





6、标题中含有特殊字符替换 如:●▲@◎※ 主要在标题中使用




10、清除所有<>标记符号 主要在搜索中显示文字内容 而不显示样式




package com.xwtech.uomp.base.util;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.xwtech.uomp.base.action.handler.HandlerResult;
import com.xwtech.uomp.base.constants.SystemCodeConstants;

public class StringUtil {

    public static final String arrTest[] = {"[br]", "[/b]", "[/i]", "[/u]", "[/size]", "[/color]", "[/align]", "[/url]", "[/email]", "[/img]"};
    public static final String arrParam[] = {"\\[br\\]", "\\[b\\](.+?)\\[/b\\]",
            "\\[email=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[/email\\]," +
    public static final String arrCode[] = {"
", "$1", "$1", "$1", "$2", "$2", "
", "$2", "$2", "$2"}; public static int getInt(String content) { int intContent; try { intContent = Integer.parseInt(content); } catch (Exception e) { intContent = 0; } return intContent; } public static long getLong(String content) { long lngContent; try { lngContent = Long.parseLong(content); } catch (Exception e) { lngContent = 0L; } return lngContent; } /** 1 * @param str 原字符串 * @param length 字符串达到多长才截取 * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static String subStringToPoint(String str, int length, String more) { String reStr = ""; if (str.length() * 2 - 1 > length) { int reInt = 0; if (str == null) return ""; char[] tempChar = str.toCharArray(); for (int kk = 0; (kk < tempChar.length && length > reInt); kk++) { String s1 = str.valueOf(tempChar[kk]); byte[] b = s1.getBytes(); reInt += b.length; reStr += tempChar[kk]; } if (length == reInt || (length == reInt - 1)) { if (!reStr.equals(str)) { reStr += more; } } } else { reStr = str; } return reStr; } /** 2 * 将指定的对象转换为String类型 * * @param curObject 传入对象参数 * @return String */ public static String getString(Object curObject) { if (null == curObject) { throw new NullPointerException("The input object is null."); } else { return curObject.toString(); } } /** 3 * 转换字符,用于替换提交的数据中存在非法数据:"'" * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceChar(String content) { String newstr = ""; newstr = content.replaceAll("\'", "''"); return newstr; } /**4 * 对标题""转换为中文“”采用对应转换 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceSymbol(String content) { int intPlaceNum = 0; int Num = 0; String strContent = content; while (true) { //判断是否还存在" intPlaceNum = strContent.indexOf("\""); if (intPlaceNum < 0) { break; } else { if (Num % 2 == 0) { strContent = strContent.replaceFirst("\"", "“"); } else { strContent = strContent.replaceFirst("\"", "”"); } Num = Num + 1; } } return strContent; } /**5 * 替换HTML标记 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceCharToHtml(String content) { String strContent = content; strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<", "<"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(">", ">"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\"", """); return strContent; } public static String replaceHtmlToChar(String content) { String strContent = content; strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<", "<"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(">", ">"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(""", "\""); return strContent; } //数据库替换 public static String replaceCharToSql(String content) { String strContent = content; strContent = strContent.replaceAll("%", "\\\\%"); return strContent; } public static String toHtmlValue(String value) { if (null == value) { return null; } char a = 0; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { a = value.charAt(i); switch (a) { // 双引号 case 34: buf.append("""); break; // &号 case 38: buf.append("&"); break; // 单引号 case 39: buf.append("'"); break; // 小于号 case 60: buf.append("<"); break; // 大于号 case 62: buf.append(">"); break; default: buf.append(a); break; } } return buf.toString(); } /**6 * 标题中含有特殊字符替换 如:●▲@◎※ 主要在标题中使用 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceSign(String content) { String strContent = ""; strContent = content.replaceAll("\\*", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\\$", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\\+", ""); String arrStr[] = {":", ":", "●", "▲", "■", "@", "@", "◎", "★", "※", "#", "〓", "\", "§", "☆", "○", "◇", "◆", "□", "△", "&", "^", " ̄", "_", "♂", "♀", "Ю", "┭", "①", "「", "」", "≮", "§", "£", "∑", "『", "』", "⊙", "∷", "Θ", "の", "↓", "↑", "Ф", "~", "Ⅱ", "∈", "┣", "┫", "╋", "┇", "┋", "→", "←", "!", "Ж", "#"}; for (int i = 0; i < arrStr.length; i++) { if ((strContent.indexOf(arrStr[i])) >= 0) { strContent = strContent.replaceAll(arrStr[i], ""); } } return strContent; } /**7 * 替换所有英文字母 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceLetter(String content) { String strMark = "[^[A-Za-z]+$]"; String strContent = ""; strContent = content.replaceAll(strMark, ""); return strContent; } /**8 * 替换所有数字 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceNumber(String content) { String strMark = "[^[0-9]+$]"; String strContent = ""; strContent = content.replaceAll(strMark, ""); return strContent; } /**9 * 将/n转换成为回车
