2019 暑期实习

1. 思杰


Coding Section Instructions 

1. This test consists of 3 programming questions to be completed in 90 minutes maximum.
2. To get familiarised with our coding environment, try the Sample Test
3. You may choose any language from the list and code.
4. If the code area contains the function signature, please complete the function alone. The main function, headers etc. will be taken care of by us.
5. Questions where you are expected to write the full code will have such an instruction in the code area. All inputs are from STDIN and output to STDOUT. If you are using Java, use the classname as "Solution".
6. To understand more about the environment, time limits, etc. you can read the FAQ here
7. You can print to console to debug your code using the appropriate print command for each language (Eg: cout for C++, printf for C, etc.).
8. It is not acceptable to consult/copy code from any source including a w
