





Using pip (or …)
Category:	Stable version
Precondition:	pip (or setuptools) is installed
Execute the following command to install behave with pip:

pip install behave
To update an already installed behave version, use:

pip install -U behave






Now make a directory called “features”. In that directory create a file called “tutorial.feature” containing:

Feature: showing off behave

  Scenario: run a simple test
     Given we have behave installed
      When we implement a test
      Then behave will test it for us!


Make a new directory called “features/steps”. In that directory create a file called “tutorial.py” containing:

from behave import *

@given('we have behave installed')
def step_impl(context):

@when('we implement a test')
def step_impl(context):
    assert True is not False

@then('behave will test it for us!')
def step_impl(context):
    assert context.failed is False



% behave
Feature: showing off behave # features/tutorial.feature:1

  Scenario: run a simple test        # features/tutorial.feature:3
    Given we have behave installed   # features/steps/tutorial.py:3
    When we implement a test         # features/steps/tutorial.py:7
    Then behave will test it for us! # features/steps/tutorial.py:11

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined








The minimum requirement for a features directory is:









Feature File

一个Feature File

A feature file has a natural language format describing a feature or part of a feature with representative examples of expected outcomes. They’re plain-text (encoded in UTF-8) and look something like:

Feature: Fight or flight
  In order to increase the ninja survival rate,
  As a ninja commander
  I want my ninjas to decide whether to take on an
  opponent based on their skill levels

  Scenario: Weaker opponent
    Given the ninja has a third level black-belt
     When attacked by a samurai
     Then the ninja should engage the opponent

  Scenario: Stronger opponent
    Given the ninja has a third level black-belt
     When attacked by Chuck Norris
     Then the ninja should run for his life



The “Given”, “When” and “Then” parts of this prose form the actual steps that will be taken by behave in testing your system. These map to Python step implementations. As a general guide:

Given we put the system in a known state before the user (or external system) starts interacting with the system (in the When steps). Avoid talking about user interaction in givens.

When we take key actions the user (or external system) performs. This is the interaction with your system which should (or perhaps should not) cause some state to change.

Then we observe outcomes.

You may also include “And” or “But” as a step - these are renamed by behave to take the name of their preceding step, so:

Scenario: Stronger opponent
  Given the ninja has a third level black-belt
   When attacked by Chuck Norris
   Then the ninja should run for his life
    And fall off a cliff

In this case behave will look for a step definition for "Then fall off a cliff".




Scenario Outlines

Sometimes a scenario should be run with a number of variables giving a set of known states, actions to take and expected outcomes, all using the same basic actions. You may use a Scenario Outline to achieve this:

Scenario Outline: Blenders
   Given I put  in a blender,
    when I switch the blender on
    then it should transform into 

 Examples: Amphibians
   | thing         | other thing |
   | Red Tree Frog | mush        |

 Examples: Consumer Electronics
   | thing         | other thing |
   | iPhone        | toxic waste |
   | Galaxy Nexus  | toxic waste |

behave will run the scenario once for each (non-heading) line appearing in the example data tables.