,空格转为  * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceBr(String content) { if (content == null) { return ""; } String strContent = ""; // String strMark ="[/\n\r\t]"; //strContent = content.replaceAll(strMark,"
"); strContent = content.replaceAll("\n\r\t", "
"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\n\r", "
"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\r\n", "
"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\n", "
"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\r", "
"); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(" ", " "); return strContent; } /**10 * 清除所有<>标记符号 主要在搜索中显示文字内容 而不显示样式 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String replaceMark(String content) { String strContent = ""; String strMark = "<\\s*[^>]*>"; strContent = content.trim(); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\"", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\'", ""); //删除所有<>标记 strContent = strContent.replaceAll(strMark, ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(" ", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(" ", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll(" ", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\r", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\n", ""); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("\r\n", ""); return strContent; } /**11 * 清楚WOrd垃圾代码 * * @param Content * @return */ public static String clearWord(String content) { String strContent = ""; strContent = content.trim(); strContent = strContent.replaceAll("x:str", ""); //Remove Style attributes strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<(\\w[^>]*) style=\"([^\"]*)\"", "<$1"); //Remove all SPAN tags strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<\\/?SPAN[^>]*>", ""); //Remove Lang attributes strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<(\\w[^>]*) lang=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)", "<$1$3"); //Remove Class attributes strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<(\\w[^>]*) class=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)", "<$1$3"); //Remove XML elements and declarations strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<\\\\?\\?xml[^>]*>", ""); //Remove Tags with XML namespace declarations: strContent = strContent.replaceAll("<\\/?\\w+:[^>]*>", ""); return strContent; } /** * 对组ID信息进行处理 转换为标准ID组 并过滤重复的信息 * * @param teamId * @return */ public static String checkTeamId(String teamId) { String strTeamId = ""; String strTempId = ""; String strTemp = ""; String[] arrTeamId = teamId.split(","); for (int num = 0; num < arrTeamId.length; num++) { strTemp = arrTeamId[num].trim(); if ((!strTemp.equals("")) && (!strTemp.equals("0"))) { if ((strTempId.indexOf("," + strTemp + ",")) >= 0) { //表示已经保存过了 } else { if (strTeamId.equals("")) { strTeamId = strTemp; strTempId = strTempId + "," + strTemp + ","; ; } else { strTeamId = strTeamId + "," + strTemp; strTempId = strTempId + strTemp + ","; } } } } return strTeamId; } public static String replaceUbb(String content) { String strContent = content; try { for (int num = 0; num < arrTest.length; num++) { if ((strContent.indexOf(arrTest[num])) >= 0) { try { strContent = strContent.replaceAll(arrParam[num], arrCode[num]); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println("UBB CODE 错误"+e); } return strContent; } /**12 * 判断传入的字符串如果为null则返回"",否则返回其本身 * * @param string * @param instant * @return String */ public static String convertNull(String string, String instant) { return isNull(string) ? instant : string; } /** * {@link #convertNull(String, String)} * * @param string * @return String */ public static String convertNull(String string) { return convertNull(string, ""); } /** * 判断对象是否为空 * * @param obj Object * @return boolean 空返回true,非空返回false */ public static boolean isNull(Object obj) { return (null == obj) ? true : false; } /** * Description:判断字段空null
