature: Insert detailed description here

Background: Insert background description here
Given I sign in as "user1"

Scenario: Examples 1
When I click on "My Account" on the "Home" Page
Then I should be on the "My Account" Page

Scenario: Example 2
When I click on "Log out" on the "Home" Page
Then I should be on the "Login" Page




























