ms is wrong AGAIN

微软的Web工程师写了这篇文章[url=]Vendor Prefixes and JavaScript[/url],文中写道:

[quote]In Internet Explorer, Microsoft Lowercase the first Letter, which makes it consistent with the CSS capitalisation: msTransform

然而ms这个拼法其实全然是 inconsistent。看看其他厂商的vendor prefix全部是首字母大写的(webkit同时支持大写和小写)。


No! ms is wrong (AGAIN)!!!

The first letter of vendor prefix should be Capitalized! It follows a very simple rule that any char after dash in CSS property name should be transform to uppercase.

ms BREAK this rule, and that means you can NOT diff the vendor prefixed prop -ms-xxx with the normal prop ms-xxx. Though there is no such property named ms-xxx, but it's still a bad exception.




ms违背了这规则,这意味着你无法区分一个厂商前缀属性 -ms-xxx 和一个正常属性 ms-xxx。尽管现在并没有属性叫 ms-xxx,但是这仍是一个傻逼的例外。

