
App Store Review Guidelines


1. 安全

1.1 令人反感的内容
1.2 用户生成的内容
1.3 儿童类别
1.4 人身伤害
1.5 开发者信息
1.6 数据安全

2. 性能

2.1 App 完成度
2.2 Beta 版测试
2.3 准确的元数据
2.4 硬件兼容性
2.5 软件要求

3. 业务

3.1 付款
3.1.1 App 内购买项目
3.1.2 订阅
3.1.4 特定硬件内容
3.1.5 App 之外的实物商品和服务
3.1.6 Apple Pay
3.1.7 广告
3.2 其他业务模式问题
3.2.1 可以接受
3.2.2 不可接受

4. 设计

4.1 抄袭者
4.2 最低功能要求
4.3 重复 App
4.4 扩展
4.5 Apple 站点和服务
4.6 备选 App 图标
4.7 HTML5 游戏与聊天机器人 (Bot) 等

5. 法律

5.1 隐私
5.1.1 数据收集和存储
5.1.2 数据使用和共享
5.1.3 健康和健康研究
5.1.4 儿童
5.1.5 定位服务
5.2 知识产权
5.3 游戏、赌博和彩票
5.4 VPN App
5.5 开发者行为准则


Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata


Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently reflect your app in use.

Specifically, your 6.5-inch iPhone screenshots do not display the app in the correct device frame.

**Next Steps**

To resolve this issue, please revise your screenshots to ensure that they accurately reflect the app in use on the supported devices. For example, a gaming app should feature screenshots that capture actual gameplay from within the app. Marketing or promotional materials that do not reflect the UI of the app are not appropriate for screenshots.

For iPhone, screenshots for 6.5-inch iPhone Xs Max and 5.5-inch devices (iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus) are required. These screenshots will scale down for smaller device sizes.

For iPad, screenshots for 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2nd generation) and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation) are required. These screenshots will scale down for smaller device sizes.

App Store screenshots should accurately communicate your app’s value and functionality. Use text and overlay images to highlight your app’s user experience, not obscure it. Make sure app UI and product images match the corresponding device type in App Store Connect. This helps users understand your app and makes for a positive App Store experience.


For resources on creating great screenshots for the App Store, you may want to review the [App Store Product Page](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/product-page/) information available on the Apple Developer website. 

Please ensure you have made any screenshot modifications using Media Manager. You should confirm your app looks and behaves identically in all languages and on all supported devices. Learn more about [uploading app previews and screenshots](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/devd1093d90d) in App Store Connect Help.


准则2.3.3 -性能-准确的元数据





对于iPhone, 6.5英寸的iPhone Xs Max和5.5英寸的设备(iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8 Plus)需要截图。这些截图将缩小到更小的设备尺寸。

对于iPad,需要12.9英寸iPad Pro(第二代)和12.9英寸iPad Pro(第三代)的屏幕截图。这些截图将缩小到更小的设备尺寸。

App Store截图应该准确传达你的应用的价值和功能。使用文本和叠加图像来突出你的应用程序的用户体验,而不是模糊它。确保app UI和产品图片与app Store Connect中对应的设备类型匹配。这有助于用户理解你的应用程序,并带来积极的应用程序商店体验。



请确保您已经使用Media Manager对截图进行了修改。您应该确认您的应用程序在所有语言和所有支持的设备上的外观和行为是相同的。了解更多关于上传应用程序预览和截图在应用程序商店连接帮助。


Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata


Your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes keywords or descriptors, which are not appropriate for use in these metadata items.

Specifically, the following words in your app name or subtitle are considered keywords or descriptors:


**Next Steps**

To resolve this issue, please revise your app name or subtitle to remove any keywords and descriptors from all localizations of your app. Keywords can be entered in the Keywords field in App Store Connect to be used as search terms for your app.

Before submitting your app to the App Store, ensure there are no unnecessary phrases, words, or descriptions in the app's name, description, icons, preview, or other metadata fields. As a best practice, your app's metadata should communicate the app's value in as few words as possible.


For information on how to revise your app name, please review [Renaming a Project or App](http://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/8.2/#/dev3db3afe4f).

For information on changing the app name and other metadata in App Store Connect, please review the [View and edit app information](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev97865727c) page.

For resources on selecting a memorable and unique app name and subtitle, you may want to review the [App Store Product Page](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/product-page/) information available on the Apple Developer website.

Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.


