WiX and System Folders 系统目录 installshield 如何将文件安装到C盘根目录

Property name Brief description of property
AdminToolsFolder Full path to the directory containing administrative tools for an individual user.
AppDataFolder Full path to the Application Data folder for the current user.
CommonAppDataFolder Full path to application data for all users.
CommonFiles64Folder Full path to the predefined 64-bit Common Files folder.
CommonFilesFolder Full path to the Common Files folder for the current user.
DesktopFolder Full path to the Desktop folder.
FavoritesFolder Full path to the Favorites folder for the current user.
FontsFolder Full path to the Fonts folder.
LocalAppDataFolder Full path to directory that serves as a data repository for local (nonroaming) applications.
MyPicturesFolder Full path to the MyPictures folder.
PersonalFolder Full path to the Personal folder for the current user.
ProgramFiles64Folder Full path of the predefined 64-bit Program Files folder.
ProgramFilesFolder Full path of the predefined 32-bit Program Files folder.
ProgramMenuFolder Full path to the Program Menu folder.
SendToFolder Full path to the SendTo folder for the current user.
StartMenuFolder Full path to the Start menu folder.
StartupFolder Full path to the Startup folder.
System16Folder Full path to folder for 16-bit system DLLs.
System64Folder Full path to the predefined System64 folder.
SystemFolder Full path to the System folder.
TempFolder Full path to the Temp folder.
TemplateFolder Full path to the Template folder for the current user.
WindowsFolder Full path to the Windows folder.
WindowsVolume The volume of the Windows folder.


