n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?



n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第1张图片
n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第2张图片


n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第3张图片


原文“A is 3 times as great(long,much,…)as B”,“A is 3 times greater (longer, more,…)than B”,“A is 3 times the size (length, amount,…)of B”,均应译为;“A的大小(长度,数量,……)是B的3倍”,或者“A比B大(长,多,……)2倍”,而不应译为“A比B大(长,多,……)3倍”。

n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第4张图片


Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage 认为n times larger 等于n times as large as

The fact is 'five times more' and 'five times as much' are idiomatic phrases which have --and are understood to have --exactly the same meaning. The 'ambiguity' of 'times more' is imaginary: in the world of actual speech and writing the meaning of 'times more' is clear and unequivocal. It is an idiom that has existed in our language for more than four centuries and there is no real reason to avoid its use.


n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第5张图片


n times larger than = n times as large as

n times larger than = n times as large as

n times larger than = n times as large as

n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第6张图片


n times larger than是n倍大还是n+1倍大?_第7张图片

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