准则2.3.7 -性能-准确的元数据

要显示在app Store上的应用程序名称或副标题包含关键字或描述符,这些关键字或描述符不适合在这些元数据项中使用。





在将应用程序提交到app Store之前,确保应用程序的名称、描述、图标、预览或其他元数据字段中没有不必要的短语、单词或描述。作为一种最佳实践,应用程序的元数据应该用尽可能少的单词来传达应用程序的价值。



关于app Store Connect中更改app名称和其他元数据的信息,请查看并编辑app信息页面。

要获得关于选择一个难忘且独特的应用程序名称和副标题的参考资料,您可能需要查看苹果开发人员网站上的app Store产品页面信息。

由于您的应用程序商店连接状态被拒绝元数据,我们不需要新的二进制文件。要修改元数据,请访问App Store Connect来选择您的应用程序并修改所需的元数据值。一旦您完成了所有更改,请在Resolution Center中回复此消息,我们将继续审查。

解决方案:去掉xxxx部分关键词,或者有的地方添加的 空格 空格 空格 空格

2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata


Guideline 2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your app or its metadata includes irrelevant third-party platform information. 

Specifically, your app includes non-iOS platform references.

Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its metadata is not permitted on the App Store unless there is specific interactive functionality.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please remove all instances of this information from your app and its metadata, including the app description, promotional text, What's New info, previews, and screenshots.

Please see attached screenshot for details.








3.2.1 Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable


Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

- Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License (营业执照)
- A copy of the Rectification Notification issued by the relevant governing authority to your company (当地金融办 (局) 下发给贵公司的「整改通知书」附件)
- A copy of the proof that your company is connected to a bank’s depository system (银行存管证明)
- Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions. 
- In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer? 
- What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions? 
- How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in App Store Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.


准则3.2.1 -业务-其他业务模式问题-可接受

我们发现,您的应用程序有助于贷款申请,但与您的应用程序相关的卖家和公司名称并不反映应用程序中的金融机构或其元数据,这是app Store Review Guidelines 3.2.1(viii)所要求的。





请在App Store Connect的App Review Information部分附上证明文件。根据《苹果开发者计划许可协议》第3.2(f)条,您承认提交伪造或欺诈性文档可能导致您的苹果开发者计划账户终止,并导致您的应用程序从App Store中删除。一旦Legal审核了您的文档并确认其有效性,我们将继续审核您的应用程序。

解决方案:提供金融资质证明 苹果审核条例5.2.1&3.2.1问题解决处理教程

5.1.5 Guideline 5.1.5 - Legal - Privacy - Location Services


### Guideline 5.1.5 - Legal - Privacy - Location Services
Your app uses location data for features that are not relevant to location. 

**Next Steps**
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include location-specific features. Alternatively, you may revise your app to remove features that collect, transmit, or access the users' location data.

For information on location awareness, please review the [Location and Maps Programming Guide](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497).

For app design information, check out the following videos: and ["Designing Intuitive User Experiences,"](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/design/14/) available on the [Apple Developer](http://developer.apple.com/) website.

You may also want to review the [iOS Human Interface Guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/) for more information on how to create a great user experience in your app.

Please see attached screenshot for details.


5.1.5 -法律-隐私-定位服务

### 下一个步骤

### 资源
有关位置感知的信息,请参阅[位置和地图编程指南](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/userexperience/conceptual/locationawarenesspg/tion/guidetion.html #//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497)。


您可能还想查看[iOS人机界面指南](https://developer.apple.com/ios/human- interfacines/),以获得关于如何在应用程序中创建良好用户体验的更多信息。

解决方案:启用定位权限的时候,一定要提示用户,使用此权限的目的。不可含糊 描述。类似的“通讯录,推送权限,相机,相册。蓝牙”等,都需要说明。。。


5.2.4Legal - Intellectual Property


Guideline 5.2.4 - Legal - Intellectual Property

Your app includes a contest that provides Apple products as prizes. The offer can be found at Contest.

Apps that include such offerings create a misleading association with Apple Inc.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise the contest, and its rules, to remove Apple products as the prizes. This will eliminate the association with Apple Inc. and the suggestion that Apple sponsors, or is otherwise involved, in the contest.
指引5.2.4 -法律-知识产权


包含这类产品的应用程序会让人与苹果公司(Apple Inc.)产生一种误导的联想。


为了解决这个问题,请修改比赛规则,取消苹果产品作为奖品。这将消除与苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的联系,以及苹果赞助或以其他方式参与竞争的说法。


5.3.2 - Legal - Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries


Guideline 5.3.2 - Legal - Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries

Your app includes a contest or sweepstakes but it does not:

- Indicate that Apple is not involved in any way with the contest or sweepstakes.
- Enforce an app age rating of 17+.


指引5.3.2 -合法赌博、赌博及奖券




注:应用程序分级介绍(勾选 成人/性暗示题材 无限制的网站访问)都可以让应用分级为17+





最全详解 | 2018年苹果审核指南最新更新条款①
苹果App Store应用程序分级系统工作原理
