Jakarta EE Community Update February 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - 14:21 by Tanja Obradovic

With the Jan 16 announcement that we’re targeting a mid-2020 release for Jakarta EE9, the year is off to a great start for the entire Jakarta EE community. But, the Jakarta EE 9 release announcement certainly wasn’t our only achievement in the first month of 2020.

Here’s a look at the great progress the Jakarta EE community made in January, along with some important reminders and details about events you won’t want to miss.

The Java EE Guardians Are Now the Jakarta EE Ambassadors

The rebranding is complete and the website has been updated to reflect the evolution. Also note that the group’s:

· Twitter handle has been renamed to @jee_ambassadors

· Google Group has been renamed to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jakartaee-ambassadors

Everyone at the Eclipse Foundation and in the Jakarta EE community is thrilled the Java EE Guardians took the time and effort to rebrand themselves for Jakarta EE. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the Jakarta EE Ambassadors for their contributions to the advancement of Jakarta EE. As Eclipse Foundation Executive Director, Mike Milinkovich, noted, “The new Jakarta EE Ambassadors are an important part of our community, and we very much appreciate their support and trust.”

I look forward to collaborating with the Jakarta EE Ambassadors to drive the success and growth of the Jakarta EE community. I’d also like to encourage all Jakarta EE Ambassadors to start using the new logo to associate themselves with the group.

Java User Groups Will Be Able to Adopt a Jakarta EE Specification

We’re working to enable Java User Groups (JUGs) to become actively involved in evolving the Jakarta EE Specification through our adopt-a-spec program.

In addition to being Jakarta EE contributors and committers, JUG members that adopt-a-spec will be able to:

· Blog about the Specification

· Tweet about the Specification

· Write an end-to-end test web application, such as Pet Store for Jakarta EE

· Review the specification and comment on unclear content

· Write additional tests to supplement those we already have

We’ll share more information and ideas for JUG groups, organizers, and individuals to get involved as we finalize the adopt-a-spec program details and sign up process.

We’re Improving Opportunities for Individuals in the Jakarta EE Working Group

Let me start by saying we welcome everyone who wants to get involved with Jakarta EE! We’re fully aware there’s always room for improvement, and that there are issues we don’t yet know about. If you come across a problem, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

We recently realized we’ve made it very difficult (read impossible) for individuals employed by companies that are neither Jakarta EE Working Group participants nor Eclipse Foundation Members to become committers in Jakarta EE Specification projects.

We’re working to address the problem for these committers and are aiming to have a solution in place in the coming weeks. In the meantime, these individuals can become contributors.

We’ve provided the information below to help people understand the paperwork that must be completed to become a Jakarta EE contributor or a committer. Please look for announcements in the next week or so about the.

It’s Time to Start Working on Jakarta EE 9

Now that the Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan is approved, it’s time for everyone in the Jakarta EE community to come together and start working on the release.

Here’re link that can help you get informed and motivate you to get involved!

· Start with the Jakarta EE Platform specification page.

· Access the files you need on the Jakarta EE Platform GitHub page.

· Monitor release progress here.

All Oracle Contributed Specifications Are Now Available for Jakartification

We now have the copyright for all of the Java EE specifications that Oracle contributed so we need the community’s help with Jakartification more than ever. This is the only way the Java EE specifications can be contributed to Jakarta EE.

To help you get started:

· The Specification Committee has created a document that explains how to convert Java EE specifications to Jakarta EE.

· Ivar Grimstad provided a demo during the community call in October. You can view it here.

Upcoming Events

Here’s a brief look at two upcoming Jakarta EE events to mark on your calendar.

· JakartaOne Livestream – Japan, February 26

This event builds on the success of the JakartaOne Livestream event in September 2019. Registration for JakartaOne Livestream – Japan is open and can be accessed here. Please keep in mind this entire event will be presented in Japanese. For all the details, be sure to follow the event on Twitter @JakartaOneJPN.

· Cloud Native for Java Day at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Amsterdam, March 30

Cloud Native for Java (CN4J) Day will be the first time the best and brightest minds from the Java ecosystem and the Kubernetes ecosystem come together at one event to collaborate and share their expertise. And, momentum is quickly building.

To learn more about this ground-breaking event, get a sense of the excitement surrounding it, and access the registration page, check out these links:

o Eclipse Foundation’s official announcement

o Mike Milinkovich’s blog

o Reza Rahman’s blog

In addition to CN4J day at KubeCon, the Eclipse Foundation will have a booth #S73 featuring innovations from our Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile communities. Be sure to drop by to meet community experts in person and check out the demos.

Join Community Update Calls

Every month, the Jakarta EE community holds a community call for everyone in the Jakarta EE community. For upcoming dates and connection details, see the Jakarta EE Community Calendar.

Our next call is Wednesday, February 12, at 11:00 a.m. EST using this meeting ID.

We know it’s not always possible to join calls in real time, so here are links to the recordings and presentations from previous calls:

· The complete playlist

· January 15 call and presentation, featuring:

o Updates on the Jakarta EE 9 release from Steve Millage

o A call for action to help with Jakartifying specifications from Ivar Grimstad

o A review of the Jakarta EE 2020 Marketing Plan and budget from Neil Paterson

o A retrospective on Jakarta EE 8 from Ed Bratt

o A heads up for the CN4J and JakartaOne Livestream events from Tanja Obradovic

Stay Connected With the Jakarta EE Community

The Jakarta EE community is very active and there are a number of channels to help you stay up to date with all of the latest and greatest news and information. Tanja Obradovic’s blog summarizes the community engagement plan, which includes:

• Social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Group

• Mailing lists: [email protected] and [email protected]

• Newsletters, blogs, and emails: Eclipse newsletter, Jakarta EE blogs, monthly update emails to [email protected], and community blogs on “how are you involved with Jakarta EE”

• Meetings: Jakarta Tech Talks, Jakarta EE Update, Jakarta Town Hall, and Eclipse Foundation events and conferences

Subscribe to your preferred channels today. And, get involved in the Jakarta EE Working Group to help shape the future of open source, cloud native Java.

To learn more about Jakarta EE-related plans and check the date for the next Jakarta Tech Talk, be sure to bookmark the Jakarta EE Community Calendar.