* * @param s * @return boolean */ public static boolean isNull(String s) { if (s == null || "".equals(s.trim())) { return true; } return false; } /**13 * 获取百分比 * * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return */ public static String percent(double p1, double p2) { if (p2 == 0) { return "0.00%"; } String str; double p3 = p1 / p2; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); str = nf.format(p3); return str; } /** * 字符串编码转换的实现方法 * * @param str 待转换编码的字符串 * @param oldCharset 原编码 * @param newCharset 目标编码 * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public static String changeCharset(String str, String oldCharset, String newCharset) { try { if (str != null) { //用旧的字符编码解码字符串。解码可能会出现异常。 byte[] bs = str.getBytes(oldCharset); //用新的字符编码生成字符串 return new String(bs, newCharset); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } return ""; } /** * 字符串编码转换的实现方法 * * @param str 待转换编码的字符串 * @param newCharset 目标编码 * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public String changeCharset(String str, String newCharset) { try { if (str != null) { //用默认字符编码解码字符串。 byte[] bs = str.getBytes(); //用新的字符编码生成字符串 return new String(bs, newCharset); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * 解析html中的参数信息 * * @param elementStr * @return */ public static Map getConfigValue(String elementStr) { try { elementStr =, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int start = elementStr.indexOf("configvalue"); Map map = null; //参数的键值对 if (start != -1) { map = new HashMap(); start = elementStr.indexOf("\"", start); int end = elementStr.lastIndexOf("||"); if (start < 0 || end < 0) { return null; } String configValue = elementStr.substring(start + 1, end); String[] values = configValue.split("\\|\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String value = values[i]; if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 1) { int de = value.indexOf("="); if (de > 0) { String name = value.substring(0, de); String v = value.substring(de + 1); map.put(name, v); } } } } return map; } /** * 转换空值为0 * * @param str * @return */ public static String conventString(String str) { return null == str || "".equals(str) ? "" + "0" : str; } public static String alert(HandlerResult result, String contextPath) { StringBuffer sf = new StringBuffer(); sf.append(""); sf.append("信息提示"); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); sf.append(""); return sf.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(""); String str = "[[ 面包屑 ]]
" + "业务名称:[[ 业务名称 ]]
" + "业务资费:[[ 业务资费 ]]
" + "业务介绍:
" + "[[ 业务介绍 ]]
" + "
" + "
" + "
]]" + "[[ 面包屑 ]]
"; Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str); String htmlStr = ""; StringBuffer strbuff = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; while (matcher.find()) { String bm =; System.out.println(bm); Map map = getConfigValue(bm); if (map != null) { //todo:从缓存中获取数据 if (((String) map.get("eid")).equals("1043")) { String se = "【掌上营业厅】+ 1"; matcher.appendReplacement(strbuff, Matcher.quoteReplacement(se == null ? "" : se)); } else if (((String) map.get("eid")).equals("1042")) { String se = "【掌上营业厅】+ 2"; matcher.appendReplacement(strbuff, Matcher.quoteReplacement(se == null ? "" : se)); } else if (((String) map.get("eid")).equals("1041")) { String se = "【掌上营业厅】 + 3"; matcher.appendReplacement(strbuff, Matcher.quoteReplacement(se == null ? "" : se)); } else if (((String) map.get("eid")).equals("1040")) { String se = "【掌上营业厅】+ 4"; matcher.appendReplacement(strbuff, Matcher.quoteReplacement(se == null ? "" : se)); } else if (((String) map.get("eid")).equals("1046")) { String se = "【掌上营业厅】+888888888888"; matcher.appendReplacement(strbuff, Matcher.quoteReplacement(se == null ? "" : se)); } i++; } } matcher.appendTail(strbuff); htmlStr += strbuff.toString(); System.out.println(htmlStr + "=================" + i); } /** * 方法描述:判断传入的字符串是否非空,即:字符串是否等于null、""或" "。 * 创建日期:2013-12-7下午11:39:34 * 修改日期: * 作者:zhanglu * @param: * @return:boolean */ public static boolean isNotEmpty(String str) { if ((null == str) || ("".equals(str.trim()))) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * 方法描述:将传入的字符串转换成整型数据,如果转换过程中发生异常,则返回默认值:defaultValue。 * 创建日期:2013-12-7下午11:40:20 * 修改日期: * 作者:zhanglu * @param: * @return:int */ public static int convertIntoInt(String str, int defaultValue) { // 定义一个返回值,假如转型过程中发生异常,则返回此默认值 int retData = defaultValue; try { retData = Integer.parseInt(str.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { } catch(Exception ex) { } return retData; } }
